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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Ongaku wa Ai Desu~!
Current Mood: Alright
Current Song: In Vain by D'espairsRay
BYAAAAAAAAHHH!!! How ya'll bitches doin'? A'ight? A'ight. X3 (I can't believe I just used "ya'll"... *shudders*) Waaaaa, nothing really happened last night to speak of. Ummm... while watching "Eight Below" (that movie made me so happy... huskies are my favorite type of dogs :D) I flipped through my issue of "Cure" and decided to draw Asagi from D since he looks cool. XDDD It turned out suprisingly descent. I'm working on real life pictures (since all I use to do was anime and now when I ocassionally draw it's usually chibi :3), so I was happy that Asagi turned out good. I showed the picture to my parents and said "lookit him!!!" and they just went "O_O That's a guy?" XDDD You think they would have learned by now. I also wrote down so much Japanese that I thought my head was gonna explode... I wrote down like 9 different kanji, most of them for color. O_O OMFG, some of the kanji for colors are sooooo hard... I only know "aka", "shiro", "haiiro", and can identify "kuro." ;_; And I also learned the kanji for "kuni", which makes me laugh everytime I see it. X3 Allow me to explain-kanji are designed after the object or thing the kanji is supposed to signify. For example, if you look at the kanji for "yama", you can see three peaks of a mountain. The kanji for "kuni" is "tama" (ball) in "kuchi" (mouth). So everytime I see the kanji for "kuni" I think of balls in someone's mouth. XDDD I hate kanji. -_- Oh yeah... I also listened to "Akuro No Oka" and cried... that and "Ain't Afraid To Die" always make me cry. XDDD

This isn't the picture of Asagi I drew, but still, he looks cool.
Today has been pretty uneventful too... I slept in until 1:30 (thank God :D) even though my dog barked until I was awake again but I got to get back to sleep... go me!!! *dances* I jumped through the shower and then we went to go eat at Applebees... which wasn't so nice. My dad seemed pretty bitchy, like everything I said made him upset so I stayed quiet while sipping on my coke and reading Japanese. -_- And Applebees has only ONE dish for vegetarians there and that is cheesesticks... it seems like I'm always eating something with cheese in it now that I'm a vegetarian. XP Then we went to Target and I once again stared longingly at the electronic drum set I want... $300. ;_; I'm thinking of getting a bass since it's only $150, has an instructional video, it's smaller (my room is REALLY messy), and is my second choice of an instrument. I really want to learn how to play the drums, but I guess I'll have to settle for the bass. BUT, if I do choose it, I'll try to learn how to play Toshiya's solo in "Cage." :D After drooling over the instruments I went to the women's clothes section and looked at all the stuff I want but can't afford. T~T Being on a budget sucks... my family has always been on a budget, but I guess now that I'm a teenager and want more stuff I guess I realize it now. All my clothes look like crap and I want to buy more. ;_; I guess I'll just deal with it. -_- I also stepped in some gum and got some on my shoe and foot (since I was wearing flip flops). -_-' Damn idiots don't know how to use a trash can. The only other thing I've did today was put up the Band of the Week on JrockFanClubMKS. Woo!!!

DIRU in their "Cage" outfits... Kaoru's hair makes me laugh. :D
Eto...... @_@ I guess that's all for my ranting. I hope it at least midly intertained you guys. O_O Oooooh, Mom broke out the twizzlers. Yummy time. :D
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