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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, July 17, 2006
>_< I'm so sorry...
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song: Ugly by Dir en Grey
Oh, I'm sooooo sorry, everyone!!! I haven't updated in about 4-5 days which is pretty unusual for me. -_- I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I've just been kinda preoccupied and nothing really exciting has gone on except for yesterday. Yay yesterday!!! ^3^ Anyhow, on Saturday all that really happened is that I went to Aikido (-_- The swordwork still has my arms huring!!!) and go see my grandma and poppy (yes, I call him poppy... leave me alone!!! >m<). There I was forced to eat a cookie, studied Japanese, lectured on how I need to do chores, and stood in the rain. Standing in the rain was nice. ^-^ I felt really at peace and it was all so gorgeous. Afterwards my parents fussed at me for getting wet. XD Once we got home I got on AIM and started talking to Alayna ("Chikan desu, ne???" XDDD), Jessica (KYO CAKE!!!), PunthicPanda (Toshiya XDDD), and some of my friends from school, which was nice. ^-^ Some of my school friends were pissed that I hadn't talked to them in nearly two months. ^^; Oops... anyhow, it was really fun and I ended up talking for about 4 hours. XDDD I guess time flys when you're rambling about J-rock. Yesterday, was quite more eventful than Saturday. We went to the restraraunt Firebones where Mom and Dad teased me about J-rock and telling me that Kyo was a bad idol. -_- I told them about "Higeki wa Mabuta wo Oroshita Yasashiki Utsu" (sp?) and that shut them up for a while. ^-^ Then we went to the mall, which I haven't been to in freakin EVER (like 3-5 months XDDD) and I went to Hot Topic. It hasn't changed alot, but I'm sorry to say that I had to buy something... ToT There was an issue of "Cure" (my FAVORITE Japanese magazine!!!) that had Phantasmagoria in it so I had to get it. -_- It was FIFTEEN DOLLARS. FIFTEEN DOLLARS. In Japan it's usually $8, but I had to buy it... I'm angry at myself for spending that much on a magazine, but... *looks at it* it's so awesome!!! ^o^ D is on the cover and I've decided to check them out!!! :D Actually, I made a whole list of J-rock bands I want to check out but looking through that magazine... about 30-40 total. ^^; I like "Cure" so much because not only does it talk about bands, but it also has tour schedules, fashion advice, highlights on clothing, and ways you can mimick J-rocker's make-up. :3 I can only read a little bit of it, what I can makes me happy. *wriggles* Anyhow, after losing alot of what little money I have, we went to go see... "PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST!!!!" WHOOOOOOOOOO!!! *victory dance* It was really good and I thought that it had FANTASTIC visual effects and storyline. It also brought up the ancient question to me-"would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?" I thought long and hard about this, and.... despite how much I love the Japanese, I would rather be a pirate. Why, you might ask? Well, ninja have about the same hygeine problems as pirates, and pirates have more fun. Even though I'm afraid of the ocean (got stung by a portugeuse-man-o'-war three years ago), I would rather be partying all day and night on top of the ocean than stay in one place just killing people. Pirate get to do that AND search for gold. So, yes, I am a pirate. Momo the pirate. I like the sound of that. X3 Anyway~, we went to Blockbuster after that and I got a movie called "Marebito" and came back home and ate me some ginger ramen. *SQUEE* Love that stuff. ^-^ After that I watched "Marebito", a Japanese horror movie that unviels the root of fear. "Marebito" literally translates to "rare person" but it can also be used for "stranger." Anyhow, I didn't think it was scary, just odd, and it made me horny. -_- Dammit. At least I learned about 8 new Japanese words from it. ^-^ Afterwards I studied some more Japanese and read a little bit more of "Cure" and went to sleep. Here I am. Miss me? ^.~ Probably not. XD Anyhow, that was my exciting weekend. Really. That's exciting for me. XDDD

Phantasmagoria!!! <3
Right now I am looking at my little retard baby (a.k.a. my dog, Lily) and wondering why the hell my brother is watching football. He changed it over to "That's So Raven." Good. I like that show. X333 Gah, I need to take a shower and eat some lunch... NAKED TIME!!! XDDD I'm just kidding... but not really. Love you guys and see you later~!!!
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