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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Kumori to Ageha no Hane
Current Mood: Pretty (I feel pretty... shut up. XD)
Current Song: (WARNING: This song is 10 minutes long... that's right, 10, BITCHES. Count 'em. XD)
Yay!!! Today didn't suck like I thought it would!!! *dances* I woke up an hour earlier than I usually do because I had to use the bathroom and I couldn't go back to sleep. -__- So in the spare time I had after I tried going to back to sleep, I dreamt of going to a DIRU concert (XD, yes, I know I'm a dork... T^T). I imagined that I was in the mosh pit and I was able to sing and thrash to every single note, every single lyric. Once they were done with their performance, I pushed my way through the pit and was screaming "Kyo-san, matte kudasai yo!!!" ("Kyo, please wait!!!") Eventually after a few fans helped me out in screaming it, Kyo turned around and I crawled over the railing on the stage and held out a single rose for him. He smiled (even though he was covered in blood and sweat ;~;) and told me thank you. I just told him "Iie. Watashi no hiiro desu... Amerika de kite arigatou." (I don't know if I said that right, but I hope I did. X_X Here's a translation: "No. You're my hero... thank you for coming to America.") It made him so happy that I was able to come back stage and meet the band. ^-^ If only that would really happen, I would be the happiest little fangirl alive. *nods*

I swear, this is EXACTLY how Kyo looked in my dream. Maybe a little less blood on his face and more on his chest, but that's how he was. (Goddamn, even with his face pubes he is GORGEOUS. ^-^)
Once I got to school I met up with all of my friends and chased Nicole down and screamed "DEATH, YOU ARE MY BITCH LOVER!!!" (refer to last post if you don't get it) at her. XD After terrorizing Nicole I checked up on Daniel because he looked stoned. He was just tired... poor thing was so sleepy that he almost fell asleep whenever he was hugging me. XDDD; Orchestra was SUPER boring because Storm wasn't there. ;~; Mostly, after we played, I just stared at the wall and let DIRU play in my head. @_@ Algebra... wasn't the best, but I can't complain too much because I brought it upon myself. -_- After about 15 minutes of being bored already, I excused myself to the bathroom and smoked for the first time. You see, I stole a cigarette from my aunt whenever we visited her house on Christmas Eve because I wanted to know what it felt and tasted like. So once everyone was out of the bathroom I went into a stall and took out the cigarette and lighter I found around the house. I had a hard time lighting the cigarette, but after three tries I finally got it and started smoking. It was AWFUL. I don't know if it was stronger because my aunt rolls her own cigarettes or what, but goddamn, was that powerful. I took a small drag and watched the billowing cloud of grey escape from my lips and I could handle the taste, although I still didn't like it. I took another drag until the third one, where I decided to get bolder. I inhaled harder and it felt like someone had shoved their fist down my throat as hard as they possibly could until it reached my lungs. I could take how nasty it tasted anymore and I didn't want another lung-punch, so I stubbed it out on the wall and flushed the remaining cigarette down the toilet. I couldn't get the horrible taste out of my mouth and I searched for a water fountain, but I couldn't find a working one. So, relunctantly, I went back in the classroom. I swear to God, I was soooo fucking paranoid. All I could smell was the cigarette smell on my breath (I couldn't even smell the perfume on my shirt, that was very distinct) and I thought that someone would smell it. Just in case I thought someone would, I told my friends that someone was smoking a strong cigarette and made sure that they couldn't smell it on my clothes since I couldn't. I sat there for about 10 minutes gagging on the horrible taste in my mouth until I finally asked for some gum. Katie gave me some Orbitz gum that's strong enough to drive it out, so I was incredibly happy. I only smoked for about 10 seconds, but I hope that I never do it again. I just started smelling my perfume again about three hours ago but my lungs are still sore from that lung-punch. I can't imagine how dulled my senses would be if I actually smoked the whole thing. o_o Anyhow, enough of this