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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Kokoro ga itai...
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: 304 Goushitsu, Hakushi to Sakura by Dir en Grey
Tis the obsessor here... I'm so sleepy. I didn't get to sleep unti around three last night. ;_; Anyway, last night was pretty good. I tried eating some faux chicken made out of soy and it tasted alright... not the best, but I think i could get used to it. It sort of tasted like chicken, it looked like it except a little greyer, and has the same basic texture, just a little softer. After that I practiced some Japanese and then watched MXC (Most Extreme Elimination Challenge) on SpikeTV. For those of you who don't know (shame on you), MXC is a game show that was a hit in Japan called "Takeshi's Castle", staring one of Japan's most prized persons, Takeshi "Beato" Katano. Anyway, on MXC they put voices over the Japanese and turn it into a comedy show. It's REALLY funny and REALLY raunchy, I have to laugh everytime I watch it no matter how bad of a mood I'm in. After that I went to because earlier that day my dad checked out DIRU on Wikipedia because he was bored and wanted to see if it would cover them. So I went on there and it was actual pretty through! Actually, it was better than some of the fansites I've gone to. XD They also had a whole section devoted to my dear Kyo! <3 It also told that he sleeps a lot and is occassionally grumpy (that's too cute!-like a little puppy!!!), and that his favorite color is homo. XD You have to love Kyo no matter what. After that I watched some MXC, played Uno on my gameboy XD (I'm such a dork-and my name was Tooru XDDDD), and then wrote a song about Kyo. I was supposed to be sleeping whenever I wrote the Kyo song but I got inspired but I didn't want to lose it!!! It's called "Kibou" or "Wish."
Glinting onyx speaks to me like all your cryptic words
The bleeding, dying of the unknown
Your unspoken beauty stole me away
Did you kow you'd captivate me with the poison kiss?
Prying into the dead heart
The lily in the snow
I cry these scarlet tears, gazing at the moon
More precious than gold
I wonder if Orihime and Kengyuu weep for (*)
More beloved than my next breath
What never was and never will be
I'll build this bridge of dreams,
Hoping that someday I'll be able to reach you
My dear, my only
The scattered petals remind me of all my broken dreams
I can never find my wings
I won't accept the naseau of denial
I can't stop my rotting heart
Slowly dying, I can't quit
Loss of a pulse with face in hands
I cry these scarlet tears, gazing at the moon
More precious than gold
I wonder if Orihime and Kengyuu weep for (*)
More beloved than my next breath
What never was and never will be
I'll build this bridge of dreams,
Hoping that someday I'll be able to reach you
My dear, my only
Reason melts away
All logic has died
The only thing that remains is the burning soul
One half of all eternal
Not knowing how deeply you've touched me
Orihime to Kengyuu (*)
I'll build this bridge of dreams
Hoping that someday I'll be able to reach you
(*)-Orihime and Kengyuu are two ledgendary figures in Japanese culture. They are two stars (Orihime is Vega and Kengyuu is Altair) who are lovers but also have heavenly duties. And, to be like proper lovers would get in the way of their work. So, only once a year, are they able to see each other. The day is called Tanabata, where the Japanese celebrate the lover's meeting

There's my song. I know it sucks, but whatever. It was two in the morning, give me a break.
Gah, I bleed so damn much whenever I'm on my period. >_< I just bled through my CLEAN pair of bedpants. Gaaaaahhh!!! DIE, PERIOD, DIE!!!
I haven't really done anything today... perhaps it's the fact that I've only been away for a hour or so. XD I suck, I know. But I like my sleep!!! Like Kyo-kun. XD
1. We both sleep alot
2. We both sing
3. We both play an instrument (He plays a little of guitar and bass, I play the viola)
4. We are both song writers
5. We both enjoy the darker things in life
6. We both ocassionally get grumpy
7. We both love laughing
8. We both hardly smile (although I do smile more than he does)
9. We both used to cut ourselves (he's still doing it)
10. We both used to scratch ourselves (he's still doing it)
11. We both think that the world would be better off with sports (although I personally like bow and arrow)
12. We both like the colors black and white (although I like red more than white)
13. We both have trouble hearing out of one ear (Kyo out of his left and me out of my right)
14. We both enjoy freaking out/scaring people
15. We both like blood
16. We both love Kyoto (that's the first place I want to visit in Japan!!! Kyoto, Hokkaido, then Tokyo)
17. We both wear makeup
18. We both ocassionally wear dresses (He doesn't really do that anymore)
19. We both hardly pick on Shinya (I don't think I've ever seen him pick on Shin-chan!!!)
20. We are both weird

I LOVE this picture... ^//^
Ah, that's I all I really care to put down... I can put a whole lot more stuff like "we breathe" and shit like that. XD Well, I'm bored. Gotta go watch PVs!!! Later, my dears!!!
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