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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Gomen Nasai, Minna-san... ;o;
Current Mood: Tired
Current Song: Itoshisa Fuhai Ni Tsuki by Dir en Grey
OMFG, everyone, I am soooooo sorry. The reason I haven't been on the computer for four days (it has killed me XD) is because of a very unfortunate event on Thursday. On Thursday morning after reading a yaoi (><) and visiting a few sites the computer suddenly crashed and wouldn't come back on. IT HAD DIED. Our computer is like 8 years old and it's an iMac, so it's really unreliable... I don't even know if all my J-rock stuff is saved. My dad claimed that he did, but so far I have found no trace of my 126 Kyo pictures and the rest. O_O Please God, let them be there. If they're not, I shall cry. But it's taken about 3 days to get everything back up and I'm afraid of the computer now... I've got to King Midus crap touch. T-T I officially know that I'm addicted to the internet... mostly J-rock, but without the internet, I have no J-rock. A scary prospect. O_O After the computer died I went to the dentist (-_-) and daydreamed the entire time, while she was looking around in my mouth and she told me that she wished that all her patients were as calm as me. XDDD Nice. But before everything, happened, I got a good dose of DIRU. ^^ I got to watch "Kigan, Rasetsukoku", and "Zomboid" live on YouTube, and OMFG, I almost died. On "Kigan" Kyo did so many raunchy things, my head was gonna explode. XDDD But the most memorable thing is that he did an inverted peace sign and licked the space in between his fingers... you can guess what that means. *shivers* Curse him. CURSE HIM. Last night I got to watch "Jackass: The Movie" with my brother and dad on Comedy Central and I swear, my smile was warped because my mouth hurt from laughing so much. They're such a bunch of idiots, but I love them. All so much. X3 And Johnny and Bam are hot. XDDD

Eto... O//O
Today was pretty nice and mellow, I enjoyed it. I woke up pretty early and wrote down an assload of Japanese, listened to DIRU, then watched one of my DIRU DVDs. XD We went to go eat at Wendy's and I had a really tasty potato... it tasted like popcorn. ^//^ I love popcorn. And then I had some mandarin oranges and a frosty. :D Go Wendys. ^^ After that we went to Barnes & Noble and I finally got "Geisha, A Life" by Mineko Iwasaki!!! ^o^ I've wanted to get that book ever since the movie for "Memoirs of a Geisha" came out, so I'm estactic that I finally got it. ^^ In case you don't know, Mineko Iwasaki is one of the most renowned and successful geisha in history, also the woman who helped Arthur Golden with information on geishas for "Memoirs of a Geisha." She's basically the inspiration for Sayuri. So far I'm only 20 pages into the book-it's only because I have to read it whenever my mom's back is turned because I'm not finished with "To Kill a Mockingbird." ^^; Oops. After that we went to go get my brother a skateboard and then we went walking at the YMCA. ^^ I listened to "Vulgar" while walking, which isn't the best, because the songs are more emotional than brash and harsh, like "Withering to Death."
Oh yeah. My dad called me a "goth hippie" this weekend. XD I told him he forgot the "Japanese-wanna be" part. He agreed.
Dinner time. :D Love you and I'll be on tommorow... hopefully. XP
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