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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Threads in my face....
Current Mood: Relieved
Current Song: Gyakujou Tannou Keloid Milk by Dir en grey (MP3 not available-no fair!!! >O)
So, apparently everyone at school yesterday missed me. ^^; Whenever I got to school, everyone asked me where I was and I just looked at them like "you're really asking me that?" I'm notorious for being sick often. XD Whenever the bell rang, my friend Olivia came up to me and said that she had to tell me something about Daniel. She said that Daniel supposedly showed her friend Chelsea a picture of his girlfriend in a city about four hours away from here. I doubted that the story was true, but Olivia said that Chelsea wouldn't lie to her. There are a couple of factors that make me highly doubt this story:
1. Daniel doesn't seem like the type of person to befriend Chelsea.
2. From as much as I know, Daniel wouldn't fling around a picture of his girlfriend carelessly.
3. Chelsea has been know to lie.
4. Olivia has been know to lie.
So, I don't think that the story is true... but one can't help but wonder. And, suprisingly, it didn't upset me as much as I thought it would. I'm actually pretty apathetic about this. Maybe I just don't care as much for him as I thought I did. *shrugs* Anyhow, we got a new piece in Orchestra that's hard as hell. It's le suck. XD But more importantly, something's wrong with Storm. The only thing she's said to me today is "why?" when usually she can't STOP talking to me. I asked her if she was okay and she just nodded. I know she's not okay, but I'm not gonna bug her about it unless she gets really depressed-then I'll have to give her one of my trademark pep-talks. @_@ Algebra was... interesting, to say the least. o_O This guy named Maurice, who sits in front of me, kept on hitting on me and Korki. I tried to ignore it but couldn't help but laugh at some of the stuff he said. Apparently, he thinks I wanted to see his dick, I have "big ass titties", and he wanted to know if I was gonna be a stripper whenever I grow up. -_- I hate to be a bit of a hypocrite (I looooooove me some sex XD), but GOD!!! I wish he would just leave me alone. In gym I mostly talked to Chasity while having to endure the torture of "ultimate frisbee" and "knockout." *eye twitches* It was okay, though, because I got to talk to her (we were talking about our ideal bedrooms and I concluded that mine would have Kyo on the bed begging for me to take him XD). *dances* In Civics I had to sit through a test that I didn't have to take (yet-because I was absent) on the Constitution. *cries* I hate the Constitution. *sighs* Anyhow, we had to do this retarted sheet on where we had to pretend we were grown up and determine our yearly income, the cost of our housing, etc. I really dispised doing that... I don't wanna be depressed about how poor I'll be until I'm actually there!!! As soon as school let out, I immediately ran out the door, got Daniel's phone number, hugged everyone and said goodbye, and had to jump in my mom's car for the dermatologist appointment (for those who didn't read my post yesterday, I had an appointment today where they would remove my moles). On the entire way to the dermatologist's office, I was shaking. I'm not afraid of needles-it wasn't the fact that I had to get a shot that scared me... come to think of it, it wasn't the fact that they'd be slicing off my moles either. I think what scared me most was the stitches. I kept on imagining the thread catching onto something and having them ripped out of my face, along with the whole right side of my face (lovely, right? I have these wonderful little nightmares all the time). Whenever Mom and I waited to go in the room where the procedure would take place, I realized that my hand was shaking and I was close to tears. I was the same exact was in the room, but luckily Mom came in with me and helped take my mind off of the approaching doom (oooooh, drama XD). Finally, they began. The assistant started numbing my moles and the skin around them. I could feel the needle go in, but I didn't really mind. I mostly closed my eyes and tried to sing DIRU in my head (I didn't bring my shuffle because I was afraid that it'd get stolen or broken at school ;~;). Whenever she was almost done numbing me, my mom mentioned that I studied Japanese and the doctor was impressed. ^^; I tried to not laugh or talk at that much whenever she finished cleaning up the blood on my face. Finally, the dermatolist came in and the took an odd pen-looking device to my face. I closed my eyes while they were doing it (as I did with the numbing), and before I knew it, they were stitching me up. During the stitching I finally broke down and cried a little. I felt so childish and stupid for crying just because I was afraid... I hardly understand myself anymore. -_- But overall, the experience wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and the assistant was very, very nice to me. ^-^ I like her. Mom kept on wanting to buy me ice cream for going through the procedure, but I just laughed at her. XD

DIRU!!! How could you not be there with me?! It's okay... still love you, though. T^T
Well, that was my day. Not the best, not the worst. *shrugs* At least I cried over a stupid procedure, and not someone dying or anything. OH!!! Before I forget, I'd like to thank Bou-chan for letting me use this lovely wallpaper that she made. Much love, Bou-chan! Much love!!! Well, I better get off so I can take a nap and call Daniel. -_- I love you-mata ne~!
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