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myOtaku.com: PeachesXCream

Sunday, January 7, 2007

   New Site...
Current Mood: Sleepy
Current Song:

Okay, really short update. Kyoko and I made a Kyo fan site on MyO called MercilessXCult. Pleaes join if you want to, but it'll be all about Kyo and nothing else, just so you know. If you want to join the club, please let us know by signing the guestbook, adding us as a friend, and putting a banner up on your site. Further rules and information is there. So, yeah.

Hmmm... Kyo-san. ^-^ *sleepily rubs face on picture*

Goddamn, I'm tired. *lays head on keyboard* lkaeuroieahndlkna lkejoaiw dkajaeeha Mehhhhh... oyasumi nasai, minna-sama.

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