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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Current Mood: Stuffy
Current Song: Zakuro by Dir en Grey
Hello, everyone... I'm feeling better than I was, but I'm still sick (by the way, thank you, TigerFantasy, for correcting me on my byouki and kaze thing. I wasn't sure which one to use, so I just said byouki ^^;)... I stayed home yesterday and I'm staying home today, so I'm worried about school but am still trying to get some rest. Yesterday I slept until 1:00 (XDDD) and then went on YouTube and watched the Emo Song and Emo ABC's (great stuff, you should really look it up), ate some ramen and layed around for a while. I eventually went into my room and watched "Corpse Bride", since Blockbuster Online sent it to us a while ago... I love that movie, it's so cute. It's not as good as "The Nightmare Before Christmas", but it's still awesome. One of my comfiest jackets has Emily on the back of it. ^^ After watching "Corpse Bride", I watched "Seinfeld" with my dad (I love "Seinfeld"... but all the TV watching was killing me @_@), worked on a June (yaoi with original characters) I'm writing and then ate some dinner. I gagged a little afterwards but didn't throw up. Yay! I developed a little fever and a cough since then, but nothing drastic. I also looked up a Japanese word on the internet because I had it stuck in my head but had no idea what it meant... that seems to be happenning to me more and more... -_- (By the way, the word was "uketori." It means receipt. XD) I eventually took a shower, watched a little of Criss Angel, then went to bed.

Today I felt better, but not perfect. Also, my temperature was 99-100, so I wouldn't be able to go to school anyways. After I found out that I couldn't go, I layed in bed for a while but then Mom nagged me to take some medicine, so I got up and ate a little bit of breakfast (OMFG, the orange juice burned my throat... ;_;), and went back to bed. Then, I woke up at 10 and went on YouTube again (I swear to God, I love that place...) for about an hour. I created a new account on Photobucket but with their new format, for some reason, I can't upload any pictures... O_O 'Tis Hell on Earth. I thought Mom was gonna come home for lunch since she feels sick too (but she didn't), so I ate some ramen and watched my DIRU MACRABE DVD, one of my most prized posessions. I love them so much, they're all so adorable... I love at the very first part whenever Toshiya shows the camera his fingernail that he painted blue... and it has sparkles on it. X3 They're all such a bunch of dorks. *rolls around in field of DIRU-ness* (By the way... am I the only who misses Kyo's weird little teeth now that he got them straightened? ;_;) It also gave me the chance to exercise my Japanese and I also talked to my dog in Japanese during it. XDDD That's one of my favorite parts of being home alone, I can speak in Japanese and no one will say "speak in Engrish!" or "you no speak English?" -_- But my dog did look at me funny and I told my dog that she judges me just like everyone else and she just kinda looked like ";_; What did I do???" I felt bad afterwards and loved her endlessly. ^^; Right now I am watching "Beetlejuice", one of my favorite movies. And of course, it's by Tim Burton. ^^; But what can I say? I love his work, and I have since I was a baby. (That's right, I was a "Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Beetlejuice" and "Batman" baby. Praise me, bitches.) :D
Here are some DIRU baby pictures... cause I feel like it-

Baby Kyo (Awwww... ^^)

Baby Kaoru (Awww, Lookit!!! XD)

An older baby Kao-Kao...

And another baby Kaoru!!!

Baby Die (Awww, even then he was trying to impress the ladies. ^^;)

Baby Toshiya (Who would know he'd turn out to be so sexy???)

Baby Shinya (OMFG, Shinya was a ghetto baby. XDDD)
OH, YEAH!!! Happy birthday, Miyavi!!!!

Itai... ;_; My throat hurts... I need to take some more medicine. I'll see you later, dears... I need to study some more Japanese. -_-
P.S.-"I'm a fuggin' rocksta... bitch!!!" (If you don't get it, search for the new Bullets and Octane video on YouTube. Dir en grey is in it once again and we all find out that Die is a rockstar... bitch.) XDDD
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