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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Monday, January 1, 2007
Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu yo!!!
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: Rasetsukoku by Dir en grey (MP3 not available... I guess it's just too intense. XD)
Hello everyone, and happy New Years!!! This post is just covering what my New Years Eve consisted of. I got up around one and messed around in my house, took a shower, listened to DIRU, etc. until my dad came home from the gym. We went out to eat at this nummy italian restaraunt called Gondelier's (I think that's how you spell it... >_o) and had an eggplant parmesean sub. ^3^ After lunch we went to Blockbuster to rent some movies... Mom and Dad got "You, Me, & Dupree" and I got "Pulse" (the original Japanese version, not the American remake). Once I got home I called Nicole since she had left me a message that sounded distrought and lonely. ;~; Once I called her I asked her why she couldn't go to the movies with me yesterday (we had planned on going to see "The Grudge 2" at the crappy old movie theater I live near)... it turns out she got grounded because the internet company she has somehow got her name and address and sent her a bill. o_O Weird. But Nicole and I talked for a while then she asked if I could stay over for a few hours. We asked our parents and they all agreed it was cool with them, so I packed up a few movies and books (some Japanese slang books to giggle at XD;) and went over to her house. Once I arrived we went straight to her room and started watching TV. XD; We talked for a little while about our iPods (she got a nano for Christmas, I got a shuffle) and I let her listen to part of "Deity" and she thinks I'm on crack. XD We searched through the movies I brought and what she had in her room and she decided that we had to watch "Wedding Crashers" since I had never seen it. And I have only four words to say:
XDDD My favorite part has to be whenever Christopher Walken is talking about him and what kind of art he makes and then all of the sudden Todd just screams, "DEATH, YOU ARE MY BITCH LOVER!!!" XDDD Pure genius. After watching that and a little bit of TV while talking, we were called to dinner. We had pizza and some tasty fresh vegetables. :3 So tasty, I'm getting hungry thinking about it. XD Afterwards we headed to the computer room Nicole set me up with a LiveJournal account. I still need to sort it out, though. @_@ After I made the account Nicole checked some of her stuff and made a few new accounts too. X_X I listened to my shuffle while she screwed around on the computer, so my little black heart was content. ^-^ After all of that, it was about 10. O_O So I called my mom and she picked me up half an hour later. Once I got home I talked a little with my parents before watching some of "Seinfeld." :D I fucking love that show. XD; Once I watched the episode, I went in my room and started to watch "Pulse." It took me a while to get into it since I kept on pausing every 5 seconds to write something in Japanese. XD Finally I put down my pen and paper and tried to honestly watch the movie. I didn't think it was all that scary, more creepy, but I REALLY liked the movie. I think that and "Audition" are my favorite J-Horror films. And "Infection" is a guilty pleasure of mine. XDDD; When I finished the movie, it was like around 2 in the morning. XDDD Oops. ^^; I watched a little bit of "Star Wars: Episode 2, Attack of the Clones" while looking over my Japanese notes before I went to bed.

Awwww... look at the little girl and how happy she is. Yay for Oshougatsu!!! ^o^ (BTW... does the kanji on the left say "kakizome"? I can read the kanji for "kaku", so... @_@)
Well, I hope everyone had a good New Years. I feel guilty for not sticking to a Japanese tradition, but maybe I'll have better luck next year. *shrugs* I did pray for my resolutions and resonate a gong sound in my head 108 times before I went to sleep. OH! I just remembered, Miyavi is back in Japan, just in time for Oshougatsu. Yay!!! ^o^ Well, this post turned out to be a whole lot longer than I intended it to and I'm starting to get hungry. -_- Mata ne~!!!
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