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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Munashikii Hana
Current Mood: Bored
Current Song: The Final by Dir en Grey
For some reason I really like the words "Munashikii Hana"... it means "useless flowers"... when I get old enough, I think I might get a tattoo of it next to a lily or something (how sad... I'm already planning my tattoos and piercings before I can actually get it done XD). I plan to get a tattoo of "This Too Shall Pass" on the underside of my left arm, "Munashiki Hana" on the upper left side of my back, an eyebrow piercing on my right eyebrow, a lip piercing on my right side (y'know, like an Aoi or Miyavi lip piercing), three more piercings in my left ear, two more piercings in my right ear, and I plan to get something tattooed on my left ring finger. XD My parents will kill me if they ever hear that, especially my mom. Oh, well... once I turn the age of where I can do it independantly, they can't do anything about it. Muhahahaha...

I should get as many piercings as Hitsugi... XD

Kyo's tattoos on his fingers are the coolest I've ever seen!!!
Yay, I'm watching one of my favorite movies... "Man on Fire" with Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, and Christopher Walken. It's about this man who is hired to guard a little girl in Mexico, since there are TONS of kidnappings in Mexico each year and 90% of the children there don't survive. The man is numb... he drinks all the time, he doesn't care about really anything, all he does is do his job. But over time, he begins to take a liking to the little girl. She makes him feel alive again. Just when everything starts to go right for him, the little girl is kidnapped. Now he must take revenge and get her back... it also has TONS of Nine Inch Nails music and has the most beautiful camera work I have ever seen in my pathetic little life. If you want to see a good movie, see "Man on Fire."
1. Man on Fire
2. Unleashed
3. Saw
"Saw" also has some beautiful camera work, but not as nice as "Man on Fire." They have a rather washed-out, sickly look that fits my taste. They also have a rather intricate story line that leaves you guessing until the end. "Unleashed" is more about the storyline for me... it's about this man who has been trained to kill every since he was a little boy... trained to kill in matches, like a dog fighter. He wears a leash whenever he is not in the ring, to keep him under control. But whenever the leash comes off, he's a killing machine. One day he meets a man who introduces him to music... and is the only one who was only truly nice to him in his life. As the man learns more and more about his past and what life is really like, he craves the kindness the man taught him. Yay!!! Go good movies!! ^-^ Oh, and here are some good books. Go read them.
1. Black Coffee Blues by Henry Rollins
2. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
3. Thr3e by Ted Dekker
4. The Giver by Louis Lowry
Yesterday was kinda boring... more exciting than usual, but boring, none-the-less. We went to Barnes & Noble... I want to work there whenever I get old enough. XD But anyways, I went straight to the Japanese section (where I always go XD) and looked at some books... I got pretty much the best ones they got there. A good book for learning Japanese and Japanese culture in one is "Everyday Japanese" by Edward A. Schwarz and Reiko Ezawa; a good book for learning Japanese slang is "Japanese Street Slang" by Peter Constantine. Whenever I want something, I always refer to those books. And plus, "Japanese Street Slang" cracks me up... I love it. XD I went to the music section after a while and was curious so I typed in "Dir en Grey"... the last time I checked them out at Barnes & Noble, the only listened "Vulgar" but had no available audio for the tracks. This time the had the little demo CD for "Saku" and the complete CD, including sound bites from "Withering To Death." In the review it compared them to bands such as Nine Inch Nails (SQUEE) and Marilyn Manson (don't tell them that... -.-), but it only gave the album 3 stars out of 5. I was getting ready to cuss out the computer, but I had my daily dose of Dir en Grey away from the house, so that made me happy. ^-^ Also while I was there I looked at a book called "I Hate Myself and I Want To Die: 52 of the Saddest Songs You've Ever Heard"... I don't remember the author, though. But I flipped through it and "My Immortal" by Evanescene and "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails were in there... two bands that I love. XD Not to mention that "Hurt" is my favorite NIN song. That gave me a good laugh. I also saw a book called "The Long Hard Road Out of Hell" by Marilyn Manson with Neil Gaither... it's a autobiography of him and I REALLY want it. It's only $16, has glossed full color photographs, different textures and fonts and pages for different chapters, and so forth. I plan on buying it next time I go back. After going to Barnes & Noble we went to a baby shower and the entire time I just played Uno on my gameboy. XD But I kept on getting so embarassed because alot of people there were people that my parents knew... and they knew me and my brother from when we were little but we didn't remember them. They would come up to me and say "the last time I saw you, you were as tall as my knee!!!" and stuff like that... one woman said I was a very pretty girl, right to my face. I just blushed and said thank you although I know she only said it to make my parents happy. I wish people wouldn't lie straight to my face like that. >_<
Today all we did was go out to eat and go to Game Stop... EXCITING. -_- I think I'm gonna type up my second DIRU fanfic with Oneechan and Areina-chan in it... probably sometime this week, so keep an eye out for it. Atode, minna.
P.S.-Areina-chan!!! For you!!!

Ze shirtless Shinya...

And cute little grossed out Shinya! ^-^
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