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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: DRAIN AWAY by Dir en Grey
Tadaima, minna-san!!! ^^ I'm sorry I was gone for so long, but I'm happy that I'm back from my vacation. It was pretty nice. Before I get into the details of my vacation, I'd like to thank everyone who commented on my last post and cheered me up in my time of need. If it weren't for my friends on the O here, I wouldn't be the same. :3 Anyhow, I had a pretty good trip over all. On Saturday we left early to go to my aunt's graduation and it took about 1 1/2 hours to get there. @_@ Whenever we got there my grandparents were already there and we sat next to them. We sat patiently and the graduation began. The thing is, I really didn't pay attention to the ceremony (except for whenever my aunt got her dimploma)... I was too interested in the woman speaking in sign language. It was so beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off of her hands. I learned how to say passion, hope, God, and diploma in sign language from watching her. ^^ Anyhow, afterwards, we went to go congratulate her and she was very happy that she finally got her diploma (when she was 20-25 and went to college, she dropped out to marry her boyfriend and they later ended up divorcing. She didn't continue college until about 10-15 years later.) After that, we went back home to load up our bags into the car and pick up my brother's friend that was going with us. We finally got back on the road and sat in the car for a grueling 6 hours... next to my brother's friend who constantly hit on me and is a total perv. -_- I mainly ignored him and listened to my DIRU. And sleep. ^^ When we were just about 1/3 a mile away from the beach house we were going to stay out, my mom got pulled over for speeding (she was going 50 on a 35 road @_@). And we had Pizza Hut in the car. ;_; Luckily, he didn't give her a ticket, just a warning, and when we got to the beach house the pizza was still hot and yummy. >3 We then unpacked the car and then relaxed and went to sleep. The next six days, all we basically did was wake up, get your bathing suit and sunscreen on, go to the beach, come home, take a shower, watch TV (where I instead studied Japanese) , eat dinner, watch more TV (where I instead studied MORE Japanese) , go to sleep. There was an occassional time where we would go out for dinner and pick up a few things that we needed, but that was only about once or twice. During our vacation, we also got to see "Talledega Nights: The Legend of Rick Bobby." IT WAS AWESOME. While we were waiting for the previews to start they played a lot of Evanescence... I started mouthing the words and everyone was freaked out that I rememebered the lyrics even though I haven't listened to "Fallen" in about a year. ^^; They had a few funny previews, but the ones I was most excited about were "The Grudge 2" and "Tenacious D In The Pick of Destiny." "The Grudge 2" preview was scary as fuck, man... I had nightmares about it that night. XDDD And I was the only one in my family brave enough to watch it. Kinda sad. I can't wait to rent the movie on DVD and get the shit scared out of me-the Japanese version will mostly likely be better, though, like it always is (except for some movies, they are pure shit -_-). But anyhow, back to business. "Rick Bobby" was HILARIOUS (however, it wasn't as funny as "Anchorman"... nothing will ever be as funny as "Anchorman." X3). And if you live in the South like I do but like to make jokes about it, you'll LOVE this movie. They also mention my state in it a few times and filmed in places I've seen in real life, so it was kinda freaky but cool. ^^ My dad, a man in front of us, and I were laughing the hardest out of the theater... there were some moments where I thought I was gonna shit myself, I laughed so hard. And I love Karen the cougar (movie joke). XDDD So, go see it. Momo says it's funny. X3 Also, while I was at the beach, I saw and TOUCHED a baby sea turtle. At first I saw the turtle, he was on top of the sand and whenever the wave came up he dug himself into the sand. I completely freaked out-I ran up to my dad and screamed "DADDY!!! I SAW A BABY SEA TURTLE!!!" XD A few days after that I was digging a hole in the sand (because it's such a natural beach, little fishes would come up and swim around me and my dad ^^) and I picked up a handful of sand and felt something move. I freaked out and tossed it aside and then saw a baby turtle crawl into the sand!!! I really freaked out then... I started saying "OMG.... I just touched a baby turtle" like 6 times on end... I even had the shakes. XD Before we left, Mom bought me a charm of a baby turtle to put on a necklace. I'm wearing it right now. ^^ I also dug up a lot of pretty seashells... it helped me appreciate beauty more. I've seemed to be doing that a lot lately. ^^; My daddy also found really big sunglasses in the ocean and gave them to me since I've wanted some since FOREVER... he calls them my "Paris Hilton glases." -_- On the last day, we left to buy souveneirs and we got all sorts of stuff... I got my turtle necklace and a skull ring exactly like I had two years ago but lost. ;_; Have you guys ever noticed that the big chain beach stores (and sometimes independant stores) always have lots of nasty stuff in it? In the first store I went to, there were tiny little condoms, huge condoms (that I could stick my whole fist in O_O), a penis that grew in water, "Dick Tarts" and "Tit Tarts". In the second store they also had "Dick Tarts" and "Tit Tarts", bumper stickers with vulgar sayings on them, lighters with vulgar sayings on them, a "lovers'" dice, wind up toys that would jump but were in the shape of penises and breasts, and lots, lots more. There was one bumper sticker I really liked, though, because it said "Obviously, your mother smoked, drank, and dropped acid during pregnancy." Ah, that describes so many people I know all too well. X3 The guy that went with us showed me a lot of that stuff with a grin, which really pissed me off. -_- After that we went to Golden Corral and had a really tasty meal-and they had Vanilla Coke!!! ^o^ Love that stuff. ^3^ Then we had another 6 hour ride back, during which I listened ot DIRU again and slept. :D I was so happy whenever the guy that came with us left... he had hit on me, said tons of rude things, insulted my family, and made me uncomfortable whenever he was with us. I couldn't tell you how happy I was when he left... It was like Kyo gave me a hug. XD And I was also happy whenever I was able to cuddle with my doggy, take a shower in my own shower, sleep in my own bed, and have my Japanese dictionary back. ^-^ Momo is happy again.

DIRU-Every Japanese-obsessed girl's escape from reality.
All I really did today was eat lunch, go to Barnes and Noble and listen to Ministry and buy "Making Out In Japanese" (after assuring my father that nothing truly that bad was in it-and there wasn't), and getting on the computer. Yup. But I'm trying to cherish everyday I have for the next two weeks before I go to the dreaded high school. T~T I dun wanna go. *hugs computer* I wanna listen to J-rock and learn Japanese for the rest of my life. XDDD I'm sure I'll get real far that way. *cough*not*cough* Ah, God, I can't wait until I'm able to watch plenty of DIRU PVs on YouTube. Yay. ^//^
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