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Katherin PenDragon
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
so board.......
this week is vaca so i'm slowly going to go insane. i figured you guys could have the first chap of BomB (haha, the acronim is "BOMB" that's funny!) so, enjoy (it's a weird story, and a bit of a spoiler 4 HPMI, but i hope you enjoy)
Brother of my Blood
A fic of Seto and Mokuba
As I was reading Egyptian Mythology by Don Nardo, I came across the story of “The Murder of Osiris”. The story goes that Seth (or Set) killed his Brother Osiris for the throne of Egypt. Osiris was the good one, and Seth the evil. I’ve contrived a “what if” scenario-what if it was reversed slightly-what if Osiris was an evil vampire, and Seth just a pompous windbag, human? I’ve transposed this into my YGO universe, since Set is Seto Kaiba, why can Osiris not be Mokuba? Osiris and Set were brothers, just like Seto and Mokuba. Also within my book, was the tale called “The Near Destruction of Humanity”, where Hathor went on a killing spree. I’ve used her as my main vampire. Another tale within the book was that of “The Cleverest Egyptian of Them All”. It talks of an imaginary pharaoh, where thieves steal from the pharaoh’s treasure vault. Since I know that Y. Bakura, in ancient times stole from Atem (or Yami)’s father, so I’m making Rhampsinitus his father from this time on. The first part is written as if retelling an old legend, but the second is as if you are watching from the sidelines (third person). I hope you enjoy this story, it’s been nagging me since I finished the book. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Part One: Year 39 of the Reign of Rhampsinitus
Chapter One
There came a dark age in the history of Egypt; a continuation of the destruction spread by the late Pharaoh Rhampsinitus. Later, his son and successor Atem, tried to change the darkness that had ensued, but there were others who wished to stop him, and take the throne deeper into darkness. Two such people were the sons of Nu, the dark haired elder son Osiris, and the younger of brown hair Set. Osiris was the darker of the two; even the father could see that. He tried once to stop his elder son, but he saw it awaiting, and killed him himself. Set, though he too was cold hearted in the ways of emotion, he felt the pain of that blow, and was horrified by the actions of his brother. Set knew he had to do something to stop his evil brother, so he turned his attention to the gods.
As Set sought the answers in the sky, Osiris looks to below the sands. A woman, by the name of Hathor frequently, found her way into his life. This dark woman was a lure to him, with her smell of dried blood. Frequently he laid with her, and she would stroke his short black hair.
“My Hathor, what pleasures the Red sands must give if you are the fruit of them.”
The red haired woman smiled wickedly. “And you shall know soon enough, my jewel, for you shall be ruler of all the sun and moon touches.”
“How can I do that,” he got onto his elbow, to look into her red eyes. “The Pharaoh is the one who rules all the sun and moon touches.”
“But you shall soon take the throne from him,” she purred as viciously as she could, taking his face into her hands. “You shall ascend, and the Pharaoh shall fall.”
Osiris pulled away from her grasp. “How can I stand against the mightiness of a living god, Hathor?”
“Am I and you not gods ourselves?” she demanded. “You are of my blood now, not of his. You are superior to him, and you have by all rights, the throne.”
Osiris turned away from her, and rubbed the spot upon where Hathor had blooded him months before. His eyes flashed back to her as she snickered.
“What are you laughing about,” he hissed, his red eyes meeting hers.
“I was thinking of how on your coronation day, I shall have my children slaughter the children of the Pharaoh for you.”
Osiris smiled evilly, and returned to her side. “How can you always do that to me?” he growled.
“It is a gift, my son,” she purred contently and kissed him deeply.
As all of this occurred, Set was riding back as fast as he could; the gods told him what he must do. Strapped to the back of his steed was a box crafted of gold and jewels. Upon his return, Hathor could see why the younger brother had returned, and guarded the elder brother jealously.
tell me what ya'all think, and if i should post the rest of it. thanx again peoples!
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