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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Saturday, June 3, 2006
Kururi, Fururi, Kuwari, Kurakurai!
Current Mood: Happy/Bored
Current Song: [KR] Cube by Dir en Grey
Hewo, everyone! ^^ Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I was kinda busy. Yesterday was reaally fun and actually made me happy to be at school. *gaspeth* Anyhow, we got our yearbooks (and my picture sucks, as always) and got to have yearbook signing. It was really fun although the hallway stunk like B.O. and was overwhelmingly hot from all the body heat. >_O Disgusting, I know, but it was worth it to sign all my friends yearbooks. ^-^ My favorite signature was from Carley, she is so sweet. ^^ It said "Hey, it's me, Carley. I know we had our ups and downs," (meaning my, Momo's, emotional problems) "but I'm so glad I met you, I love you, and you mean so much to me." It made me feel all warm and special, like someone really, TRULY does love me. ^//^ I felt kinda tacky though because I wrote long, meaningful messages in everyone's yearbook when people wrote inside jokes and short messages in mine.. oh, well. -_- It was hilarious though because this guy named Xzavier who says's that I'm his baby's momma (XD) came up and was like "Baby, will you sign this for me, please?" I laughed and put down "I love you, baby, and I'll make sure to say hi to your son for you." He went, "aw, that's my baby!!!" and hugged me, it was so funny. XD I mean, it's not that often you see a guy who carries a Bloods flag in his backpocket calling some "goth" Japanese-obsessed chick his baby's momma. Last night I went to go see "The DaVinci Code" with Carley, Miranda, Cliff, Luis, Chase, Cole, and Rachel last night, which was tons of fun even though I didn't really get to talk to anyone that much. ;_; The movie was REALLY good and you don't have to be a Christian to enjoy it. I'll have to watch it again though because Chase liked to scream at the top his lungs whenever he talked to Cliff and I got annoyed whenever a couple one seat away from me started making out. (GET A ROOM! >_< Other people have to sit in those seats, too!) Because I liked it so much I started reading "Angels & Demons", the prelude to "The DaVinci Code" (which I plan to read as soon as I'm done with "Angels & Demons"). On the previews they had once again, another remake of a J-Horror movie. It's called "Pulse", hardcore J-Horror fans will know what I'm talking about. I haven't watched it yet, but I've heard it's really good, although the American preview didn't look all that scary or good. >_< During the previews Luis kept on eating my popcorn/dinner. XD I also came up with names for the little Build A Bear Workshop toys from McDonalds I get in my happy meals (yes, I still get happy meals -_-). The frog is Kaechan (Kaeru= Frog), the black bear is Kuuchan (Kuro= Black), the white bear is Yuuchan (Yuki= Snow), and the brown bear is Chokochan (Chokoreeto= Chocolate). ^^ Kawaii desu, ne???

Although the teddy bears are cute, Kyo-kun is 10x cuter. ^-^
All I really did today was participate in an Aikido tournament (I'm brown belt) and win 3rd place in the kata portion and recieve a medal for good sportsmanship. One of my friends broke his toe but still won overall 3rd place (basically to win overall, all you had to do was spar but I hate fighting and suck at it because I don't want to hit/hurt anyone. ;_;). Alot of little kids were crying because they didn't win. -_- I'm glad I'm older now. Other than that, I just watched DIRU's "Filth", "Childprey" and "[KR] Cube" PVs, three works of ART. "Filth" is so awesome, it's really weird and Kyo somehow has the ability to be kawaii even when he's coming out of a insect-robot-fairy-thing-y. I don't know how he does it... "Childprey" is super funny because the song talks about a dying child but the PV is about saving the world from vampire rats. XD Don't you just love their crackbaby-ness? In "[KR] Cube" (one of the PVs that stole my virginity XD) it's about Die, Kaoru, and Shinya leading out a plan to kill Toshiya and Kyo even though the actual song's about a mother/father (not sure, they don't really identify who in the song) killing their child. (Damn, have you guys noticed that DIRU really has it out for kids?) But anyways, "[KR] Cube" is so hot that I have to watch it about 4 times in a row before I'm slightly satisfied. It's not as good as "OBSCURE", but is as good as it comes. ^^

These outfits are from "Kasumi."
Well, I's got to go. I'm bored and my mouth still tastes like the mouthpiece I wore at the tournament (which tasted like Vienna sausages- GEEEH!). >_< Later, my peeps!
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