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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, June 19, 2006
Even If the Clock Turns To the Left...
Current Mood: Iouno
Current Song: Cage by Dir en Grey
Today is one of those days where I feel like I have no emotion... I mean, I still feel, I still laugh, and everything, but I don't know if I'm happy or sad or anything. I feel zen, I guess. >_< I'm so friggin weird, I confuse myself.
I just woke up an hour ago, so nothing has really happened today. Basically the only thing exciting I've done today is try a new flavor of instant ramen. XD Reeeeaaaal exciting. I tried Top Ramen's "Oriental" instead of my usual "Chicken" because since I've turned vegetarian, I can no longer eat the Chicken flavor (it has chicken powder in it). It basically tastes the same, so I like it. DUDE, COCOA KRISPIES HAS LIGHT-UP SKULLS IN EVERY BOX!!! I WANT SOME!!! >.< (Damn you, advertizing~! I don't even like Cocoa Krispies... ;_;)
Yesterday, was Father's day, of course. All we did was have a friend visit for about 1/2 hour, go to the mountains to eat Greek for lunch, go to my grandma's house, come back home, go to bed. I feel bad that Dad's Father's Day sucked so much. It was funny whenever we were in the Greek restaraunt, though, because I was reading a Japanese book and my dad just shook his head. "An American girl reading a Japanese book in a Greek restaraunt... she's gonna explode from all the cultures clashing together." I just laughed and said "Hey, I'm being multi-cultural!" I tried some Baklava (sp?), a Greek desert that contains a very light, flaky dough, honey, nuts, and cinnamon. It was alright, although too sweet and it gave me a stomach ache after eating half of it (I can't eat anything too sweet or I feel sick). The guy who owns the restaraunt it so nice, he always talks to us when we come up there to eat and gives us desert on the house. All the way up and back the mountain, I listened to Dir en Grey's "Withering To Death", their newest album and my second favorite of theirs. I kept on listening to "Spilled Milk", that song is a classic Kyo-ism... the clash of serenity and chaos forming to make a masterpiece. ^-^ Also, I layed my head back and closed my eyes while listening to "Higeki wa Mubuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu", a beautiful yet subtle song. (I watched a live of it and the backscreen was GORGEOUS... they had a lunar lily blooming on it and Kyo was RIGHT on target, it sounded exactly like it did on the album. It was so pissed when YouTube cut it short, I started cussing my heart out. XD) Whenever I closed my eyes, I imagined a boy's childhood, each stage until the current time. I imagined pastels during the soft parts, but as it got louder and stronger, everything turned darker and you saw the boy's more horrific parts of his life. During the last part I just imagined the boy kissing a geisha before he ran away, tears streaming down his face... before I could end the dream-thingy I was having, the song was cut short (all my J-rock CDs are burned because my parents won't let my shop over the internet ;_;) and I wasn't able to finish it. ToT That saddened me! All the songs on that album provoked imagines in my mind, but "Higeki was Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu" was the most vivid. I love it whenever songs do that. ^^ And I have an awesome idea for a PV for "Beautiful Dirt" if they ever did one... to me, it sounds like two Kyos are yelling at each other in the song, one light, and one dark... also, I think of an entirely white room whenever the song plays. They could have two DIRUs, rivaling each other during the song. I know it's a pretty mainstream idea, but that's what I always think of whenever I see it. I actually fell asleep listening to DIRU with the volume all the way up (the way I always listen to it) and my brother paused it whenever I was asleep and the lack of sound actually woke me up. XD At my grandma's house we ate some cobbler and talked... well, at least my grandparents and parents did, I was reading my Japanese book. Poppy (my grandpa) gave me and my brother some duck calls, I love them. ^-^ Whenever you blow into it as hard as you can, it sounds like a duck having an orgasm. XDDD The rest of the day I just studied Japanese and folded paper cranes for Kyo. OMFG, on "Web Junk 20" they have a Japanese video of a walrus doing sit ups and a PV of I think the "Azumanga Daiou" (I don't know if I spelled that right, I don't watch the show. XD) theme song and a Japanese robot that crawls and a Japanese naked ice skater. >_< I friggin love the Japanese, they're so crazy.

I can't take my eyes off of Kyo and Kaoru in this pic... XD
Dude, I'm hungry. See you guys later, loves. ^-^
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