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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, July 10, 2006
Kudamono ga hoshii desu... ;_;
Current Mood: Dissapointed
Current Song: Yurameki by Dir en Grey
Gaaah, I am so pissed. >_< Yesterday I realized that I gained back some of the weight I had lost over the summer. Dammit!!! I haven't played DDR in about a month, so I guess that could be the problem... but I have less time for J-rock if I do that!!! ToT I must choose between J-rock or being healthy... fuck. I gotta be healthy. I guess I'll just start doing DDR in the evening so I'll still have time for J-rock but less for my Japanese studies. DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!!! Stupid, stupid, ugly me. T-T I walked 2 miles yesterday, so I guess that helps. *sighs* Oh, for any of you who are mildly interested, listen to "Withering to Death" while to you walk, it has quite a few songs that get your blood pumping. Also, yesterday, I tried to go see POTC2 but all the tickets were sold out. ;_; I'll have to wait until this weekend. Also, last night there were new episodes of "Chapelle's Show, Mind of Mencia, and Reno 911." ^-^ I thought "Reno 911" was the funniest, despite how much I love Dave Chapelle. And last night I had to eat soy chicken for the second night in a row. -_- Gah, sometimes I wish I weren't a vegetarian, there are more options. But I must do it for the animals. T^T God, I'm a whining bitch.
Today I ate dry, frozen waffles for lunch. -_- I need to eat some celery or carrots and yogurt. I want fruit so bad... I have no idea why, but I think I'm gonna go crazy if I don't have a strawberry RIGHT NOW. O_O Give me a peach or a banana or an apple or some grapes or an orange or something, for God's sake!!! ;_; Any how, I love Mad TV so much... it cracks the Hell out of me. XD Ah, I need to get something to drink. Those waffles were so fucking dry.
Wow, this post is actually pretty short. And pretty damn whiny. I'm sorry, you guys. I know that I suck. -_- Here are some pics to make up for it.

O_O K-kyo... *drools*

OMFG, I love Kao's face. :3

Die.. *doki doki*

*sigh* Toshiya-kun is so handsome... ^//^

I don't see how Shinya can be so pretty!!! ^o^
Um... yeah. I'm gonna go now. XD Atode.
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