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working in construction currently...yessir, i am.
Real Name
Kassandra, aint it lovely, a friend calls me Kip as in Kassie and Pippin. aha.
not many i must say...oooh taught myself to drive illegally. Manual and stick *pats self on back
Anime Fan Since
when i was small and found out sailor moon gave people seizures i started watching hoping to experiense what it felt like to have a seizure. Man i was one stupid kid.
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pursue a career in writing or acting.
I can juggle, yessssir.
| pepperpippin
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Well i just finnished reading about Talimsouls vacation and it inspired me to write bout mine.
Well because of all this divorce stuff thats going on everybody has been puting their spare rooms up for rent for me,
I usually say no but when my aunt asked if i wanted to stay i couldnt say no. Her house is a massive mansion!! She built it herself.
I got my cousin cody's room seing as hes off at college for four years. His walls look like bricks and theres pictures of girls in bikinis and a massive steareo programmed to play elvis every morning at 6am. But other than all that everything was ok.
My aunt and cousin Brandae are huge health freaks so every day we had to go on a 10mile bike ride. I almost died.
Anyways I was only planning on staying for a couple of days until my aunt invited me to her friends cottage they go to every friday till sunday.
And i did. Heres some things that happened;
1. Choked on a bean.
2. Decided never to eat another bean as long as i live.
3. Fell of the cliff into the river. Hit foot on sharp rock.
4. My cousin Trevor stuck a frog down the back of my shirt. Itchy all night. Weird rash.
5. Turned a billboard sign thing my uncle got into a slip'n'slide.
6. Got bored with slip'n'slide. Decided to pour bottle of dishsoap on it. Bad idea. Experienced flight.
7. Decided to sleep in tent outside.
8. Uncle and friends get drunk, forget im in the tent, and try to burn it.
9. Spider decides to bite my head off while i sleep.
10. Get first facial. Youd think that sounds nice until your aunt signs you up for an extraction. Even the name sounds evil.
11.Decided i like being the oldest at home compared to being the youngest with my cousins.
Well that was my vacation. And i have all of the bruises to prove it =]
oh btw just turned 14! legally able to do so much more!!
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
....and i expect a nice card with cash inside.
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Wow. Today i got my hair cut...and the lady went crazy on my hair...its so short i look like a But luckily my hair grows amazingly fast so maybe by next month it will be okay......Need words of comfort :(
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Monday, June 26, 2006
Finnaly its midnight and i can post for tommorow, well actually today...whatever! Anyways my birthdays coming up :) Cant wait. My aunt got married today, well yesteray...whatever! She lives in nova scotia, we were supposed to fly down but moneys a litte low lately T.T Went to see fireworks, came back with 9 big mosquito bites (damn.)
Do any of you have myspae?
just askin.
Anyways Talimsoul always posts questions on her posts and i love filling them out. So i figured id give them a shot!
1.Are you one of those ppl who always call themselves fat? ( lol just like my sis)
2. What are all of your pets names?
3. Where are you currently?
4. Would you rather get a tattoo or go bungee jumping?
1. Not rly, because im a vegetarian so i know that whatever junk i eat would make up for the fat in meat. Plus im not fat.
2. Zoe, Bootsie, Billy, Merry, Pippin, Domino, Chrystal, Chanel, Skittles, Cashew and former dog Peanut (RIP Franklin the turtle)
3. At my grandmas foster home visiting. Its interesting one girl is missing and she broke a door-frame because she got mad. And another girl who is 13 like me was mising all day and just got in!
and now for the quiz of the day!!!
*plays little air-trumpet*
(LMAO woopi i gots Billy, lol i named my cat after billy boyd ^.^)
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Sunday, June 4, 2006
Well then here I am again, posting. I need to make this quick because i need to go cut the grass outside. Sounds simple, well not if the house is as bog as this one is. Its my grandmothers house. Shes like rich or sumthing. Shes willing to pay (i didnt ask) but the money will go towards my summer clothes. So its all good. Im probably gonna post again tonight so come back later!
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
well then its been a while scince ive posted... :( ....oh well. Im at my grandmothers today. We just movedso my house is a bunch of boxes. Fun. Well I finnaly got my dad to watch the LOTR movies, well not all of them but the first, he thought they were funny. Oh well. Well i have a goal this weekend to coment every day! And i will, well ill try. I bought summer clothes yesterday. And i got new vans shoes. Theyre cool, ill put a picture!

like those olny with black skulls and a white background :)

and thats me with my boxes!
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
well then this is interesting...well the court thing was today and the judge postponed it and said in the meantime im to live with both parents.yep... well then here are sum pics...not nececarily lotr pics but wtv

^ a seagull that followed me home

^ my gerbils (merry and pippin r their names)

^ my cat zoe

^ my cat bootsie

^ my cousin Macey

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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
oh wow its really been a long time since ive posted eh? ... well then im sorry but ive been so busy lately. My life has been like a soap opera!!!! here are some things that have happened
-my moms ex boyfriend broke into our house
-both of my parents are going for full cusody of us (bro and sis) tommorow
-my cat got really sick
-my kitten was born
-i decided to live with my dad
-my dads invention was already invented
-i didnt get the job i applied for
-im failing math
-my best friend is going anorexic and is considering cocaine
-my mp3 player broke
-i got asked out by a boy i dont like
-no money to buy a computer
interesting eh?
well thats baisically my life now in case your wondering why i havent been posting. anywayz ill try and comment more often!
luv ya all <3
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Hello again...yay im posting *does happy dance*. Well 2morrow i have to stay home alone all day because somefuy will be delivering our new fridge. Nobody can go another day with the broken one...our milk litterally turned to cheese therefore preventing me from my cheerios this morning! Anyhoo heres sum stuff!

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Monday, February 27, 2006
Well its been a long time since ive posted...well its seemed like it hass...well not much to say...hi...well that was mp3 player got runover by a car when i tried to catch my bus the other day...i missed my bus afterwards...*sigh *
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