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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Pussy Superst*r
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Raven by Kittie
Okay, today, I'm gonna do something I hardly ever do. I'm gonna talk about an American band. I know, I know, WOW. Anyhow, yesterday while I was watching a few Kyo fanvideos, I heard a song ("Devil With The Black Dress On") by Jack Off Jill and I liked it. So I decided that I would check them out, because I've heard good things about them, especially from Kittie fans (and I'm a HUGE Kittie fan, they're one of my favorite bands... I would hug Morgan Lander if I ever saw in person @_@). On YouTube I watched they're video for "My Cat" and thought it was funny and kinda cute. So I went onto Dogpile and searched "jack off jill" in the audio field and uploaded 24 J.O.J. songs. X_X Oops... I guess I got a little too more than I aimed for. ^^; Anyhow, I really like Jack Off Jill... the lead singer has a really cute voice, like lolita-ish, but she can scream like no one's business. A lot of the songs I heard from them are just excuses to go crazy and cuss, but who doesn't want to do that. Like... "I Love To Say Fuck" by Murderdolls. I love that song, but all it is is an excuse to scream "FUCK!!!" at the top of your lungs. That's okay, though. ^^ I'm not really sure which J.O.J. I've listened to is my favorite, although I'm quite partial to "When I am Queen." I don't like them as much as Kittie, but I didn't expect to. While I was uploading songs Dad came home and I almost crapped myself. XD I don't think he would appreciate me listening to "Cumdumpster" by a band called Jack Off Jill, ne? X3 Whenever he went outside to mow the lawn I finished loading songs and didn't get caught. Go me!!! ^^ So yesterday, I didn't get as much J-rock as usual, but that's okay. :) I love any type of music, nationality doesn't matter, so that also helped. I did have "In Vain" by D'espairsRay stuck in my head, yesterday, though... for some reason I love the way Hizumi saw "ore wa" in that song. @_@ I'm so weird. After I got my fill of Jack Off Jill, Mom brought home PIZZA. Fuck yes. Pizza is like my favorite food. XD So I was really happy because of that... yay delicious cheezy-ness!!! And the new ad campain from the pizza place we got it is "Frozen Pizza has No Soul." X3 My dad and I bust out laughing whenever we saw it, we couldn't help it. Afterwards we watched "The Venture Brothers", which was disturbing (but funny), even more than usual. Let's just say Dean's in a Princess Leia outfit the entire time. X_X Ew. Once recovering from my tramatic experience, I praticed bass (it hurts so much to try to streach my third finger to the third fret while my second and first fingers are on the first and second frets T~T), and I'm getting a whole lot better than I was, so I'm proud. I looked up on how to clean the bass and I need some guitar polish and some other stuff to clean it... at least I have the alcohol to clean the strings. Hey, all you guitar players out there, how often do you guys clean your instrument? I'm thinking once a month but I wonder if it should be more than that. 9_9 I also need to practice streaching out my fingers as far as they can... you see, I'm used to playing the viola... there's a big difference between a viola and a bass. ;_; After that I read more of "To Kill a Mockingbird", watched a little bit of "Futurama", sang to Dir en grey for about 30-45 minutes, felt guilty, read more of "To Kill a Mockingbird" until I thought I was gonna pass out, then went to bed.

Alas, Jack Off Jill.
Today I had to wake up at 8 because I'm going to school on Thursday... -_- Damn. It was pretty hard to wake up but I eventually pushed myself to wake up. I took a shower, finished reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" (it was a good book, but not my favorite), and eventually got on the computer. Yays!!! So far all I've listened to is Jack Off Jill and Kittie, so I'll have to get my fill of J-rock later on today. I gotta go and eat lunch and help my brother find something. -_- Later!
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