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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Friday, July 21, 2006
Let's Do the Monkey Dance!!! :3
Current Mood: Hyappi :D
Current Song: Reddish-diva version- by D'espairsRay
Yayayay!!! ^-^ How is everyone today, hmm? :D Yet another person has signed my guestbook and called me crazy... it seems that I've been getting alot of those lately. XDDD Blame the monkeys. ^^; Anyhow~, last night I talked to Alayna and Sharon and Jessica again (XD) and Alayna gave me an assload of songs (Japanese, Korean, AND Chinese). :3 She gave me D'espairsRay (In Vain), Fatima (Humiliate Me More, Darlin'), Clavier (Love Song), SE7EN (I Know), 12012 (Ms. Vampire), Seo Taiji (Internet War), Hyde (Cape of Storms), and I wasn't able to listen to the Nicholas Tse and Duel Jewel she gave me. ;_; At least I have 24 songs now. :3 My favorite, of course, was D'espairsRay (cause I'm a D'Ray whore XDDD), but I also really like Seo Taiji (I know he's Korean, but K-rock is still good... shut up >_<) and 12012. SE7EN made me laugh because any rap other than American makes me laugh... sometimes American makes me laugh too. XDDD But I did like it. ^^ Clavier and Hyde were on the pretty side, and I found Fatima to be on the cute side. I still like them all. :D So go me, Alayna gave me some J-rock. *dances* I need it cause I am a J-rock hobo. XDDD Also, Sharon/Sharito (PunThicPanda) and Jessica/Kyoko (xXDirEnGreyXx666) and I started a J-rock fan club and it's named JrockFanClubMKS. X3 So, please check it out if you would... all three of us would really appreciate it. ^^ I totally whored out on Japanese last night... I think I might need to lay off of it, I'm hardly gonna have time for such intensive studies whenever I go to school. ;_; I can't wait until the second year of highschool when I can take a Japanese class and actually study something I love. :D I know, it's weird, but studying Japanese actually makes me happy... is that a bad thing? ;_; I think I have a problem. ToT

Pure Love, son... PURE LOVE. <3
Goddamit, my dog woke me up barking again. >_< At 7:30 in the morning she stood up and started barking at the top of her lungs. I told her to shut up and I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. *sighs* I love her, but does she have to wake me up? I need my sleep!!! ;_; So I woke up and watched the news with my parents... e-x-c-i-t-i-n-g. XD Not. I don't know why they watch it other than to know what the weather's gonna be like... and most of the time they're wrong. The news is so depressing, they're always talking about death and rape and sex scandals and all sorts of suffering. Why don't they ever report anything HAPPY??? Well, they once did, but it was very rare... there was a boy in Iraq that was able to travel to America and get operated on, a result that would end up life-saving. There was also a dog that gotten close to beat to death and then won a local dog show. :D That's happy. *nods*
MR. NEWSMAN BY DIR EN GREY (translation by centirgrade-j)
NEWSMAN GO HELL an ugly pig
NEWSMAN GO HELL a filthy pig
In the back alley cradling the starving kitten the crying boy loved,
screamed for you.
ladies and gentlemen victims laughing at lies, crying at lies,
sneering pigs, always like this, even now like this.
Check it up 1 2 3 4 5 Are you ready
In my head a Blue Fish Has Just Died
Good Night
Without saying goodbye.
Cannot find a reason to why I am living.
Good Night
Heart pinned down... that's why.
Smiles bought for money show on the fuzzy TV
screamed from within the flock of senseless pigs
ladies and gentlemen victims laughing at crime, crying at crime
sneering pigs, always, you see, even now, you see
Damn Dave Chappelle, I've had BYAAAAAAH!!! stuck in my head for the past three days. XDDD He's a comic genius, I'm telling you. Genius. Well... I can't really think of anything else, so I better get out of you guys' hair. And don't forget, visit JrockFanClubMKS or else I'll get Kyo-san on you!!! X3
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