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• 1991-10-26
• In the US of A. :B
Member Since
• 2006-02-27
• Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
• *shifty eyes* Momo...
• I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
• Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
• DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
• To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
• Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
• I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Kiss Me Deadly
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Childprey by Dir en Grey
Okay, everyone. I finished my Dir en Grey fanfiction thing... it isn't as long as I promised, but I've decided to make chapters if you guys want more of this story. Also, I know it isn't my best, so please forgive me. Remember, the members are called by their real names in here, so Kyo is called Tooru and Die is called Daisuke. This story mainly focuses on Kyo, but didn't you expect that from me? And Oneechan, you have blonde hair, don't you? If you don't, I'm sorry... I wrote in this story that you do. ;_; Here you are, and please leave what you think. ^^
Sitting at his vanity, Niimura Tooru stared at his own reflection. Pushing a thin cigarette between his lips, he examined himself while igniting the tip of his precious poison. His face glinted with sweat and fake vomit; he had just finished a live. Sighing, Tooru removed his soiled shirt in the sink, leaving it for the laundry woman.
Suddenly a gaijin girl sheepishly opened the door. She was blushing (or so it seemed) and cloaked her face with her chocolate brown hair. She had on a name tag that only staff members possesed.
" Are you new?" he asked and her face turned magenta.
"Oh, hai, hai." She bowed so much it made him motion sick. "I just came to pick up the laundry." Her Japanese was a little rough and she sounded too polite. He shrugged it off as he exahled a halo of smoke and nodded towards the sink. She bowed again ("what the hell's her problem?" he thought) and scuttled to the counter where she held the clothing as if it were made of gold.
"Um... hey, are you okay? I'll just do it if it's too much trouble." Tooru replied, an eyebrow arched while flicking ashes into their tray.
Out of the blue, the girl turned around and screamed something at the stop of her lungs in a foreign language, English, maybe. The screech stabbed through his skull like a knife and he covered ihs ears, desperate to escape the terrible noise. His world suddenly went black and felt a bag being pulled over his head. The gaijin whined, obviously concearned about something.
Tooru was suddenly hauled to his feet and dragged away, kicking his feet helplessly while screaming all the profanities he knew. Nothing seemed to be working. He tried to speak to them in English but found himself too panicked to think. A cool air bit at his bare chest and was pushed into a cramped space, hitting someone else. His hood was ripped off and he was staring the mock-laundry girl and another gaijin female with strawberry blonde hair straight in the face. They smiled trumphantly and chattered in English, like excited squirrels. To tell the truth, Tooru was afraid.
The door shut and he realized that he was in the back of a car with his bandmates Daisuke, Shinya, Toshiya, and Kaoru. They all seemed rather disshevelled and upset, either pouting or cursing to themselves. Well... some of them.
Daisuke was giggling non-stop, a can of beer in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other. Kaoru's lips were pressed together into a thin line and his brow was furrowed while holding a lighter's flame to the metallic wall. Toshiya was silently smirking, the faint glow of a cigarette between his fingers. Shinya, huddled in a corner, hugged his chihuahua, Miya, both who were shaking all over. Tooru noticed a pack of cigarettes and can of beer for each member, even though Shinya didn't smoke and hardly ever drank. Tooru cracked open his can of beer and sighed, learning against the wall.
"Anyone know who those chicks are?" Tooru enquired, choking down a gulp of the amber liquid.
"Nope, but they look pretty happy to see us. There was another girl who was, eh... very skilled with her hands, if you know what I mean." Daisuke winked and Tooru accidently spit out some of his beer. His red-haired friend giggled and took another puff of his "cancer stick."
"Has anyone else been... um, violated?" Tooru hesitantly asked and they all shook their heads except for Kaoru, who was too busy trying to melt the wall with his lighter.
"What we have here is a kidnapping..." Toshiya grimly stated, his face without worry, "The worst kind of kidnapping... by FANGIRLS." Tooru's blood ran cold. Die laughed. Shinay began to cry. Kaoru threw down the lighter in hopelessness. Toshiya just took another puff of the tobacco, smoke tumbling out of his lips. An eerie spell fell over the room.
