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Nickname: Jae
I excel in the area of slackerdom. Oh, I am out of highschool ::hides diploma:: My biggest achievement is learning to be ME.
Anime Fan Since
1989 [Ish sort of old]
Favorite Anime
Then: Astro Boy [Many others too embarrassed to say!] - - Now: Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, Gundam Wing/SEED/Destiny, Witch Hunter Robin, Fushigi Yugi, X, DB/Z, City Hunter, Trigun, .Hack//Sign,Yu Yu Hakusho, Ah! My Goddess, many many others...
Erm, I'm still not sure what my goals are! [I like too many things and change my mind way too much.]
Sketching, painting[trying to anyways], making web layouts, reading manga/zines, and other schtuff.
Um, I play the piano. I complain too much? Dunno.
| PerfectlyDamned
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Friday, October 13, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I bought Gunslinger Girl today! Yay! I finally get to watch the rest of the anime. There are only 13 episodes. Bleh. I've been wanting and waiting to get this box set for a very VERY long time. Finally found it! Hmm, I'm thinking of getting the second season to Ghost in the Shell:S.A.C. I seriously need to stop spending so much money on anime. Heh. NEVAIR!
Grah...I spent some time changing my site around again. I'm still working on trying to figure out to totally make it my own without using the darned PAGE class. It's driving me nuts because I have to find out how to make the posts and AD show where/how I want them. Oh, it's taking me forever to either comment or vote. I'll keep at it until my computer hates me. Hah.
Anyways, enough rambling about nothing.
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Monday, October 9, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I'm sad-ish. It started snowing on Saturday and now it's all gone again.
:[ Hah. I love winter and everything that has to do with,festivals,that special day in December[two of them, bro's birthday ^_^], and the best part of all-no bugs!
I'm hoping it'll start snowing by the end of the month or in the middle of November. Everything looks so clean and pretty when there's snow all over the place. The trees look like something out of a fairytale...well, the ones around here. :]
I had fun cooking a three hour pudding during Saturday. Oy. I know why my grams only cooks it once or twice a year. It's so much work! My first pudding was not bad. I'm going to try make another one for Christmas.
Pudding and snow...WINTER IS GONNA BE HERE SOON!!!!! Yeah, I've had too much cough syrup. Haha.
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I'm so awake right now. I slept at 6 PM and I woke up at 5:30 AM! I'll be digging through that pesky closet again. I'm so scared to really move things because of SPIDERS! GAH!
Oh, I spent a few hours sketching more stuff and I realize I have a lot of work to do when it comes to clothing and body posture. Oy! Found an interesting site with online manga to read. Blah, I was reading a manga where cops talk with their butts! (The way they move 'em). Lol. That was silly. [CyberManga.Com]. You can find it there if anybody is interested. The site also has a small tutorial on creating your own manga.
Anyways, that's it for rambling. ^_^
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Monday, October 2, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Meh, the newer episodes of InuYasha weren't playing but I did get to see four episodes of Naruto. The last episode ended with Bushy Brows fighting the Sand Devil. Haha. Yeah, such a geek to say only the nicknames. =P
My closet is full of stuff! Still...I think I need to buy more storage containers, some really big ones. Oh, more randomness, I love the new manga that ShojoBeat has lined up for the mangazine. Backstage Prince is such a lovely story. I want to read more but I'll have to wait a few weeks. Such a torture!
I hope my trip to the city turns out. If it does I'll be purchasing a ton of manga at the bookstore. ^_^!
Bleh, hope everybody has had a nice day.
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Hm...I found some old anime/mangazines in my closet. I have one from 1999! How scary is that?
I seriously need to clean up my closet. But, I'm such a pack rat that'll never happen. I have pencils from 5th grade stashed in cases I didn't know I still had. Er, 5th grade was a very long time ago. Hah.
I think I'll beg my brother to get me another anime DVD when he goes out of town this week. I doubt I could get him to look around for manga. He can barely say "InuYasha". It's funny when he says "Inowasha". But! I'll try convince him to at least take a look at the bookstore. Grr! I need to read more Death Note!
Blah. Now ends another blahful episode of randomness. I'm going to bed. So tired!
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Argh! Sometimes HTML can make me! Hah. I worked on another layout last night. I managed to make it without any, at least that what's the validation told me. Hm, my very first site done in XHTML and I made a simple CSS sheet that passed validation also.
Notice how blue everything is?! Yay! I brought back a Sesshomaru [^_^] theme. I might make the background picture a little smaller...not sure yet.
Bleh. I think I'll try and do some more sketches.
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Ichigo thinks his dad is crazy and I can't help but think so too. I can't wait for the releases of the anime. Grr! I know I say I'm anime/manga obsessed all the time but it's true! Erm, I'm obsessed about a lot of other things too. Hah.
I uploaded a new sketch to my portfolio. If anybody wants to check it out then go for it. If you're a Sesshomaru fan you'll probably like it. I hope. ^_^
I don't think I could live without ShonenJump or ShojoBeat. The mangazines have some pretty good previews of manga and other fun articles. I might get a few more plushies when my brother goes out of town again. Yay! That won't be until November.
Hm, I think I've had too much sugar and tea. I'm rambling more than usual.
Anyways, I hope you guys are doing good.
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I went to bed at eight and now I'm awake. Yeah, who goes to bed at eight besides grannies and babies?! Hah. I needed the rest because I only had a few hours of sleep the night before.
I'll have until November to try and register for a year long college program. Or! I could get into Uni and spend three long years trying to major in some social science subject.
*Sigh* I don't know. Depends on whether or not I can get enough money! Maybe I should stop spending it on manga eh? Lol. Yeah, right!
Grr. I can't catch CaseClosed here anylonger. I think the network or whatever didn't want to deal with the 300plus episodes. Yeah, I couldn't believe how many episodes were produced for the series either. Heh. Anyways, like always, done my rambling for now.
EDIT: I'm going to try and get around to viewing everybody's portfolio. I'll try. It's a big task considering I have a slow connect! :( I'll probably vote more than I comment. Hope you guys don't mind.
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Monday, September 11, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Haku! I can't help but love that character. Too bad he had to die. I finished watching the first volume box set of Naruto last night.
Hm, I sketched a few characters from the anime and tried out one of the manga covers. I love the art work. I like shonen style manga. Shojo is fun too.
Grr! Going out of town in a couple of weeks for a trip. It'll only be for a couple of days. I'm going to look for manga and more anime! Yes, it's safe to say I'm obsessed. Hah. Bleh...enough rambling.
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon
Bleach is an interesting anime to watch. I've read the first volume of the manga and I thought it was translated decently into anime/English. "Strawberry" is so funny. He's always kicking people and his dad is hilarious. He keeps attacking him out of the blue and it makes Ichigo mad. They fight like cats and dogs.
I love it(sometimes hate it when the anime is so bad) when manga is made into "live action" series. Hm, if I did have something I wanted to do for a living it would be creating manga. If only I could draw. :P
I can't wait to get a hold of more Bleach episodes.
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