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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Sad Sexually
Current Mood: Mischevious
Current Song: Tsumi to Batsu by Dir en Grey
Hey, everyone... I'm really sorry about yesterday, I think the little tiny circuit in my head that connects everything just exploded. -_- I didn't mean to rant on that long, but I guess I did. ^^; Usually I don't let things like that get to me, I'm used to people saying "Kyo's a fuckhead" or "they're a bunch of fags" but I guess something poked me in my brain. o_O I think it might be from lack of Pocky. Seriously. I haven't had Pocky in about 6 months. -_- I need to go to Wallmart.

POCKY!!!!! ;o;
Yesterday was nice and sex-tastic after my little rant. ^^ Feeling good about myself once I had got that DIRU thing off my chest, on went on a DIRU scavenger hunt... I decided to listen to their PV "Tsumi to Batsu" since that song rocks my world, everyone has decent camera portions (even though how much I love him, Kyo usually gets all the camera and that's unfair ;_;) and... KAORU'S A DEATH FAIRY IN IT!!! XD I'm serious, he looks like a little fairy that will kill you in your sleep. XDDD My brother really likes the song but laughs at the PV because Kyo constantly tries to lick the camera. ^^; He asked me why he did that, so I let him read the lyrics. O_O His response was "OMG, Kyo's a perv." XDDD Then I read him the lyrics to "Zomboid" and I think he's scarred for life... my work is complete. X3
"From me the asailant, to you, the victim"
Every second, I drive it in.
If I lick your ears, just drop it
Here, hurry up and ask for more.
Put it in your mouth, faster
Lick the poison without missing a drop.
If you miss one drop...
Show lie mad sexual
1 sad sexuall 2 sad sexually
Here hurry up and scream harder.
Just hurry up and open up your eyes
Show lie mad sexual
1 sad sexuall 2 sad sexually
Show lie mad sexual
1 sad sexuall 2 sad sexually
On December 24, another person is trapped
If I lick her all over-- a 14-year-old girl,
I'll just try to break your body
I planted the seed and took it out.
She is in tears witha red mouth. Fuck her
Here, hurry up and scream harder,
Just hurry up and open your eyes
See, if I look at it more and more,
the honey keeps coming
Make your sweet honey gush
show · lie · mad · sexual
1 · sad · sexually · 2 · sad · sexually
show · lie · mad · sexual
1 · sad · sexually · 2 · sad · sexually
On December 24, another person is trapped
If I lick her all over-- a 14-year-old girl,
I'll just try to break your body
I'll keeping fucking you forever
Here's to your dry-addicted head
If I take the drug today,
I'll start to fuck you
You've got a pretty mouth.
You've got pretty breasts
You've got a pretty voice.
You've got a pretty face
You've got a pretty part here.
You've got a pretty part there
show · lie · mad · sexual
1 · sad · sexually · 2 · sad · sexually
show · lie · mad · sexual
1 · sad · sexually · 2 · sad · sexually
ZOMBOID BY DIR EN GREY (translated by
The nurses, the costume player lick me
can not hold it in anymore, time to explode
All in your face like a slimy goo
It was less then 5 minutes
but it was a trip, a trap, a S trip
Inside your mouth like a slimy goo
In the 80's the SM were my adolesence
Midori, Eri and Jun
Those shaded areas were unnecessary. Pissed me off.
But now I am an adult
Stopped watching videos and now I go to special shops.
Got girls from the alps, I get horny.
A small park in Shinjuku and a Building in Gotanda 4th Floor
I watch and see. Do you see??
Can not be a Bi now
So I think hard and destroy the theory
Dick Addiction slimy goo
Sweet My Honey
High transplay
Once my DIRU whoring was done, I practiced my bass for 45 minutes straight and I can actually read like 6 notes now-go me!!!! ^o^ The only problem with that is that my fingertips turn raw after playing that long... touching anything turned agonizing. XP I played a little song for my family and my dad then wanted to strum a little on it so I let him... the only problem is that he thought he was Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers cause he was just wearing his underwear while playing (my dad has a bad habit of walking around the house in nothing but his underwear @_@) so I eventually had to take it away from him. XD

There's Flea... not wearing any pants. Yup.
After a tasty dinner I wrote down 33 different Japanese expressions (yes, I am obsessed X_X) and stayed about an hour on the computer staring at all my glorious Kyo pictures... unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to look at all 126 of them. T~T Poor me. Cause my brother was standing behind me the entire time, he demanded to look at some pictures of Die (since he's his favorite member). XD After that I showed him Uruha (from Gazetto) and Bou (from AnCafe) and he got pissed at them because he wants them to be girls. XDDD It's fun tainting my little brother's mind.

My brother's (and one of my) favorite pictures of Kyo. XD

O//O Whoa.

Uruha, everyone's little Gazetto whore. X3

BOU-CHAN!!! *glomps*
Afterwards I watched my brother play "SSX Tricky" on the Gamecube since he begged me and I played with his rabbit a little before getting dressed for bed, translating a little bit of "Tsumi To Batsu", and going to bed.
This morning I woke up from a really fucked up dream... I don't remember all of it, but I rememeber that I had powers that had to involve cheese and I fell in love with Die. O_O I think it had been the fact that I threatened to kill myself because there was no more string cheese the night before and my brother wanted to see pictures of Die. Either way, it was really fucked up. @_@ Today I think I'm gonna listen to more sex songs cause those always make me happy XDDD and practice my bass again until my fingers start bleeding. ^^ Love you guys~! Ja ne.
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