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Nickname: Jae
I excel in the area of slackerdom. Oh, I am out of highschool ::hides diploma:: My biggest achievement is learning to be ME.
Anime Fan Since
1989 [Ish sort of old]
Favorite Anime
Then: Astro Boy [Many others too embarrassed to say!] - - Now: Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, Gundam Wing/SEED/Destiny, Witch Hunter Robin, Fushigi Yugi, X, DB/Z, City Hunter, Trigun, .Hack//Sign,Yu Yu Hakusho, Ah! My Goddess, many many others...
Erm, I'm still not sure what my goals are! [I like too many things and change my mind way too much.]
Sketching, painting[trying to anyways], making web layouts, reading manga/zines, and other schtuff.
Um, I play the piano. I complain too much? Dunno.
| PerfectlyDamned
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I got a few DVDs for gifts this year. Two InuYasha Volumes and the movie -- InuYasha: Affections Touching Across Time. [^_^]! Yay!Hope I got that right.
Oy. I finished up with designing a website. Hm, but I suppose I still have some minor tweaking left to do. It shouldn't take me too long. I hope. I'll be leaving that until tomorrow.
It was actually a good Christmas this year. I hope everybody else had a good time, too.
Grr. I'm sleepy. I'll update again when I'm not tired or busy.
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Heh. It's been really hectic with all the traveling and getting things ready. I finally (almost) have all the gifts I wanted to buy except for my brother's present. Still need to get that one. His birthday is on Tuesday so he gets double the presents during the holidays. Hah.
So, I have a few more days to look for something for his birthday and another present for Christmas. Gah!
I haven't been drawing much. I did do a sketch on something but it probably won't be posted up any time soon. [-_-]
Eh, I've got more stuff to do. Barely had time to post!!!
[runs away screaming!]
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
Oy! The Holidays!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Bills to pay, presents to buy, life has ended as I know it! Eh...not really. I bought a few more DVDs and will purchase more again next week. Yay!
Oh, shopping next week also for more gifts. I hope. Blah...I don't like making plans. Grr. But, the hotel is booked. [^_^]
I finally got my hands on ShojoBeat! I love reading it. Gah! But it's only published once a month like Shonen Jump! [!_!]
My favorite so far is Absolute Boyfriend. The characters are so cute and the content is for us older "kids"! [Sighs] I can't wait until I get the next issue.
Any-ways. I'm done.
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I created some new icons/avatars. Also a few wallpapers. But, they aren't really anime related. More vampire stuff. [^_^].
I have a few Sasuke[Naruto], Sesshomaru, and other characters I can't quite place. I think they're from video games. Though, not too sure. I'll post 'em up when I have time.
Any-who, I'm so lost about what to do now that I'm not in school. Doi! I'm going to take a break and decide what I really want out of life.
Whelp, time for bed.
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Monday, November 21, 2005
Blah! Busy & Lazy.
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I'm both busy and lazy. Have been working on a project but I doubt I'll finish it now. I'm having trouble with school and it's a bit of a bummer. [Yeah, old school stuff, bummer]. I'm old dammit! Heh, yeah right.
Oh, started chatting with this geek who keeps calling me Old Man! [@_o]! I think he's the old man. Hmpf! I'm not old[certainly way younger than he is] and I'm definitely not a guy!!!
Any-who, I'm trying to update this thing at least once a week. I've been slacking for several excuses I can't quite remember. Blast this terrible memory of mine. Oh! Here's something to bite down on, chat transcript stuff, name unknown for obvious reasons:
CrazySNGuyGirl: lays flat out on the non-existent floor of the chatroom. "Mine!!!!" and goes back to idling.
CrazySNGuy?Girl?: scuffs up the recently waxed hardwood floors. The etched surface reads: Mhm, property of Moi. Entertains the sock puppet on the right hand and a lollipop in the other. "Mm. Tasty, tasty."
CrazySNGuy?Girl?: "So, Mr.Byron" Twitch. "Do you think I should pwn his #$! or no?" Another nervous twitch.
CrazySNGuy?Girl?:eyes the others in the room. "Gawd, I thought I was alone." Hides the sock puppet and lollipop. Lawrd doesn't really want to know what's been done with either. "Eck..." Twitch. "I feel so dirty."
CrazySNGuy?Girl?:scoffs. "Serves him right, bas...." Rolls over into a more comfortable position. Pulls out another sock puppet, this one finds it's rear violated by the left hand this time round, and dubs him Sir James. "Sir James, what if I take my pills tonight, will I be more better than I am now?" Hopeful look as the cute little button eyes stare back coldly at the dull-witted individual before him.
CrazySNGuy?Girl?:Except, little did the oddball know, the conversation wasn't being held by the one who normally had control of the synapses and other such colorful words that confuzzle the nitwit. "Sir James, it, isn't doing so well. It keeps yabbering on as though every piece of thought is rational and believable. A real nutcase if you will." Sir James, with the aide of long fingers, twisted in a fashion that resembled a nod. "Oh no!" Spoken out of the side of mouth. "It's completely out of character with the rest of the world!" Puzzlement.
CrazySNGuy?Girl?:Again, more clever twists of the hand and fingers, Sir James was brought to life. A sadly inquisitive posture, questioning the validity of the puppeteer's sanity, gave a sinking feeling of dread. "Oh, don't be daft, Sir James. Thee, uh, thee...thing, will be fine." Said out of side of mouth, a disturbing tone to the voice. "This should help some." Sir James watches in disbelief as a shaky hand pulls from thin air a white jacket. Though, not any sort of ordinary jacket, it happened to be a special type with neat buckles and straps that appeared to function as restraints for the arms. "Ah, Sir James, it's a beaut ain't it?" Sir James nodded his head in approval. "Shall we give it a try?" Stares down the oddball rather coldly.
CrazySNGuy?Girl?: "NOOOO!" My own voice rang out in terror. "Why is this happening to me?!" To my horror, I had had another psychotic episode. However, this one was turning out to be a bad dream, the sort of dream that you find yourself waking up repeatedly within over and over again. It goes on like that for quite some time. "Please!" My cries are in vain as Sir James disappears behind my back and I feel him tugging at my arms, feeling one forced into a sleeve and then the other following suit. "Please...Sir James...." A strange panicked diabolical sinister...goes on, laughter fills the room ((Out of the side of mouth of course)) "Help me...." By now, Sir James has gone silent and the other just stares as I struggle on the floor, trying with all my will to free myself.
CrazySNGuy?Girl?:Tears slip down my face, munching now on popcorn, sobbing like a little pansy boy. I don't taste the tears that sprinkle over the sweet and deliciously buttery popcorn. The sheer emotion causes me to stand up, throwing my popcorn helterskelter about the chatroom, clapping my hands frantically and screaming ever more like the fae that I know rests in my dark litte heart. "Bravo, bravo!" My fingers go to my lips, sending out air-blown kisses to the nuts that act before my very eyes. "Encore! My darlings, encore!" I fall back, dramatically, down on the chair exhausted and spent. "Spectacular...." ((Consult your local psychiatrist before the same happens to you.))
Um...are you scared? I am! Hehe. That's it for now.
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Monday, November 7, 2005
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Busy as usual. A lot of work to do and had a slight accident over the weekend. Ha! I slipped off the stairs. I'm so clumsy.
I bought a couple of DVDs: Street Fighter and Rah Xephon. Street Fighter reminds me of my Captain Planet days. *Laughs*
I can't wait until the holidays. I'm still saving up some money to buy my 'rents some gifts and my brat sister and brother. And the rest of my family. Gah! Why do I have to have such a big family!? *Snickers*
Welp. Just an update in case you thought I'd gone missing! Not that anybody misses meh. [^_^]
Okay, my back hurts and I need my rest.
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Monday, October 24, 2005
Another long night.
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Hmm. I've redone my website once again. This time I had use of Photoshop. Um, yeah, first time using the thing and it's been driving me bonkers. Oh well, I did manage to create a decent looking banner for my site.
And, yes, I will have a link up as soon as I can. I'm still filling up my site with content and stuff. It's a lot more "girly" compared to what it was before.
Any-who, very sleepy. So, I'm going to crawl into bed now.
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Scan, Scan, and Scan Again.
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