"Aww.. he's sooo cute!" Tooru's eyes flickered open at the mere word. "Shh, Kyo's awake!" Tooru sat up to see that he was lying in a Western-styled bed in a messy, tiny room. His small, wiry frame was drenched in an oversized shirt and his boxers. Appalled, he looked around the room for the culprit and saw the two gaijin girls he met earlier and another with blonde hair.
"Ohaa, Kyo-san!" the dark-haired girl beamed, a smile crossing her lips. Tooru pushed away a stuffed animal he had clung to in his sleep and scowled.
"Where am I?" he growled and the brown-haired girl began to sqeal and wave her hand in the air.
"My house! Did you have a good sleep?" she asked with hopeful eyes. He shurgged while scratching his head, giving a slight yawn. "Is there anything I can get you? Cigarettes? Alcohol? Music? My virginity?" Tooru supressed a laugh, you had to love fangirls.
"Can I have some breakfast?" he asked and she nodded. "By the way, what's your name?" All three girls smiled.
"I'm Momo" she pointed to herself and he noted that she wore clothes about two sizes too big for her "she's Areina" she pointed to the blonde girl with a "Bocky" shirt on, "and this is Kitten." she finished while pointing to the other blonde girl who wore a strange combination of clothing.
Once the girls left the room, he put on a pair of jeans and a shirt lying at the foor of the bed, neatly folded. "At least they haven't put us in a dungeon or killed us and raped our dead bodies or something..." Tooru thought and walked out to the living room, where the rest of his bandmates were. Kaoru and Daisuke were playing on a Playstation 2, Toshiya was watching obscene music videos on the computer, and Shinya was sipping on a cup of tea while reading a book. Tooru sat on a counch and picked up a notebook that read "Kyo he-For Kyo" in meagerly written Japanese with a pen lying on top. He grinned, slightly touched by the small but thoughtful sntiment. He flipped through the pages, presseed flowers and pictures falling out, probably for inspiration. "These girls really know their facts", he thought with a slightly frightened smile.
A plate of eggs, waffles, and strawberries was placed in front of him and he saw Momo, looking as if she were about to cry. "I'm so sorry, Kyo-san... I didn't have any rice or fish or beans, so I had to make you an American breakfast. I'm so sorry, please don't hate me." she sniffed and he stared at her in disbelief.
"No, no, it's okay. See?" he took a bite of strawberries. "It's good... don't cry." he replied and she suddenly smiled and giggled, clapping happily. This girl was a fucking schetzo. He popped another strawberry into his mouth, staring at his bandmates. Daisuke and Kitten were making out on an opposite couch. Shinya, finishing off his tea, sat next to Areina as she pet Miyu. Both Kaoru and Toshiya were now blocking the computer, drooling over American eroticy. Tooru began cutting up his waffles, silently contemplating how he could fend off the crazed females with the butter knife he now possesed but decided against it... they had been nice enough, why not stay a little longer? Momo was now staring at him adoringly, a please smiled brightening her face.
"Do you need anything else, Kyo-san?" she sweetly asked, her intonation becoming higher every moment. He shook his head and stuffed the last morsel of waffle into his mouth, flipping through his notebook.
"Thanks for the notebook." he replied and she smiled even wider, if it was possible. Daisuke suddenly stood up, carrying Kitten in his arms while screaming unintelligible things. He ran into the bedroom Tooru had previously been in, slamming the door in a hurry. Kaoru and Toshiya ripped their attention away from the computer and wedged themselves into the room, giggling mischeviously. Tooru smiled and shook the head, amused by his sex-crazed band members.
He streached, yawning, and reached for the remote, flipping through the absurdities of American television. He made himself comfortable, leaning back in a comfortable position. As soon as he was at peace, he suddenly felt a slight tug at the crotch of his jeans. He shifted uncomfotably, thinking nothing of the minor dilemma. However, when he felt the pull again, he looked down to see Momo carefully undoing his pants.
"Hey, what the Hell?!" Tooru screeched, jumping up and buttoning his pants back up. She looked at him innocently, almost sadly, with a slight pout.
