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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
All In Your Face Like Slimy Goo
Current Mood: Fangirl-y
Current Song:
Ohhh, God... -_- I can't get these fantasies of Kyo out of my head. I usually have a nice one every other day or so (yes, I'm a perv, leave me alone!!! T~T), but lately I'm having three or four every day. In Algebra and Civics today I kept on daydreaming and eventually had to snap back to reality and put back the pieces of what I missed. Normally, people just see in daydreams, but this isn't so with me. I'm devoured by it. I see, smell, feel, taste, and hear my dreams so it's like the dream is a reality and the reality is the dream. And it's not just that these daydreams are becoming increasingly regular, but that they're also becoming increasingly vulgar. I start blushing and trying not to smile in the middle of class and I start getting paranoid, like I someone knows what I'm thinking. *sighs* I think I'm gonna have to deprive myself of Kyo SEXINESS and just focus on Kyo cuteness and beauty for now. Here's a song that describes how I feel-
ZOMBOID by Dir en grey
The nurses, the costume player lick me
can not hold it in anymore, time to explode
All in your face like a slimy goo
It was less then 5 minutes
but it was a trip, a trap, a S trip
Inside your mouth like a slimy goo
In the 80's the SM were my adolesence
Midori, Eri and Jun
Those shaded areas were unnecessary. Pissed me off.
But now I am an adult
Stopped watching videos and now I go to special shops.
Got girls from the alps, I get horny.
A small park in Shinjuku and a Building in Gotanda 4th Floor
I watch and see. Do you see??
Can not be a bi now
So I think hard and destroy the theory
Dick Addiction slimy goo
Sweet My Honey
High transplay
*cries* Goddamn you, Kyo. Goddamn you and your unresitable-ness. Anyhow, today was veeeeeeeeeeery nice. In Orchestra, the New York kids came back but they didn't make us play since the kids who went to N.Y. had to the entire trip. So, I talked to my friend Jesse, who used to be my best friend last year whenever Melody drifted away, since I haven't seen her in forever. She's exactly the same as she was since the summer, so I'm happy to see that. ^-^ While I was talking to her and she was terrorising Preston and Cole, I practiced my Japanese, so that made me happy. I also got to take a nice, half hour nap. O^o^O *dances* In Algebra I suffered through the idiocy of my teacher, tried not to fall asleep, and accidentally daydreamed about Kyo a few times. -3- Health was the best period by far because we got to spend the entire period in the library AGAIN and I had finished my project the previous day. So what does that mean? Dir en grey, of course!!! >D I spent the entire time e-mailing Chasity (even though she was sitting right beside me XDDD) and staring at glorious, glorious pictures of DIRU (although one girl said Kyo was ugly T~T). So I'm a happy Momo. :) At lunch Steven was really happy and it was sweet to see Chasity and Steven so happy with each other (they're boyfriend and girlfriend now). They also said they wanted to hook me up with Justin, her stepbrother, even though Chasity's tried to do that ever since the beginning of the year. XD I'm willing to, and I want to get to know him, but I never talk to him outside of school. And, when I try to, he gets too shy and doesn't talk to me. -_- But it was really sweet whenever Chasity told me that whenever she starts talking about girls he should go out with, he says "No! I like Becky!" ^//^ And he did tell me I was a beautiful girl. o^//^ So sweet!!! In Civics all I really did was struggle to pay attention (although I failed terribly) and scribble the kanji for "kisou" all over my paper. >3 After school I sat with Chasity and Justin to try to get him to talk to me, but once again, he was too shy and started talking to his friend. Dylan came up and started talking to me, so I wasn't bored, but I still thought it was kinda sweet that Justin was too shy to talk. Afterwards, I went back up to the tree and all my friends started teasing me and telling me to "stop talking to boys" and that "you don't love us anymore." @_@ Stacie pretended that she didn't love me anymore and I started fake crying and hugged her, even though she tried to get away. Nicole eventually grabbed me off of her and I fake cried even harder and Daniel hugged me and said "sshhhh, it's okay!!!" because I had earlier said "he was the only man for me" and grabbed his chest like he does to me. XDDD;

I... *shifts* The daydreams. >_O
*pokes tummy* Ugh... I feel fat. I need to go exercise my ass off. @_@ Mata yo!
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