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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Friday, September 8, 2006
We're Disposable Teens...
Current Mood: Agitated
Current Song: Disposable Teens by Marilyn Manson
Mou... hello, everyone. Last night was alright, although I was a little dissapointed about Panic Channel. I'm not dissapointed in their music at the least, I'm just depressed that YouTube didn't have a whole lot of Panic Channel PVs, most of them were for the American band, The Panic Channel. -_- So I since I wasn't able to listen to anymore Panikku, I decided to check out Onmyoza. They're look a lot like Kagrra, but aren't as pretty (sorry!!! ^^; I know, music isn't about looks, I'm just saying). Their music is pretty good, it normally has a really hard, cut-throat sound at the beginning but dies down and has a soft, playful sound in the chorus part. It's weird. XD The lead vocalist, Kuroneko, has a very high voice when she wants it, and their guitarist also sings, and he has a beautiful voice... to tell the truth, I like it better than Kuroneko's. They have some really kick-ass guitar that makes my heart sing. ^^ My only complaint is that sometimes whenever they cut off a note it sounds like enka (Japanese Opera), and that sends me into a fit of laughter. @_@ I still like them, but it's not like "OMFG, THIS IS THE BEST BAND EVAAAAAAAA!!!" I'm gonna try to check out Plastic Tree today, so yay.

This is Onmyoza.
I got my viola back yesterday so I'm able to play in Orchestra again-yay!!! We've been playing the theme song for "Halo", but the sad thing is, it doesn't sound anything like it. XDDD One of the students brought in the soundtrack for us to listen to and I was like "WTF????" And to tell the truth, I like the orchestral version better than the normal one. ^^; Oops. I was happy that I was able to play and not just sit there like an idiot anymore. Algebra was... extremely boring to say the least. I almost fell asleep at one point. XD But the good thing is, our teacher barely gave us any homework, which is really different from what she normally does. In Health we worked in the textbook for a while (blah... I hate that damn textbook _-_) and then went outside and walked. I kept on worrying about sweating because I was wearing a tight shirt (I normally don't do that... I wear ones that are like 3x bigger than they should be XD) and kept on complaining about how I wanted to take it off... hey!!! I have a tanktop under it, you know!!! T^T At lunch Thai didn't sit with me... I wanted to ask him, but I don't wanna smother him and perhaps he just wanted to be alone. So I just ate my lunch and made pervert jokes about tappin' some guys ass with my friend Kendra. X3 In Civics we mainly just talked more about Colonial America... and the bad thing is, we're getting close to the Salem Witch Trials... and I'm really touchy about that since I'm a Wiccan (and Buddist... and I also work a few other religions is ^^;). -_- I have to bite my lip everytime I hear of it to prevent from going onto a ferocious rant. Whenever I walked to mine and Nicole's tree, I found an umbrella under it, which made me so happy!!! I always tell Nicole how I need a parasol or a huge sombrero like Kaoru's from "Akura No Oka", so I finally got my wish. Unfortunately, it's broken and Mom's making me throw it away. ;_; I also found out that I have to go to Aikido tonight... I hate going to Aikido... -_- I'm trying to get into the spirit of it, but I really hate that I have to go on Friday nights and Saturday mornings-that's my time off! It just really pisses me off and I sulked for a while... I'm pissed about, but I at least I didn't have like a relative die or anything... -_-
Soo, I better listen to some Onmyoza and Plastic Tree before I have to go. -_- Bye, loves.
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