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Nickname: Jae
I excel in the area of slackerdom. Oh, I am out of highschool ::hides diploma:: My biggest achievement is learning to be ME.
Anime Fan Since
1989 [Ish sort of old]
Favorite Anime
Then: Astro Boy [Many others too embarrassed to say!] - - Now: Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, Gundam Wing/SEED/Destiny, Witch Hunter Robin, Fushigi Yugi, X, DB/Z, City Hunter, Trigun, .Hack//Sign,Yu Yu Hakusho, Ah! My Goddess, many many others...
Erm, I'm still not sure what my goals are! [I like too many things and change my mind way too much.]
Sketching, painting[trying to anyways], making web layouts, reading manga/zines, and other schtuff.
Um, I play the piano. I complain too much? Dunno.
| PerfectlyDamned
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I had something to say about something important but it completely slipped my mind. I seem to be getting senile and I'm a youngish person! Gah!!!
Oh, the plot just keeps getting better and better with Absolute Boyfriend. I'm still searching for the first two volumes published in English!
I can't wait to find more manga to read. I'm still sketching and thinking about characters. I'm very tempted to take up an Art programme tihs fall.
There's so much I don't know yet! I have the summer to think and make some sort of plan. I wish I could get paid for being a slacker.
Eeek! Um, think I'll head off and watch InuYasha:Movie One for the 100th time.
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Oh The Carnage!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Limbs missing, wrappings all over the place, a chocolately heap of mess--what's going on?! Oh, it's Easter.
Happy Easter and such.[^_^]!
I just finished making a cherry cheescake pie. I have one more to prepare. Angel food cake, so yummy! Too bad I have to wait until after dinner to have a slice. [@_<]
Who knew I'd be so interested in reading the Yu-Gi-Oh manga. I just like the whole Ancient Egyptian theme. History is interesting. It's even better if there's some great art involved.
Any-ways, rambling again. I shouldn't stay up so late reading manga!
I need more chocolate!
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Another long weekend!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

More bills to pay! Yay! Joy! OMG! Well...I'd be nuts to be excited about dishing out money. I'm poor!
I'm saving up to get Adobe CS2. I'm borrowing a program right now. [>_>] Yes...borrowing.
I enjoy watching FMA. It's funny. The Shrimp is cute and Al is too sweet. Sad news, I lost a Gasaraki DVD. Now I don't have a complete collection! [>_<]!
Hm, three or four more weeks until I have to leave for the summer! Well, that's it for my wonderful updates.
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
I'm down to sniffles!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I haven't updated in a while. Yay. I'm crazy. I'm still a little loopy from cough syrup. Oh! I shouldn't have bought white shoes so early. They're a bit dirty now. Need to clean 'em up a bit. How's that for random?!
Another week before the next issue of ShojoBeat comes out! I can't wait. It's the only mag/manga publisher thingamajig where I can read Absolute Boyfriend and Crimson Hero. Hm, Baby & Me is a cute story also.
I'm all out of Pocky! [-_-] Poor me.
Hm, I found some old character layouts and I'm thinking it might end up as a mini-manga play. Dunno yet. I still have a lot of work to get through. Grah! I think I need to take an art class to get the basics of coloring and ink work right.
Meh! Enough rambling.
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I'm sick. I have a cold or something. I've actually been sleeping for six hours every night. And! I'm not having any dreams. That's a first. I'm very shocked.
Argh! I can't find the manga volumes of Absolute Boyfriend! I love reading what I can find of the series.
So tired!
A little something to look at. I tried to "paint" something a little while ago. It's not much but here's the [link] if you want to take a peek. Opens up in a new window so you don't leave MyO if you're logged in.
Time to pass out. *crawls away to bed*
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Monday, March 27, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I was back yesterday but I was too tired to make an update. Sadly, I didn't get the second InuYasha movie that I wanted.
But! I did buy the second season of InuYasha. Yays! Oh, I also bought some manga. Not much but it's enough. Erm, I also spent money on a gaming console...XBOX! I can upgrade it to the 360 next time for a whole lot less. It's up to my brat sister since I bought it for her birthday gift.
Meh. I scanned in a few new sketches. Um, I'll probably only have one or two up.
I'll be making another trip in May. Hopefully I will find more stuff.
That's about it for updates. Hope that you guys are having/had a nice spring break!
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Tomorrow I'm going to look for another InuYasha movie. I already have two of them.
And! I'll be trying to look for more Manga. The store I want to go to is a little expensive.
I just finished making a few avatars and a lot of buttons. Sometimes I have such odd obsessions.
Any-who, time for me to get packing and get ready for my trip!
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I just got a call today and I found out I'll be out of town for the summer. [^_^]!!!
So, I'll be looking after my cousin for the summer AND I might have a job too! It's a computer/networking based job. Argh! Time to make a resume and send it out.
Maybe, just maybe...this year won't be such a total loss. Hey, if I make more money I'll be able to buy tons of really fun junk. :P
Gah! I really hope things work out.
Any-who, time to clean up and sweep stuff under the rug.
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Friday, March 17, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I just finished doing a little something with Paint and my mouse. Eeek!
Um, yeah. The image is colored this time. I'm not great with using colour in my work and I hope it turns out.
Hopefully, I'll be leaving for my trip by Thursday night. I can't wait! I'm going to buy some Anime and maybe a few art books.
Now I'm going to drag myself away from the computer for a bit.
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Yep. I changed my background again. It's a bit more easier to read the profile thingy. I said I was going to tweak my site again and I have.
I promise to keep it this way for awhile. Unless I find more Zechs Marquise pictures. Cute guys with long hair! YAY!
Yes, I've had a little too much sugar. [x_X]
Three new sketches and my scanner won't work!!! Hopefully my trip out of town next week will go as planned so I can find another adapter or an entirely new scanner/printer.
Well that's all the exciting(yeah right) news I have for today.
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