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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Friday, August 18, 2006
I'm Dancin' Like a Monkey!!!
Current Mood: Content
Current Song: Jessica by Dir en Grey
Hello, everyone. ^^ Yesterday was pretty good-and I didn't cry!!! :D Go me! Anyhow, I screwed around on the computer a whole lot yesterday (more than usual), mostly just watching more DIRU stuff. X_X I took a break for a while, but got really cold and decided to watch a few Kyo fanvideos to warm me up @_@ (they really do!!! I blush so much that I feel like I'm fire afterwards!). And... I guess the fanvids did their job TOO well. After watching two, I got a FUCKING NOSEBLEED. O_O My nose had felt a little odd while I was watching them and also got a headache... to calm myself down I watched the PV for "Dead Tree" while I rested my hand under my nose... my hand started to feel wet and I got all grossed out but when I looked down there was a smear of red on my knuckle. I screamed "DAMN YOU, KYO!!!" and my brother just kinda stared at me for a while. ^^; Oops. After that I saved an assload of Naitomea pictures (mostly Hitsugi @_@) and some DIRU pictures. I haven't listened to Naito in a LONG time and I kinda feel bad for it... they're not my favorite band in the world, and I think Yomi is a little off tune, but I still like them. And I feel bad whenver I ignore Hitsugi. ;_; I really admire his guitar-playing skills (listen to "Varuna"-it's GORGEOUS) and how kind he is to animals. ^^ So I made it up to him and Naito my like saving about 30 pictures of them. X_X Whenever my parents came home I got bored and went back on the computer and started to watch a few "making of..." videos for Dir en Grey, because I'm a sucker of seeing DIRU as they really act and how they make such wonderful works of art. I did get a little fidgety, though, because my parents were in the room (the computer's in the living room and it's NOT a laptop), but luckily they didn't see anything bad (although Kyo did rub his crotch in one video-he has no idea what the word "censorship" means. @_@). But, while I was watching the making of "Child Prey" my dad passed by as they were preparing Kyo to crawl out of the rat's abdomen. The following conversation went like this-
Dad: "I want to ask what you're watching but I'm afraid you'll tell me..."
Me: "Oh, just Kyo crawling out of a rat's stomach. ^^"
D: "How lovely."
^^; Yeah... that's how the whole J-rock thing in my family goes. Dad also told me that "The Final" (with the flames and everything) looks like the newest Hilary Duff music video. I just glared at him and told him he was a liar but he laughed at me... now everytime I watch "The Final" I'll think of goddamn Hilary Duff... shit. -_- After that I went to DIRU's official site, and I like the new layout, it's VERY pretty. ^^ It's "Ryoujoku No Ame" themed and I just realized that the little design for it was a collage of naked bodies. @_@ I felt a little stupid after that. Once I had run the computer out of all it was worth, I watched "Family Guy", read "To Kill a Mockingbird", and went to bed.

XD I love Toshiya...
I had some bad dreams... I'm not sure what they were about, but I'm pretty sure they weren't nice. o_O Yeah... all I've done today is wake up, take a shower, sing, eat ramen, watch a few more DIRU videos (in the making of "Myaku" the little gaijin girl in there said that Kyo was scary, she had her translator hug her. XD I felt so bad for her but couldn't help but laugh hysterically at the same time.), and update. I'll try to place Vivian (my bass) today since I've ignored her for about a week... in spite of me she'll probably be REAAAALLY out of tune. -_- Atode, minna-san!
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