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In the US of A. :B
Member Since
Obssesor, fangirl, idiot, menace to society, etc.
Real Name
*shifty eyes* Momo...
I know a little Japanese. :D
Anime Fan Since
Before I was an embryo. o_O
Favorite Anime
DEATH NOTE (:D), Chobits, Trigun, Hana Kimi, Naruto, any shoujo, yaoi, or yuri.
To meet Dir en grey, start a band, move to Japan, and become a Japanese translator.
Listening to music, reading, studying Japanese, writing, watching movies, obsessing, smelling things, etc.
I'm okay at learning different languages and am pretty open minded...
| PeachesXCream
Friday, January 12, 2007
Obscene Sister
Current Mood: Happy
Current Song:
Yesterday wasn't all that special, so you guys didn't miss anything. After school, I studied for a test (gasp! Momo never studies!!!), took a nap, woke up to go to my aunt's birthday party, sat at Longhorn's staring at the blood-filled steaks with disgust, came home to save some pictures of Kyo, took a shower, went to bed. Mmmm... exciting. -_- Anyhow, I had a really weird dream. I dreamt that Kyo (it was either after a live or before it) had lit himself on fire and was completely burned all the way up to his chest... and everything below that was completely gone, consumed in the fire. Afterwards he was still alive, but was in terrible pain. His breathing was shallow and raspy, and whenever he spoke it sounded more like gasps than words. It was terrible.
Goddamn. I always have the weirdest dreams.
But I guess what my dream was trying to get across was that I'm afraid that Kyo is going to hurt himself TOO badly one day and may die or severely suffer from it. It may be because I was looking at pictures from the Family Values Tour, and we all know that he has been fishhooking and cutting himself even more lately. Also, he's gotten more tattoos and piercings (in his ears), perhaps an exit for pain. I noticed that he's gotten industrials (bars that go through your ears) and a vertical bridge between his eyes. I wish I could take away some of his pain. He's such a beautiful, heart-felt man... he doesn't need his heart to hurt so badly.

One of Kyo's many demonstrations of self-hatred (you can also see a few of his new tattoos on his arms).

Here's a descent view of his industrial, and you can see a little bit of his vertical bridge.

I know this picture isn't of the best quality, but this one has a better view of his bridge.
Damn... all of this is getting me depressed. How about something to cheer us up, ne?

Mornings at school aren't as fun without Sydney... yesterday he was suspended for carrying a knife. ;~; So, no more funny remarks in the morning. Just tired, half-assed jokes. @_@ We didn't have to play in Orchestra today so the entire time I mainly read "To Kill a Mockingbird" (I covered 30 pages X_X) and listened to a bit of DIRU. *wiggles* In Algebra we were split into groups again with Emily and Lauren, two cheerleaders who are generally nice (Lauren can be a little snobby, but that's just her way). It's funny... two years ago I would have slammed my head against the desk if I had to work with cheerleaders. Now I'm like "yay! They're nice! :D" Anyhow, after working, I listened to some more DIRU, reapplied my eyeliner (I heavily lined them today-my dad said I looked like a heroin addict XDDD), and filled in my non-painted nail with a sharpie. @_@ In gym we had a free-day so I sat with Chasity and once again read and listened to my music, and studied. Occasionally Chasity and I talked, but we each had our own little things going. Although, something embarrassing did happen to me. There's this really cute Asian boy in our class that Chasity and I call "Flipsy" (once he did a huge flip so we adopted that name for him XD). Anyhow, he stood in front of us with his back turned (I don't know if it was intentional or not) and took off his jacket. I thought a waterfall of drool was gonna spill out of my mouth. XD;;; And, to make it worse, he turned around and saw me eyeing him like a dog in heat. I was so embarassed that I turned away and I think I might have been blushing. Damn those Asian boys... I can't resist them. @_@ Nothing happened in Civics except for taking a test that I've studied like crazy for. Luckily, it paid off, and I got a 100%!!! Whooo!!! I might have been feeling a little confident since I hugged my binder with a picture of Kyo on it and whispered "yuuki kure, Kyo-kun!" ("Give me courage, Kyo!") before taking it. XDDD Once I was done, I had about 40 minutes left during class to do whatever I wanted. I reaaaaaally wanted to listen to my iPod, but I figured that my teacher wouldn't appreciate that very much. @_@ Sooo, I read more of "To Kill a Mockingbird" (my, aren't I original today? XDDD). I had to stay after for about 10 minutes to take a test that I was absent during, but I was still able to catch Daniel. I think things are better between us, because Katie told me that he wasn't cheating on me (she wouldn't lie to me and Daniel wouldn't lie to her), so I feel way more confident about our relationship. He was also more like himself today, so things are less rocky than I thought they were. Yays! ^-^
I've had this crazy craving to listen to "Ryoujoku no Ame" today... in Algebra I was about to go crazy. XDDD I better go listen to it before I lose my mind. Loves~!
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