"But Kyo-saaan..." she whined, crawling closer to him, "Shinya and Areina-chan are already kissing! Besides, I promise to do anything you want!!!"
As she said that, Kaoru, Toshiya, Daisuke, and Kitten stumbled out of the bedroom, dizzy and grinning madly. "Kyo, do it, man. American chicks are AWESOME. I'm never leaving here..." Daisuke stated, pulling down his crumpled shirt.
"Move, our turn!" Areina commanded, pushing her way past the other bandmates and dragged Shinya into the bedroom. The boys began to cheer and do something that looked like a rain dance, like a pack of wild howler monkeys on ecstacy. Tooru laughed and joined them, jumping up and down while babbling as fast as his mind could comeup with new gibberish. Kitten and Momo were talking to each other, giggling in English and taking pictures of the twitching group of boys.
After about 20 minutes of singing Japanese folk songs, chugging beer, laughing incesintly at Momo's Japanese Street Slang book, playing DDR, and snorting Gatorade powder, they all ran out of steam and hit the floor. Once Areina and Shinya finally came out of the room, they were just as tired and Areina had a slight limp to her step. The boys cheered and pat Shinya on the back as he slightly blushed.
"Congrats, Shinya!" Daisuke exclaimed, handing him a coke, "You finally got some ass!" Shinya gave him a death flare and shook his can of soda, his lips pressed into a pale line. As Daisuke turned to talk dirty to Kitten once again, Shinya pulled the tab of the can, sending a torrent of coke towards his enemy. Areina couldn't help but supress a laugh as Daisuke stood there like a wet dog, hair flattened and clothes dripping. The room was soon filled with laughter as Shinya and Daisuke avoided getting hit with alluminum cans, some still with coke in them. Kaoru and Momo were, well... it SEEMED like they were wrestling. Shinya and Daisuke were still in their soda can fight. Toshiya laughed and swung an arm around Tooru's neck, grinning like an idiot.
"What's the matter, Kyo? Cheer up! WE're in America with everything we could ever want! What's got you down?" Toshiya asked, examining the scene with a proclamined grin. Tooru looked at him meaningfully. "Ohh... that? Don't worry about it, I'll get you some fake puke by the end of the day, promise." Tooru smiled at his friend's offer, he missed the feel of yogurt, eggs, and chunks of food rolling over his tongue.
"Hey, Kyo! Why is Momo-chan telling me that you guys haven't done anything yet? I offered to take care of her, but apparently she won't know the boots with me until she's claimed you." Kaoru pouted, nodding over towards Momo talking to Areina and Kitten.
Tooru shrugged. "I guess I'm just not in the mood..."
"NOT IN THE MOOD? Dude, we got hot American girls, booze, cigarettes, a bedroom, and Gatorade powder! What else do you need?"
"Blood, scorpions, fake vomit..."
"Kyo, these girls are PREPARED. Mom has all those things and backups." Kaoru reasoned and Tooru paused, mulling this thought over while biting one of the holes his liprings would usually be.
"It is very tempting..."
"You bet it's tempting!" Kaoru screamed, loud enough that it got the whole room to stop what they were doing. While Daisuke wasn't looking, Shinya nailed him in the head with a can, perfectly aimed. This ignited the commotion once again, ignoring Kaoru's outburst. "Like I said, though, these girls are prepared, and Momo's willing to wait for you."
Tooru turned his gaze to the dark-haired gaijin. She looked like someone out of one of his songs. Maybe from "Drain Away"... but now she looked truly happy, no sign of sorrow. He walked over to Momo and grabbed her wrist, her eyes questioning what he was doing. "You're my bitch." he replied and her face brightened, smiling as wide as she could muster. She suprisingly had the strength to lift him up, his thin frame light in her arms. She rushed into the bedroom, closing and locking the door behind her. Everyone else began their "wild howler monkey on ecstacy" dance, celebrating that Momo was finally Tooru's bitch.

I know it's not the best, but I wrote it in two days, so give me a break. >_< Aah, I gotta get off cause G4 is luring me to the TV, my bro wants to get on the computer, and I gotta go play DDR. Lovey!!!
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