tobacco-talk. After I came back in the classroom I opened my late Christmas gift from Katie and I saw that it was a bath set. ^-^ Me so happy, I've never gotten a bath set before. *dances* In Gym I met up with Chasity and we had so much fun talking. I missed her so badly, Chasity is my security blanket. ;~; In Civics we had two REALLY old substitutes and we had to watch this really crappy movie on Congress. We were supposed to take notes on it, but my mind was so bored that it just shut off and said "fuck this shit." The entire time I passed notes, daydreamed, and drew a little. I'm a bad student. @_@ Up at the tree Nicole had already left for home, so I was said that I could scream at my bitch lover again. XDDD Daniel is getting so affectionate lately, it's like he thinks I'm his little rape kitty or something. XD I'm not complaining, it's actually a nice change. He like holds me as close as I can possibly get and then he pushes my head into his shoulder and hugs on me (it can kinda be uncomfortable, especially whenever he's pretending to shoot a machine gun like he did today XDDD). Katie and Sydney stayed for a long time today, so I got to talk to them!!! *dances* We started talking about "A Scanner Darkly" and how badly Daniel and I want to see it. Apparently Sydney wants to get both of us high and then watch it. @_@ I don't think so... I hate cigarettes and alcohol, I don't think I'll like drugs any better. Katie stood up for me, though, because she said that I was too "innocent" to taint. XDDD She thinks I'm so sweet and innocent... it's hilarious. Once Sydney and Katie went down to talk to Stacie, Daniel started hugging up on me again. Except, this time, he got a little TOO friendly. _-_ I won't go into too much detail, but I pouted at him after I shoved my hand away from me and I think he got the picture. I don't blame him, though, I can lead on.
Kyaaaa... I have "MACABRE -sanagi no yume wa ageha no hane-" stuck in my head. I fucking LOVE that song. It's so beautiful, so mind-bending, and so dark. Everytime I listen to it, I can lean my head back and just picture a story in my head. Kyo's voice is just stunning and takes on so many forms that it blows my mind. Kaoru's guitar solo chills you to the bone, Toshiya's bass is morbid and haunting, Shinya's drums resonate deeply into the corners of your mind, and Die's supporting guitar just brings a whole other dimension to the song. I can go on for forever about it. XD; Here are the lyrics:
MACABRE -sanagi no yume wa ageha no hane- by Dir en grey (translated by centigrade-j)
You want to spread your wings and fly,
dreaming of the swallowtail butterfly.
you would seem to suit your shed skin......daydream
hit by the pounding rain, you couldn't move anymore
you're just waiting to become mouth opens.
you're almost ready to take flight, so close to sprouting wings.
still my adorable pupa, you are now... an adult aren't you ?
sucking the honey, you who loved the flowers
don't notice me as my beak comes at
you blooming all over with fogura and escargot.
dear pupa, show me tainted wings.
I felt them flitting... from my stomach.
castdown, suddenly shaken, you're broken apart,
your wings tear off
Does a snakeskin suit you now ?
spinning you spin and spun,
through a life of the same old same old.
turning you turn and turned as you melt away, .
Shall we blend together into one ?
surely you're swimming the digestive juices like a mermaid,
surely a pupa will sprout wings like a swallowtail butterfly.
IF its you I'll allow it,
even if you are a cruel thing.
You forgot my legs on the ground
Don't leave them like that Ok ?
***, there's supposed to be a DIRU pic here, but I can't open my Photobook account because it's loading so effing slow. ;~; I'm sorry. Here's a crappy, low quality picture of a cupcake:

Um... There you go. *pats head*
Mouuuu, I love my iPod shuffle. ^x^ *huggles shuffle* I get to listen to all of my DIRU. *dances* Oh!!! Speaking of J-rock, Miyavi is thinking of making another band!!! :D He's gonna return as a guitarist and back-up vocals. He's not sure who's all going to be in the band, but I can't wait until they come out. This makes me feel better about Phantasmagoria disbanding (even though I am a little emo monkey everytime I think of it... ;~; visit my post 2 days back for details), so me's happy. :3 I better get off, I've been doing this post for a while. Mata ne~!
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