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• 1991-10-26
• In the US of A. :B
Member Since
• 2006-02-27
• Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
• *shifty eyes* Momo...
• I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
• Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
• DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
• To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
• Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
• I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Sunday, May 7, 2006
An Orange'd Up 13...
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: Unknown... Despair... A Lost by DIRU
Man... I can't believe that the weekend is over already. >_< Stupid time goes by too fast. Yesterday I went to an International Fest in our town and it was REALLY boring. There were only like 4 booths set up... there was one with origami and Mom said I should've gone to talk to the people in Japanese and freak them out. LOL It'd be fun, but I was afraid that I'd look like an idiot for not knowing all that much. Besides, it was an origami booth and I don't even know how to say "fold." ;_; Grrness. Anyhow, I finished the song that I said kinda sounded like "Kasumi." It's basically talking about how when I was little everything seemed so wonderful and beautiful... but now that I've grown up, I see all the pain and waste in my neighborhood. Also, today I wrote a poem that was partially inspired by "Akuro No Oka" and "Ain't Afraid To Die." I watched the video for "Ain't Afraid To Die" last night and it was so sad that I started crying... it was so sad and it ate at my heart. My parents started freaking out and asked if I had taken my depression medication but I guess they just don't understand how deeply it touched me. And I was partially jealous of that girl who got her hand kissed by Kyo. >_<

I watched "Mission Impossible 3" today and it was AWESOME. I haven't seen the first 2, but you can still follow the storyline and they have some wicked previews for X-Men 3, Pirates of the Carribean 2, and Nacho Libre. But anyhow, my dad said that this movie was a REAL "Mission Impossible." Also, part of it was in China, so that made me happy. ^^ And there was a limo that pulled up in a wasteland-ish place and it reminded me of the NIN music video for Starf*ckers Inc. But it's a really good movie filled with suspense, action, conspiracy, and romance. And plus, Tom Cruise looked pretty good in it... he's pretty nice looking for someone his age... Tom looks so spiffy in grungy clothes... He also has really pretty eyes. ^//^ I wuv pretty eyes.

Okay, since I'm bored, I'm gonna create a DIRU survey. Yay!!!
1. What DIRU PV is the sexiest?
2. What DIRU costume is the best?
3. What's your favorite Toshiya costume?
4. What's your favorite Kyo costume?
5. What's your favorite Kaoru costume?
6. What's your favorite Die costume?
7. What's your favorite Shinya costume?
8. Who do you think goes the most unappreciated?
9. What DIRU PV is the scariest?
10. What DIRU PV is the cutest?
11. Who's house would you want to go in the most?
12. Who would you want a makeover from?
13. What DIRU song do you want to be put into a PV?
14. What DIRU song makes you want to dance the most?
15. What is the saddest DIRU song?
16. Who do you think would rock the most at DDR in DIRU?
17. Who has the biggest split personality (stage/backstage) in DIRU?
18. Who would be the most fun to hang out with out of DIRU?
19. Do you think Kyo looks good in dresses or should he stick to pants?
20. Who's hair do you want?

OMFG, Kaoru's geta are so cool...
1. [KR] Cube... everyone's so sexy with weapons. ^^
2. Toshiya's costume during the Gauze era... I love the deflated boobs! XD
3. Either the one listed above or his plaid skirt... so adorable!!! ^^
4. His outfit from OBSCURE... the gauze over his face is sooo smexy.
5. His Childprey or Drain Away costume... those spikes are the shizzle!
6. Like Toshiya, his costume from the Gauze era... vinyl is AWESOME.
7. His out fit from "Saku"... he looks about 10x more sexy, if that's possible!
8. Shinya... everyone is so mean to him but without him, DIRU would suffer beyond belief.
9. Mm... I don't really know... they're all pretty scary. LOL j/k
10. Childprey... I love how it makes NO SENSE at all.
11. Kyo, I guess... they'd all be really interesting, though! ^^
12. Toshiya, he's so pretty!!! ^o^
13. Mm... Marmalade Chainsaw... I'd like to see how they'd portray that song.
14. Saku, I like to jump up and down and scream the chorus whenever I listen to it. XD I did it with my friends watching one time and they stayed away from me for a while. XD
15. Either "Ain't Afraid To Die" or "Akuro No Oka"... they both made me cry the first time I saw them.
16. Die, since he drinks so much Coke. XD
17. Kyo. He's so crazy on stage but backstage he's quiet and reserved.
18. Gah! I can't decide! Either Kaoru, Toshiya, or Die, they're all so hyper and crazy! ^^
19. I think he should stick to pants, he looks the hottest in them. ^_~
20. I don't know... all of their hair seems so silky and beautiful. ^^
Well, my bro wants to check his e-mail and "The Simpsons" is on. ^^ Later, my loves!
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