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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, November 13, 2006
Tsummanai desu yo...
Current Mood: Bored
Current Song: RED... [em] by Dir en Grey
MEH!!! I'm soooo bored and ready for "Agitated Screams of Maggots" to come out. ;_; I can hardly wait any longer, my tiny little heart is about to explode. Must... listen to... "Ryoujoku No Ame"... to curb need. >_o
Last weekend was pretty nice... we had Friday off since it was a teacher work day. Unfortunately, I couldn't listen to J-rock all day like I wanted to because I slept in until 1 p.m. and then I went to go see "Pirates of the Carribean 2" with my brother again at the movie theater that sells tickets for $2 before they're relesed on DVD. :3 It was nice, but I drank WAAAAAAY too much water and had to go to the bathroom about 4 times. XD Later that night we had pizza and watched "The Break Up." It was an alright movie, but I'd rather watch something else. On Saturday I woke up and watched a couple of hours of the "Star Wars" movies since they were showing a marathon on one of our movie channels. I was SOOOO happy because I'm a SW geek. ^^; Chewbacca rules my ass... (I have a Chewy action figure. *meep*) After that, we went a Chinese buffet for my grandma's birthday. It was alright, but I didn't get any chopsticks. T~T I ate white rice with soy sauce (I gotta get out of that habit -_-), a few string beans, and fruit. :D Yummy. My grandma seemed pretty happy with her gift (a Buddah my mom painted) but she couldn't read her card because it almost made her cry in the restaraunt. @_@ Grandma also told me that I was getting skinny.. that made me happy even though I feel like a slowly inflating balloon. :) Once lunch was over with, we went to Target and I got a t-shirt and mascara. I really like the t-shirt, it's bright green with a woman in kimono dancing in the wind with cranes swirling around her. On the side it says in kanji "tori go hana kaori"... I think they meant "tori no go to hana no kaori", but I'm not sure. -3- I flipped out whenever I read it (it was hand written, so it was harder to read than normal), I started saying "I READ MY SHIRT!!!" and celebrated by listening to some DIRU. XD Once I came home I watched more Star Wars and practiced on my Yonkyuu worksheets. ^^ Sunday all I really did was go to Sams Club and eye the drums wantingly. I want some drums soooooo bad, but they're $300 when I only have about $110 (I've saved up for a long time -_-) and I don't get allowance or have a job. So, for now, I can only hope and dream. *sniffs* Nothing really went on yesterday except for that, playing "Kingdom Hearts" for a little while, and daydreaming about going to a DIRU concert and meeting Kyo. ^//^ I love nice daydreams.

This is the shirt I got-isn't it pretty??? :D
Nothing has really happened today. I just had a whole lot of compliments on my shirt, a good cry, and Thai messing around with me. -3- Allow me to elaborate. I was wearing a creame-colored shirt that had a skull and crossbones on it with vined flowers crawling around it (ehh... it's from Target too. ^^;) In Health, we had this really fun guy come and talk to us about drugs. The entire time I weas either laughing or having a good time (because the teacher was really funny) until we watched this video where a man told a story about a housewife who abused prescription drugs. Her husband took away all of her accesses to money for the drugs like her credit card, cash, etc. But, she went to a crackhouse and sold her 5 and 2 year old boys for $85 dollars worth of crack. And do you know what they did to those children? They fucked them and taped it. Whenever I heard that, I started sobbing uncontrollably. The pain those children must have gone through is unimaginable... I just pray that they don't remember what happened to them. Luckily, I stayed quiet whenever I cried, but a few of my friends saw me. -_- At least it wasn't people I dislike. In Civics Thai and I talked a whole lot and we kept on talking about horror movies. Since we were talking about that, he decided to freak me out (I guess) and ran his finger down my back. @_@ Half shocked and half ticklish (I swear, you CANNOT touch my sides without me sqeaking), I sqealed and he just giggled. X_X He sooooo cute... *rolls on the ground*

My skull t-shirt. ^3^
Well, I guess I better go listen to some J-rock before my head explode and excercise a little. :3 Mata ne~!!!
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