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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Even I Don't Know What I Truly Want.
Current Mood: Sleepy/Confused
Current Song: Increase Blue by Dir en Grey
There's only one real word to describe yesterday. And that one word is WHOA. I went to a field trip with my orchestra class to a theme park. So on the bus, I sat by myself and studied Japanese and read and watched the view outside. I was originally going to be in a group with all the kids in my grade, but my little friends convinced me to get in a group with them. So I agreed to, and one of my classmates was screwing around with me like poking me in the back, tapping me on the shoulder, you know, stuff like that. But then we went to a ride that I had never been on before.. and I was kinda scared. He then offered to sit with me, so I agreed and he seemed really suprised. The more we walked around the park, the more he talked, and he began to flirt. One time he put his arm around my shoulders and said "hey, baby", called me his girlfriend, kept on wanting to sit next to me on rides, offered to share a drink with me, asked me if I do anything on weekends, and the list goes on and on. I mostly just giggled and blushed whenever he did these things, and it was pretty obvious that he liked me. I don't really see him all that much, but the more I talked to him, the more I realized how much of a nice guy he is. I mean, sure, he's kinda dorky, but I'm dorky too and I can let it all fly without being judged. Then, on the bus, he sat next to me and we got caught in traffic, so we sat together on the bus for 5 hours. Mostly, he did the talking (I don't like talking all that much, I'm a good listener, and am intrested in what people have to say) but I didn't really mind. I ocassionally drew little chibi of DIRU and he made fun of them (like how big their heads were and stuff >_<) and made his eye twitch whenever I read Dracula but it was funny anyway. Since we were stuck in traffic for 3 hours and I was starting to get sleepy, he asked if I'd like to lay my head on his shoulder. I hesistated, but eventually agreed. He really trusted me since he had talked to me about his parents getting divorced (he started crying whenever he told me about it... I started crying too. ;_;) and what his life is like and how much he loves his religion. A few minutes later he asked "um... this is really hard for me but... uh... do you like me... y'know.. um, as a boyfriend?" >_< Boys are so effing clueless!!! I never whore out like I did that day and he still didn't know if I liked him or not!!! So I just said "Yes, I like you as a friend... and a boyfriend." His face then lit up and I layed my head back on his shoulder and held his hand. It was really sweet. He then told me that he's liked me since 4th grade (O_O WOW) and that he was really nervous to ask me. Whenever we got back to the school, he was really upset that I had to leave, and I was too. However, now that the day is over, I kinda question what I did. I mean, he's a really nice boy, but I still like the other guy... I don't know what to do. It seems like everytime I door opens for me, I want to pick another one. I'm so confused... I like him, but not as much as the other boy. What should I do???

Today, of course, is Mother's Day. I wrote my mom a letter that made her cry (happy tears, but I still felt bad -_-) and made her a paper crane. I know it's not a lot, but she really liked it. My dad got her some really pretty crimson roses and a pink card with a heart and pink roses on it. I went to my grandma's and we ate a really big country-styled (they're VERY southern) lunch and my mom bought her the PRETTIEST cake. It was white with soft yellow icing around the rim and a branh of magnolias made from sugar on top. I wanted to take a picture of it but I didn't have a camera with me. XP Grandma gave mom two roses that she grew in her garden (one deep red one and a pinkish-orange one that looked more like a crysanthemum) that smelled so beautiful! I loved them and they're in a class vase right now. I was able to look outside and see all the cardinals and blue jays and wrens, the were all so pretty. Grandma showed me a little book with the most common birds in America and they were all so gorgeous... I have a strange attraction to birds, they just seem so majestic and free. So, my Mothers' Day was good (even though I'm not a mother-I'm far too young XD). How about you guys?

Well, I have to go and watch some DIRU PVs. ^^ Loves and see you guys later!
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