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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Saturday, June 24, 2006
La La La...
Current Mood: Hyper
Current Song: Wagamama Koushinkyouku by An Cafe
Konnichiwa!!! :D Sorry I didn't post yesterday, it was actually probably a good thing. -.- I was really angry and emo and getting ready to kill anything in my path. ;_; I'm better today, though. ^-^ Yesterday I woke up to my dog puking next to my head on my bed and on my floor... not the best wake up call. So I had to clean that up and put my sheets in the laundry. All yesterday for some reason my brain kept on replaying parts of last year... parts I want to forget. I ended up getting really angry, and at everything. I kept on snapping at my brother, which I feel really bad about, but he later told me that it was okay and he understood. I was so angry that whenever the snow cone machine didn't work (I was so angry that I thought a snow cone might help) and I started slamming the lid on it and jerking the plug out of the socket. I went into my room and started crying... I don't know why, I just did. I felt a little better after that, but whenever we went to dinner Mom almost banned me from looking at Dir en Grey for no reason... she saw that I was writing something about DIRU on my napkin and she said "you need to take a break off of this Dir en Grey... you can't look at them on the internet anymore." I looked at her with a shocked and hurt face, tears welling up in my eyes. If it weren't for my dad reasoning with her, she probably would have gotten her way. Once we got home I heard her murmer about how "the people" she lives with were "a bunch of fucking pigs." That pissed me off really bad, so I went into my room and wrote a letter to her (that I won't send to her) and listened to some DIRU. Whenever I listened to "The Final" I started crying, because I felt so alone and hopeless. Eventually I watched "Munich" afterwards and then went to bed.
Today I woke up at 9, which is huge for me... I usually get up at like 12. XD I just wandered around the house for a few hours, took a shower, and then watched some An Cafe clips (mostly I just watched the ED9 clip over and over again XD)... OMFG, Teruki has the cutest effing voice on this entire planet. >w< If Gir (from "Invader Zim") were Japanese, he would sound like Teruki. ^^ And whenever he imitated Bou he was so adorable and then he did a dog imitation!!! Totemo kawaii!!! ^o^ I love Teruki, I just want to cuddle him... and he has the most adorable smile ever. :D Also in the ED9 clip Miku did a voice that sounded like Yoda and kept on cracking up Kanon... it was so cute. ^-^ And Teruki kept on hitting Bou... poor Bou. ;_; OMFG, OMFG, they were doing a soundoff at the begining of the clip and they made me want to squee and hug the computer. XD An Cafe is so cute and sweet they give me cavities... and I NEVER get cavities. -_- POLL TIME!!!
1. Who is the cutest member?
2. Who is the funniest member?
3. Who is the hottest member?
4. Who would you like to go on a date with the most?
5. Who is your favorite member?
6. What is your favorite song?
7. What is your favorite PV?
8. Who's clothes do you want the most?
9. Name the number thing (other than the music) that you love about An Cafe.
10. Name one bad thing about An Cafe.

1. Either Teruki or Bou... they're so adorable!!! ^o^
2. Miku, he cracks me up, no matter what.
3. Kanon.... *drools*
4. Teruki... he seems like he's really sweet. ^-^
5. I think Teruki right now... not sure, though! >_<
6. Wagamama Koushinkyouku! The "lalala" gets me. ^^;
7. Merrymaking!!! It's SO CUTE!!
8. Bou's except without the pink. >_<
9. They are the cutest little things that ever existed...
10. They're too underground, especially in America!!! I can hardly find any of their songs!!! ;_;
I gotta go... I have to go to a baby shower and Reita-kun's (from Gazetto) favorite movie-Face/Off!!! ^o^
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