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• 1991-10-26
• In the US of A. :B
Member Since
• 2006-02-27
• Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
• *shifty eyes* Momo...
• I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
• Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
• DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
• To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
• Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
• I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, May 8, 2006
Mama, I need some more candy...
Current Mood: Bored
Current Song: [KR] Cube by DIRU
Man, I need to stop eating ice (not the drug, FROZEN WATER, you sick, sick people)... my mouth is all numb. >_< Whenever I talk after eating ice, it sounds like I'm drunk from slurring my words or have cotton stuck in my mouth. XD It's funny either way. ^^ Ice rules!!!
As you can clearly see, I have changed my layout to ONCE AGAIN, Dir en Grey. If you have a problem with it, I am sorry. You may say whatever you like about me or Dir en Grey, but this is who I am and what I like. If you're dissatisfied with it, you may leave until you are satisfied with my site or never again. Either way, I am fine with it. And plus, I was looking for this wallpaper of Kyo since it's one of my favorites... he's so hawt in it. XD Plus, "Mazohyst of the Decadence" is a solid, creepy song.

You REALLY wanna mess with him? Yeah, I didn't think so...
I've had "[KR] Cube" (Zakuro thinks Die is scary in that PV where I think he's hot XD) and "Mask" stuck in my head all day... it's so cute in the "Macrabe 00-01" tour (I HAVE THE DVD, IT'S SO AWESOME!!!) whenever they're singing "[KR] Cube" live and Kyo starts waving his hands in the air.. I just want to squeal and hug the TV whenever he does it... hehe. ^^ So, in honor of Kyo-san, I made up a happy dance that I was doing in gym today where I do a skip-thing where my feet go from side to side and I wave my hands in front of my chest. :D But my friends won't do it with me cause they think it's weird and they have a "reputation" to hold up. T^T Screw them!!! LOL j/k I just don't care about my reputation and I know I'm weird but don't care. It was also really funny because Jesse brought a bright pink ribbon to school and I just looked at it with this horrified expression and she started touching me with it and I started screaming... LOL She knows I hate pink so she tied it to the front of her purse so I HAD to look at it. Gah. >_< Then she stuck the ribbon on me AGAIN in Social Studies so I started yelling "NO, STOP!!!" and the entire class was staring at us as I was trying to fight her back and the teacher eventually cleared his throat and we got the hint. ^^; It was still fun, though!!! :D

Aww... kawaii!!!
DIRU is coming to my state with Korn but they don't have the dates posted on Dir en Grey's, Korn's, or MTV's sites!!! I'm afraid that they may not come until late this year, but I hope they come in the summer... ;_; I have to see DIRU if they come to my state!!! It'll kill me if I don't!!! But I hope I do get to go and that I get the dates. That way, Areina-chan, Oneechan, and I can kidnap the entire band and make them take us to Japan (Kyo can't stay out of Japan for more than a week without getting homesick... aww... and Japan is more fun than America) where we shall marry them and have tons of super-happy fun!!! ^//^ LOL, I wish. It would be cool, though. It would be even more cool if I were to take some of my songs to the concert and translate them into Japanese, show them to Kyo, and he liked them!!! *OMFG, SQUEE!!!* It's nice to dream.

Aww, Kaoru's so adorable in that pic!!! ^^
Okays, I got to go cause my brother is taking his pants off outside >_<" and "Face/Off" (Reita-kun from Gazette's favorite movie!!!) is on and it's awesome... I love you all, my darlings~!
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