**Kills scanner** Yes, I would if I could and if I didn't really need it. But, it's safe until I cough up the money to buy a better one.
So, the scans of my "art" basically bite. Grr. I've tried my best with what I've got. Heh. I like the Manga style of sketching characters. Though, the coloring and painting part is driving me crazy. I'm still trying to get used to using inks. Hmm, I'll eventually work my way up to watercolor. I know, it's not necessary to create characters that way but I think it's fun and challenging.
But, inks will do fine for now. Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes you crazy. [@_o]
Back to working on my website. Sheesh. The torture never stops!
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Website's drive me bonkers.
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

I just finished up with the layout of another anime version of my original site. The first anime version I worked on(currently in use) has Sesshomaru stamped all over it. [^_^]
As for the second version, we'll call it Anime Layout|2| for now, is quite simple in design compared to the first. Vampire Hunter D takes the throne this time. I'm sure I'll be making a Naruto theme sometime down the road. Any-who, off track again, I am working on the content side of my site.
That should be easy considering I cut, paste, and save everything I read. But, uh...not this time. Starting fresh is killin' me. [X_x]
Any-who, if people want to look at it...I'll provide a screenshot of it sometime or I'll actually put up the link. But, that won't be for a slightly long while. Heh.
On a more odd note, turkey, turkey, turkey!!!! GAH!!!!
Meep. I'm going to fiddle around with the links and find some pictures to add to my anime gallery. Ciao.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Turkey, it's everywhere! GAHHHHH!
 | Version Vibrant. Four Years In The Making, Coming Soon

Can you tell it's that time of year again? more... [X_x]
Unfortunately, for me, there will plenty of sandwiches for my lunch and for dinner and...forever! Heh. Okay, a little dramatic.
I didn't have such a bad day today. My family was over and that was fun. Oh, I burnt myself a couple of times while I was cooking and kind of spilled a few things.
Um, I was told I was clumsy but I didn't believe that was true! I guess it sorta is. hand hurts. [`_´]
I actually received a good mark for my assignment, but, I suspect it's a pity grade! Hehe. Any-who, time for bed. I have chores and stuff to do before class starts in the morning. No more reading Shonen Jump before bed!
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