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Nickname: Jae
I excel in the area of slackerdom. Oh, I am out of highschool ::hides diploma:: My biggest achievement is learning to be ME.
Anime Fan Since
1989 [Ish sort of old]
Favorite Anime
Then: Astro Boy [Many others too embarrassed to say!] - - Now: Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, Gundam Wing/SEED/Destiny, Witch Hunter Robin, Fushigi Yugi, X, DB/Z, City Hunter, Trigun, .Hack//Sign,Yu Yu Hakusho, Ah! My Goddess, many many others...
Erm, I'm still not sure what my goals are! [I like too many things and change my mind way too much.]
Sketching, painting[trying to anyways], making web layouts, reading manga/zines, and other schtuff.
Um, I play the piano. I complain too much? Dunno.
| PerfectlyDamned
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
Again, Going Bonkers Over Animated Gifs!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Here's the animated gif I was working on. It's a little simple but I like the way it looks.

The character is sort of vampire based so that's why I chose him. He's cute too! [^_^]
I'll probably work on some Sesshomaru icons tonight. Rummaging through my files and looking for the right pictures isn't going to be easy. I have too many!
I'll be doing some simple animated gifs on other characters too, just don't know which ones yet. Well, gotta get started on it.
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Woke up a few hours ago. Couldn't sleep the whole night. Hmm, sort of tempted to watch Blue Seed, another favorite of mine.
But, I think I'll stick to working on my website, another pain in the happy pantz, gotta keep this rated G! Eww, happy pantz, [~_@].
Okay, my head out of *that*...uh, cloud. I'm wondering whether or not to continue working on other MS Paint projects. I'm sure I'm being laughed at for even using the thing. But I have to use whatever is available.(Quit being cheap and buy PSP!)
Alright, back to being some strange nerd working on my secret hiding place! [>_>]
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Another MS Paint Creation
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

This time of course I chose Sesshomaru/Sesshoumaru for my subject. I made one version of the same picture without shading and the other with shading. [^_*]
It was my first attempt at making something like that. Well, trying to mimic the use of shadow and light. Perhaps I need a lot more practice, but hey, I'm just starting out here!
Yes, MS Paint, will be my new bestfriend for the next little while until I find a program that will do all I want it to do. Rendering images in 3D might be useful for building websites but I still like the traditional paint/pencil approach to my "work".
Whew! Who knew I could "draw"...anyways, I had a lazy day. The rain kept coming down most of the afternoon and some of the evening, didn't mind that too much since I love the rain. It's comforting to hear.
Well, that's it for now.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
My Mouse Works!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Ha! Created a picture of Noin with Paint, of all programs to work with, and she turned out pretty good. I've never drawn anime style pictures with MS Paint before. It was my first time. It's cute. But, very time consuming if you don't have a steady hand or mouse for that matter. I think it took me two hours.
I really should get out more eh? Well, as promised, the picture in it's original size. Hope you like it! [<_<]
Click To See Noin
***Picture will pop up in new window if I did it correctly***
I really need to get a decent graphics/drawing program. Funny that I don't have one. That'll be the next thing I buy for my compy.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Avatars Drive Me Bonkers!!!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I just finished making my own personal avatar for my profile [^_^]
Hmm, not much detail to work with, I had to resize the picture from it's original dimension of "big" x "bigger". Ha.
Maybe I'll post up the drawing one of these days. But, just thought to write it here so I won't forget what I did! [@_0]
That's it for now.
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Woo! Wee!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I just stumbled onto this site. I'm glad I did. There's a lot of interesting stuff going on here. A lot of pictures and information and just a place to hang out. Anime is sort of something I like and myOtaku is just the thing I needed. I'll be posting up a few pictures I've done myself, but it'll have to wait until I upload them to my computer. Slacker! Ha!
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