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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Popcicle Cannibals
Current Mood: Unknown
Current Song: Where's Gerald? by Orgy
Ah, alas. Today has been an Orgy-tastic day. XD But not in the way I'm leading you to think. I've been listening to one of my altime favorite bands today, called Orgy. They put the electric back in electric guitar. ^3^ Anyhow, they're kinda an electronic type of rock.. think NIN except a little softer with more electronics. With Amir's great ear for music and Jay's haunting voice and cryptic lyrics, Orgy is definately worth checking out. I think their best album is "Vapor Transmission", then "Candyass", and finally "Punk Statik Paranoia" (which really doesn't sound anything like Orgy). I really recommend "Vapor Transmission" and "Candyass" for authentic Orgy. Also, if you like Orgy, check out Amir's (and I THINK Jay's in it too) side band called Julein-K, they're really electronic too. My dad's been to one of their concerts and he said it was so loud that his clothes moved. XD I don't really recommend searching for any of their music videos, I've only found two, one for "Stitches" and one for "Fiction (Dreams In Digital)" (my favorite song!!! ^o^). BUT, I do really think that they're definately checking out. In fact, Orgy is my third favorite band. (Momo's favorite bands are Dir en grey, Nine Inch Nails, and Orgy) So check them out!!! >.<

I'd like to apologize for my comment on AFI yesterday. That was pretty mean of me. Okay, that was BITCHY of me. I shouldn't diss people like that. ;_; And... *winces* To tell the truth, I KINDA like the part of "Miss Murder" whenever he screams. >_O So, please, accept my apology.
I watched "Ultraviolet" yesterday and didn't really like it... I'd give it a 3 out of 5 at best. I will say nothing more in case someone here liked the movie.
OMG, today has been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO effing boring. My dad has gone to a comic con for the weekend and my brother went camping until Tuesday, so me and my mom have had the whole weekend to ourselves. Okay, I can list to you the highlights of my day.
1. Wake up
2. Take a shower
3. Make paper cranes
4. Play GameBoy
5. Eat
6. Drink
7. Use the bathroom
8. Walk
9. Pet the dog
10. Breathe
-_- That basically sums it up. Pretty sad, huh? I've made about 17 paper cranes today. >.> I usually make only 5 paper cranes a day (for Kyo-san, I'm sending them to him in hope that he will stop hurting himself) but I was really bored and wanted to take my mind off of some negative thoughts, so that's what I did. And now my thumbs and forefingers suffer. XP I played some Uno on my GameBoy (UNO. Come on. Who plays that on their GameBoy???) and I killed the computer. I'm telling you, I FUCK the computer in the ass when it comes to Uno. XD I kid, I kid, my friends. I also went to Wallmart to get some stuff for my dad... he wants Avenged Sevenfold's album "City of Evil" (as do I... X3) and season one of "The Venture Brothers." They had "City of Evil", except it was the edited version. I almost cussed the poor little CD case out. XD And the didn't have "The Venture Brothers." Since they didn't have that, I decided I would listen to a little of Three Days Grace's "One-X" but their damn computers were down so I couldn't do that. Fuggin Wallmart. >_< Then we went to Sam's Club and I got a big ass soda that I drank too fast and got a tummy ache. XP Stupid me. Then I sat at home and watched the Food Network and HGTV, some of my mom's favorite TV channels... I was getting ready to shoot myself in the head with one of the nail guns they were using. -.- So I made more paper cranes. And played some more Uno. Then we went to IHOP and I got sick from eating a cheese omelet... they put WAAAAAAAY too much cheese in it, I thought I was gonna puke... and usually I can eat enough cheese to constapate a whale. XD So I ate some pancakes with strawberry syrup. YUMMY! ^-^ And then I walked the dog with Mom for half an hour. And here I am. God, my life is boring. >_< I suck.

I like waffles better. XP
Lately I've been thinking of Zakuro and it eats me inside out. I want to die when I think of it. Somehow it seems like it's all my fault. Sometimes I think I just should have gone along and let her have him... I should played along and let me get manipulated. Now I stuck with nothing and no one. I feel so alone sometimes that I want to scream.
*sighs* I'm bored. And hungry. I think I'm gonna watch some PVs and eat some carrot sticks. Woe to me.
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