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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Current Mood: Pensive
Current Song: Kigan by Dir en Grey
Hero, minna-san. ^-^ Last night was nice, I got to look up a lot on J-rock and read three interviews from DIRU. My favorite interview had to deal with their first experiences or memories of things, and I found it all rather emotional and nice to know more things about them. I was also pretty happy because Kyo and Kaoru answered the questions the most throughly, although I was happy to know anything about them. While I was looking at pictures of Due le Quartz, my grandma came and brought us tomatoes... probably to support my vegetarianism, but I was afraid that she was gonna see Kikasa on the screen... O_O She didn't, though. Thank God. But, I found the DIRU interview really moving and it made me think about my first experiences. That's why I'm gonna answer the questions they were asked in the interview. ^^

1. The earliest memory you ever had?
I remember one time when I was 2 or 3, losing a toy I really loved at about 3 in the morning. I woke my parents up to find it, which I eventually did.
2. The first time you went to school?
I remember preschool... I found the whole experience rather nice and befriending some people but I remember someone making fun of me because I was wearing Batman socks... it really hurt my feelings.
3. First time you learned something new?
I don't really remember.
4. First time you fell in love?
I don't know if it was love, but I had a crush on a boy in 2nd grade, and it really hurt when he picked on me. Eventually we dated in 5th grade.
5. First time you went on a date?
Although I've had two other boyfriends, I didn't go on a real date until I was in 8th grade... I snuck into a "Hostel" with my boyfriend.
6. First Time You Were Scolded?
Whenever I was 4 or so, I stole a Push Pop from Wallmart because Mom wouldn't buy me one. I remember taking it out of my pocket and Daddy seeing me, and yelling at me, which he never does. Mom took me back to Wallmart, made me give the Push Pop back to the manager and tell him what I did. He gave me a lecture on how I could go to jail... it was all very upseting.
7. First Time You Felt As If You Made a Mistake?
Same as above.
8. First Time You Kept A Secret From Your Parents?
Whenever I was little I was embarassed to poop... so sometimes I would hold it in for 3 days and suffer in silence. I think that's the first secret I kept from them. ^^;
9. First Part-Time Job?
I haven't got one yet.
10. How Did You Spend You First Earnings?
Whenever I was little I spent money I got for my birthday either on a candy or toy. I was really proud of myself for buying something with my own money.
11. First Time You Bought Clothes For Yourself?
It was in 5th grade, when I started to get self-consious and realize that I didn't like my clothes and it wasn't the popular thing to wear.
12. First Time You Put Makeup On?
Whenever I was 3-4, I got into my mom's makeup drawer and smeared lipstick and really expensive cream all over myself... mom wasn't too happy. But the first time I wore makeup in public was in 5th grade... I sneaked mom's mascara when she wasn't looking.
13. First Time You Changed The Color Of Your Hair?
I was in 7th grade, and I died my hair blue but it just turned black with a blue shine because I didn't want to bleach my dark brown hair.
14. What Kind Of Place Did You First Live In By Yourself?
I haven't done that yet.
15. The First Time You Cooked?
Whenever I was little I would help my mom bake sweets... I would stir the batter and feel very proud of myself afterwards, eating the cookies and knowing I helped make them.
16. First Time You Felt Kindness?
Whenever I was little I remember my dad always doing things with me and paying attention to me... Mom worked late, so I remember Dad's kindness most distinctly.
17. First Time You Felt Like Commiting Suicide?
The end of 5th grade. I felt like everything around me was against me... that's when I started cutting and seeing a psychiatrist, as well.
18. First Time You Experienced Bereavement?
There was an old man that my family would visit alot, I never quite understood his relationship to us but I remember he was always kind and that he had Parkinson's disease... whenever he died, we went to his funeral. It was a closed-coffin ceremony and he was placed into a hole in the wall. I didn't quite understand what was going on, and it wasn't until after the ceremony that he wasn't going to come back. I was confused and started crying.
19. First Time You Fought With Someone?
Whenever I was little I used to have really long hair, about down to my butt. Whenever Mom would brush my hair, she did it viciously and it hurt, so I would fight with her while brushing my hair. I eventually cut my hair shorter.
20. First Time You Drank Alcohol?
I was in 1st-3rd grade and I saw my grandpa's beer lying on a table beside his chair. He drank them all the time so I wondered what it tasted like. So when no one was looking I took a sip. I hated it.
21. First Time You Tried Smoking?
Never... although quite a few times I thought of stealing a cigarette from someone.
22. First Time You Were Glad You Were Born?
Whenever I make someone happy or make them smile... it makes me wonder if I really do have a purpose.
23. First Time You Felt Like You Had Aged?
I remember being little and trying on some of my favorite old clothes... they fit rather uncomfortably and my parents told me it was because I was growing. I didn't want to grow and I started crying... I still don't know what became of those clothes.
There, you have delved into the psyche of Momo. :3 Happy now? After reading some interviews my family went out... we picked up Daddy from work, then went to PetsMart for somethings for our dog. My brother and I pet the kitties and then looked at the hamsters. Nothing all that exciting went on. After that I went with my mom to get some Chinese food (XP Bleh... too fried). She eventually decided to send me over to Food Lion to go buy some ice cream. While I was there a guy commented on my InuYasha shirt. I said thank you even though I find InuYasha rather repulsive now. Whenever I came back Mom looked as if she was about to cry... apparently it took a lot to send her almost-15-year-old girl out to get ice cream, although it was only 4 doors down. I think she's on crack. In fact, I'm pretty sure. All I need is evidence. We then ate the nasty Chinese food, then I read my geisha book, took some geisha notes, then went to bed. Yup.

Today I haven'tdone anything other than take a shower. I also realized I'm wearing another InuYasha shirt. XD I gotta stop doing that.
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