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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The Feeling of Uncertainty
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: Ryoujoku No Ame by Dir en Grey (despite the fact that it's only 30 seconds long -_-)
I feel bad because last night I didn't play any DDR... damn me!!! >_< I was too sore so I decided I wouldn't and know I wish I had. *sighs* Stupid, achey muscles. Anyhow, despite the fact that I feel guilty about not DDRing, I'm happy because I have discovered the magic of Kana. ^-^ I listened to a little bit of Buck Tick ("Romance"), Shiina Ringo ("Ringo No Uta"), Nana Kitade ("KISS"), and I decided to listen to Kana... I had seen a couple of her pictures before and REALLY liked her style. So, I typed in her name and found the song "Hebi Ichigo"... at first I didn't know what to do about her voice, but after listening to 6 or more songs, I decided that I liked it. ^3^ It's really odd... her voice can sound sweet, screechy, brash, and she can scream!!! It's awesome! ^-^ I love how she's able to trash the image of the normal Japanese woman but still look adorable while she does it. :3 But curse Kana, she made me feel like a hentai during "Chimame"... -_- She was wearing a low cut shirt and I... um. >//< She's one of the prettiest women I've ever seen, and that made it worse. -//- I hate whenever stuff like that happens... I can't look at a picture of Kyo with his legs spread open for too long or I HAVE to scroll down. XD Anyhow, I REALLY like Kana's music and it makes me happy to see a woman in the J-rock world. Y'know... a REAL woman. X_X After that, I worked on my letter to Kyo and I had to tear one out because it wasn't good enough... so, I finally came up with a descent rough draft. I'm gonna type it up, and I want you guys to critize it... if you don't, I think you're up to something. PLEASE, I need for it to flawless.
If someone were to ask me what meant the most to me in life, without a doubt, I would confidently answer "music." Music is an enigmatic and rather touchy subject-everyone has a different opinion. Personally, I believe that "real" music has one true name-Dir en grey. Despite the fact that I am 14, an American, and have been a fan for only 1 1/2 years; Dir en grey has made a profound change in my life. Because of you and your band, I have began studying Japanese, changed the way I write lyrics, changed the way I revere music, opened my mind, realized who I want to be, and helped me realize that everyone, no matter what tongue they speak, all feel pain the same way.
When it comes to lyrics, I view you as a God. Never in my life had I ever read such heartfelt, sorrowful pieces of work. On numerous occassions I have been brough to tears upon reading one of your songs-without the music playing. Even such songs as "Zomboid" have an odd sense of wonder to them that astounds me. With ever song, new or old, you NEVER cease to amaze me.
The first song I ever learned how to sing in Japanese was Dir en grey's "Cage." I was amazed at how beautiful Japanese was, and heightened my interest in the language of Japan. I now hope to become fluent and move to "the land of the rising sun." And to think, all of this because of one song.
Not only do I admire you musically and lyrically, I also love how you're not afraid to be YOU. To me, this is what stands Dir en grey apart from other, more mainstream J-rock bands. You're not afraid to look a little obscure (ocassionally scary) and want to be the essential "pin-up" boy that too many Visual Kei artists are. Your kindess is something rare these days in celebrities, and I really take that to heart. You're a true induvidual, there's no other way around it.
I've always loved music, even as a child, but it is now what fuels me. Dir en grey in particular has helped me realize that. I hope to become part of a band upon my coming of age-I sing daily and am saving up money for a pair of drums. Even if that doesn't work out, I'll always hold music near and dear to my heart.
I've made you 1000 paper cranes in hope to show you my appreciation towards everything you've showed me. Even in America, you make a difference. I hope this letter has helped voice that, although I believe I'll never be able to express my gratitude towards you and Dir en grey. Thank you, and look forward to seeing Dir en grey in America.
Sincerely, (My name here)
Please, please, please, give me feedback on my letter. I need to make it better, but I don't know where to start. And if it's something like "write it over again", that's okay because I still have 880 paper cranes to go until I'm done. Aaah, I can't wait until "Ryoujoku No Ame" comes out, I getting ready to tear my hair out waiting for it. If you think this is bad, it'll be at its worst whenever it's the last three days... I'll probably get all foamy at the mouth and start screaming and crying. XD Until then I'll listen to Kana.


I wish I were as pretty as her... T-T
Oh, joy. "Double Chocolety Cookie Crisp." Another reason for American kids to get fat. -_-
I'm hungry and I gotta take a shower... I love you guys, and don't forget to proofread my letter. PLEASE. Byes~! ^-^
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