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Nickname: Jae
I excel in the area of slackerdom. Oh, I am out of highschool ::hides diploma:: My biggest achievement is learning to be ME.
Anime Fan Since
1989 [Ish sort of old]
Favorite Anime
Then: Astro Boy [Many others too embarrassed to say!] - - Now: Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, Gundam Wing/SEED/Destiny, Witch Hunter Robin, Fushigi Yugi, X, DB/Z, City Hunter, Trigun, .Hack//Sign,Yu Yu Hakusho, Ah! My Goddess, many many others...
Erm, I'm still not sure what my goals are! [I like too many things and change my mind way too much.]
Sketching, painting[trying to anyways], making web layouts, reading manga/zines, and other schtuff.
Um, I play the piano. I complain too much? Dunno.
| PerfectlyDamned
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
Just About Driven Bonkers!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Wow, I finally got the style to work properly for me. My background was being grumpy and difficult. But! It was nesting tables and setting the proper sizes for the DIVs that took forever.
Eventually I'll get used to changing the style sheet and HTML to make a better MyO page. Hope you guys like this one. I know, it might need a bit more tweaking but I'm tired!
I need to get some sleep.
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I made another huge mess with watercolors and brushes. Clumsy me spilled dirty water all over the floor and my desk. Thank goodness nothing was ruined. I have so much clutter in my room and it's a miracle I didn't destroy anything!
I have to do a little cleaning and sort out all my stuff I've collected. Just thinking about it is making my head spin! Serves me right for being such a packrat. [^_^]
I counted up all the sketchbooks I could find and have about 15 of them. Gawd, I haven't even looked in my closet yet. That'll be fun.
Oh, I've made two more sketches. Male characters who are way too pretty. Teehee! Again, show 'em once I get my stupid scanner to work. I think I need to get a new adapter. That's it for now.
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

My brother bought me three dolls! I have Kakashi, Naruto and SESSHOMARU!!! Yay! Can you tell I'm excited?! Yes, I'm a crazy Otaku nerd. [^_^]
I thought he wouldn't be able to find any or get the wrong ones. Heh. He doesn't know anything about Anime/Manga. He's too old! [*_*]
I have a picture. It'll be up on my site for awhile. Yes, I took a picture! Geek! Remember?
Meh. :P
I'll be looking for more at the end of month.
Well, that's all for now.
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Thursday, March 2, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

It's been a very busy week. I've been babysitting and working on more sites for other people. Grah! I'm so beat.
It should slow down by Friday. I hope! I've done a few watercolor manga style characters. Oh, and two more original characters. Though, I doubt I'll be posting them up any time soon.
I'll think about it. ^_~
Agh! Sleep. I haven't slept in two nights! Time to get some rest.
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Meh! I chose Sesshomaru. I'll keep it this way for awhile. I think I'll still search for pictures for more themes.
I'm building more website layouts. Go me! [^_^]
Hm, need ideas!
Oh, did another wallpaper. Angel Sanctuary this time.
Any-who, time for bed.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I got a little side tracked. I found an interesting layout for a website and I had to figure out how it was put together. Distraction from actually changing my Otaku home! Teehee!
Oy! It was so complicated. I made some changes to the tables and I think I'm going to combine some divs to keep the tables from changing too much.
Heck, I'm going to make another version of it. Completely my own style. Hm, I need to figure out a way to make the background stick and only use two tables at the most. I'll keep up my other one for now.
Erm, there's no content on the thing. It's just there for show and to experiment on. Well, here's the link if you're interested in taking a peek.
Any-who, I'm done for the night. It's sleepy time!
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I have two "new" sketches. Actually, I've had my two latest sketches for a long time. I just couldn't find them. I've still got plenty of others somewhere in my room. My bedroom is like the land of the lost. I have other sketch books full of drawings and anime/manga characters.
I'm what you'd call a "pack rat". I have things from like grade one in my closet and desks(have two).
So, last night I managed to scan in two images and made them smaller than what they are.
I made a wallpaper also. I won't be uploading it until later on. Of course, it's another Sesshomaru one. [^_^]
I'm still trying to decide on the new theme of my page. Grah. But, I've been busy working on a forum for a friend. Busy busy busy! I'll update again when I have time. [^_^]!
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Friday, February 10, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Oy, I'm forgetful. I'm thinking of changing the way this Otaku home of mine looks. Maybe adding a little less color. More pictures and just general craziness! Nah.
What I need is a theme. I can't decide what anime character to base the look on. Maybe Sesshomaru? Sasuke? Kakahshi?!! Heh.
Grah, maybe WHR with Amon being the main attraction. [^_^]! Blah. I need some ideas.
I'm going to search for some pics I guess. Gotta start somewhere.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

OMG! I haven't updated in a long time. Well, I've been busy. Busy dealing with drama and the like. Go me! [T_T]
Any-who, I've been working on new sketches. Some of them original and others that just inspire me.
Sketching out a few characters from Godchild. Godchild is a good manga. Count Cain is the first part to that series. However, I don't believe it's been licensed in America.
Still trying to find more stuff on Absolute Boyfriend. Well, not much of an update.
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Monday, January 9, 2006
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Okay, so it's been a little while since I last made a post. I'm a busy, lazy, not all here kinda gal. :p
Well, things are settling down. Now, I'm just trying to find a job. Building websites is fun but it doesn't pay really well. Would be nice if I could get a computer-related job. Even if I have to work a nightshift! I like the night better anyhow.
Hm, I finished another anime-style layout for a personal website. All I have left to do is decide where I want it to be hosted. I'm cheap and picky, that means I won't settle for something with giant ads covering the first half of my site. I'm so tempted to use I just hate the "" part. Gah!
I'll have the link posted up on my "profile" as soon as I find something I like. Any-ways, time to find something else to distract me.
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