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In the US of A. :B
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Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Asobimasho Chainsaw De.
Current Mood: Angry
Current Song: Marmalade Chainsaw by Dir en Grey
Okay... right now I've been bottling up a lot of shit but now I gotta let it out. I AM SO FUCKING TIRED OF PEOPLE DUMPING ON DIR EN GREY. I don't mind someone saying "I don't like Dir en Grey" or "I don't like Dir en Grey's new stuff." That's fine, I don't care-go listen to something else. But whenever people say shit like "Dir en Grey sucks" or "Kyo's tone-deaf" or "Dir en Grey are sellouts", that really pisses me off. First of all, DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW. You say that Dir en Grey is a sellout just because they've gone international but all you're being is a fucking hypocrite. If you had the chance to earn a lot of money doing what you love and helping out your friends, there's a 99% chance that you're gonna take it. And they're playing music because it's what they love, not for the money. Second of all, DRESSING UP IS NOT PART OF MUSIC. Dir en Grey USED to be Visual Kei, now they're taking on a more grungy, vicious look. I'm fine with that and so should you. Why? Because since I last checked, the definition of music has not changed. It doesn't involve wearing makeup or pretty dresses-it's making something beautiful. If you're not mature enough to change with Dir en Grey, go listen to something else, you stupid fuck. Thirdly, IF KYO IS TONE DEAF THEN hide ISN'T DEAD. None of you motherfuckers who say Kyo is "tone-deaf" would never have the balls to do what he does every single day of his life. You would never have the courage to go up in front of thousands of people and expose your soul, singing your heart out. And his voice is like nothing I've ever heard-he is and always will be a prophet, so shut the hell up. Fourthly, KYO'S PAIN IS REAL. For all you idiots who think that Kyo cuts/scratches himself onstage for attention, you are severly mistaken. I've actually seen Kyo crying while singing a song... I've seen him carve the words "NO FUTURE" into his chest backstage... I've FELT his pain. I've cried during many things, many so trivial and fake such as movies, but never have I cried because of looking at a man. Kyo has done that to me, countless times. There are times when I see such utter pain and lonliness in his eyes that I break into tears. If that's not true, then I don't know what is. In the end, I don't care if you don't like Dir en Grey. That's fine. But if you're gonna talk badly about someone or something, make sure they don't have rabid fangirls on the loose like me that can rant on forever.

Fuck yeah.
Okay, with that all said and done, I feel much better. ^^ Yesterday I practiced my bass some more, took a 2 1/4 mile walk (I was fucking TIRED afterwards, I didn't take a rest and I'm on my period), tried to talk on AIM (Alayna and Sharon, I'm sooooooo sorry, my computer shut down while I was printing lyrics to "Marmalade Chainsaw" and my parents wouldn't let me get back on), listened to "Marmalade Chainsaw" and sang the lyrics about 9 times (XD), and thought about how angry people who are down on Dir en Grey make me. I love "Marmalade Chainsaw" but lately I've been going a bit overboard, I find the song facinating and totally thrash-worthy... not to mention the lyrics "nobody's hell like mine" really touch my heart.... I have no idea why, but it just does. I know that everyone has their each induvidual hell, and every single one is terrible. I'd really like to see a live of it. ^^
MARMALADE CHAINSAW BY DIR EN GREY (translation by centigrade-j)
rolled all over the wall
making like a champion of right, you're a monkey.
One Twelve Two Eleven Three Ten Four Nine Death Thirteen
blow away the bastards who are all talk no action
do you think me mad? does that please society?
Suck suck suck 'em all till the end mine death thirteen
wrists made a reality, throb, Ain't fuckin' around
Mouth to Mouth
I can't hear the first cry,
Honey watching the chopping block from above.
a sacrificial flower stuffed into the refrigerator
the highly praised Serial Horror Show
Nobody's hell like mine
dancing, you're a Majestic Baby
An Orange-d up Thirteen
Nobody's hell like mine
screaming, you're a Majestic Baby
A clockwork Death Thirteen
let's play with a Chainsaw
living true to yourself is a merit, there are no shortcomings.
One Twelve Two Eleven Three Ten Four Nine Death Thirteen
screaming out, I'll blow you away.
do you think me mad? is society glad?
Suck suck suck 'em all till the end mine death thirteen
wrists made a reality, throb, Ain't fuckin' around
Nobody's hell like mind
dancing, you're a Majestic Baby
An Orange-d up Thirteen
Nobody's hell like mind
screaming, you're a Majestic Baby
A clockwork Death Thirteen
Thanks for everyone who gave me tips on where to get tabs, I really appreciate it. And it's okay that some of them are guitar because my brother's going to buy a guitar once he earns the money and I want to learn how to play a little of it. :D Thank you so much!!!

Play that bass, Zero-sama!!! XD
XP I feel all crampy and hungry. I guess I'll talk to you guys later and I hope my rant didn't bore/anger you TOO much. Atode, minna-san~!
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