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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Nihongo No Toshokan XD
Current Mood: Agitated
Current Song: Shokubeni by Dir en Grey
Konnichiwa, minna-san. ^^ Thanks for trying to help me on the Japanese book thing... it seems like I'm the only one who has my own mini Japanese library. XDDD I'm not kidding, I probably have $150-200 (maybe more) worth of Japanese books alone. @_@ Damn addicting-ness. And... I also use CDs, casettes, and websites. XDDD Can you say obsessed, much???
Today was not all that great, but I won't say it was bad. In orchestra, some freshmen were paired up with seniors... and I was one of the freshmen. Lucky me. -_- I hate being paired up with people and he kept on making me practice these measures over and over again until they were perfect. I didn't mind that all that much, it's just that I had to play in front of him, and I hate that. @_@ But he was really nice about it, so I tried to do the same. In Algebra we had to take this 42 question quiz, and we had an hour to finish it. Suprisingly, I needed all of the time, but only partly because I forgot how to do one thing, but it was multiple choice, so I had that on my side. >3 In Health we had to watch this Lifetime movie called "For the Love of Nancy" about an anorexic girl. It was alright, but I really hated that it was a Lifetime movie... I have to sit through enough of that at home with Mom. -_- And have you ever noticed that Lifetime movies make you want to slit your wrists in the middle, and then make you want to be a happy little bird at the end??? @_@ Too many mood swings. But it kinda upset me because I knew how the anorexic girl felt... not in like the anorexic way, but I knew how it felt to not be in control of your emotions. Two years ago I was in the biggest depression of my life... I constantly cut myself, thought of suicide, cried everyday, and wanted to scream all the time. It was the worst thing I ever remembered happening to me. But it also helped me remember that I'm better... that I'm stronger now. But I still have my slips... I just hope that they get better as the years go on. Oh, yeah... I got a nickname from a guy during Health, too. My name is now "Konnichiwa." XDDD During lunch I sat by myself because Chastity is sick and I always sit with her, so I just studied my Japanese and sang "304 Goushitsu, Hakushi to Sakura" to myself. @_@ In Civics we just went over some notes and wrote some more down and ended up having 20 minutes in class left. XD The teacher just gave our homework to us and we started on it, so yay. I was so pissed, though... I was talking a lot to Thai in that class and I looked back and saw him smiling, so I smiled too (cause he has the best smile ever @_@). The teacher gave up and said "Thai, what's so funny? Cause Rebecca's smiling too." Then a girl who sits beside me said "they always be flirting." I got so pissed, all I could do was keep my mouth shut and I was blushing like crazy. Luckily, the teacher stood up for me and whispered to her "you flirt alot too, so don't be talking." I was still so embarassed, that I wanted to die, though. T~T After class, though, I had to stay back to take a quiz and a test for about 40 minutes. After I finished taking the test, I called my mom (which ended up taking like 8 minutes X_X) and waited outside for Mom or Dad to pick me up. I finished up my homework during it, and whenever Dad picked me up he was headbanging to Ministry. XDDD Whenever I got home I made a quesodilla (I fuckin' live off of those things X3) and watched "X-Play" before doing the rest of my homework. Once I finished I watched my brother play this awesome game on the internet called "Whack Your Boss" where you have to find 15 different ways to kill your boss in a corperate office. It reminded me so much of my dad whenever he worked at a corperate office that it wasn't even funny. XD Then I watched two DIRU videos, one PV ("[KR] Cube") and one live ("Shokubeni" from "The Code of Vulgar[ism]"). Oh, yeah... yesterday whenever I was listening to "Child Prey" whenever I was getting ready for school, Dad overheard it and said he liked it. ^^ I flipped out, I was so happy. Whenever he heard me listening to "Shokubeni" today, though, he said that Kyo needed a lozenge. XD At least I'm getting SOME feedback.

Iroke... @_@
Well... I probably should get off. My eyes are starting to hurt. ;_;
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