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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Thursday, September 7, 2006
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Do You Think I'm a Whore? by Kittie
Konnichiwa, minna-san!!! ^-^ Momo is happier than she's been in about three days. :D Yay! Last night after updating my site and commenting on what everyone had to say, I went to and looked up some Japanese terms to study, and decided to go check out Panic Channel (the Japanese band, not the American one -_-). I only listened to like 4 or 5 songs, but I really like their sound and look. My favorites were "Pink Cherry" (so cute I could squeal), "Iyagarase" (at least... I think that's the name XD), and there was another one, but I can't remember it's name and I'm too lazy to look it up. In the PV the vocalist had half of a melted face. XD It was so funny, whenever I watched the PV for "Clear." It's so white that I thought my retinas were going to burn out of my sockets and then I looked at everything else and I was like "sugoi... everything's so dark." XDDD I love the vocalist's voice, it's so gorgeous and so is he, by the way. X3 I also like the drummer and Kana (isn't he one of the guitarists?). So, I will definately check out more of Panikku. Yatta!

Panikku Chaneru desu. ^^ (Is this them in "Pink Cherry"?)
School was soooo boring... but I'd rather have it boring than bad. Since I had taken my bow to get fixed this morning, I left it in my case with my viola to make sure it wouldn't get broken, and didn't have an instrument to play with... so I couldn't play. At all. I just sat there and listened to the notes and got used to the sound of each piece, and ocassionally studied some Japanese (I brought my "Japanese Grammar" book with me). My stand partner (also... kind of my friend, I guess XD) kept on asking me what certain things were in Japanese... but since she's nice, I was fine with it. She asked me if "konnichiwa" was hello and how to say friend, girl, and ho in Japanese. X333 She was really suprised that I knew so much and I was quite flattered. ^//^ In Algebra I basically had to rip my eyes away from my Japanese book... it really sucks whenever you have to stop doing something you love to do something you hate. -_- And she also graded some of my papers wrong, which pissed me off. But I'll just keep my mouth shut, because I got "90"s and I guess I should be happy with a decent grade. X_X In Health we went to this health fair and I found out that I was realtively healthy-go me!!! Supposedly I have really good blood pressure (which is suprising, because my mom has to take pills for her pressure), and I have pretty teeth. XD I have 20/30 vision in each eye, but I swear to God my right eye is worse than my left eye. @_@ After we went to the fair our teacher just let us talk outside. XD The entire time I just read some brochures that I got and some of my Japanese book. Yup. Lunch was really nice... I got to talk to Thai-the cute little Hmong boy!!! ^o^ I saw him sitting alone and so I invited him over to sit with me and my friends and he just did his cute little smile and sat beside me. Whenever he started to talk to me, he suprisingly delved into some really deep subjects. He asked me if I like being white (he calls it "white American"... so cute!!! ^o^), if I liked being a girl, and who I wanted to be in the next life (he's lucky he caught me on that one... if he got someone who doesn't believe in reincarnation, that could've been a BAAAAAAAAAAD scene @_@). We discussed these topics and he also asked me if "white Americans" ate rice. I explained to him that we very rarely eat rice, usually with Asian food. He was really shocked at that, since apparently Hmong have to eat rice everyday. I heard him speak in Hmong to a few people, and it sounded really pretty. ^^ I also heard him sing... I didn't say anything to him, though, because I was afraid it might embarass him. He also told me that he liked my drawing I gave to him. ^^; My friends think I should ask him out, but I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship after what happened in 8th grade. Also... I don't wanna get rejected. *winces* Civics was pretty boring, all we talked about was Colonial America and I drew a picture of a gaijin in a kimono during it. X3 I glanced over at Thai and swear he was sleeping... I wanted to do the same thing, but I'm in the front. *social anxiety... must... hide!!!* Nicole saw me and handed me a paper that said "we take the pie very seriously" (XD) and we walked to our normal spot where Mom picks us up and did our crackhead thing. She kept on asking people if they wanted some papers (with the pie thing on it) and she screamed at one guy who was about to cross the street, "HEY!!! C'mere, I wanna give some pie!!!" He just looked at her weirdly and started to cross the street then I screamed "RUN!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" XD Ahh, good times. Homework wasn't all that bad because I didn't have a whole lot and I got to listen to Marilyn Manson's CD "Lest We Forget: The Best of..." *wiggles* My mouth hurt from singing the words afterwards. XDDD
By the way, does anyone have the requirements for Yonkyuu (the easiest Japanese Language Profiency test)? Like, what words and kanji you need to learn to pass? Cause I wanna get started on my "Kyuu"s so I can hopefully take Nikyuu in college.
Well, I better go check some sites and listen to some more Panic*CH. Ja mata~!
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