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Maki, the Raving Wolf
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Just call me Maki
Lots of stuff...
Anime Fan Since
Since "My Neighbor Totoro" came out
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A lot of them
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Writing music/ lyrics, drawing, raving (freehand)
You tell me....*wink* Just kidding
| PerpetualWolfSage
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Weeee!! Yey For Bruises!! (Todays actual post)
Anyway, Um.. i woke up this morning and realized that i can sleep in. I took a shower the night before and my hair still smelled like my shampoo. I considered it clean enough for school. It was a worthless attempt to try to go back to sleep however, Mom and Dad kept knocking on my door asking whether or not i was going to shower and when i was going to get up. Waking up every 10 minutes or so sucks during a 45 minute sleep in session. But i enjoyed the comfort of my bed anyway. I made sure that my nose was the only thing that was cold, for some reason and as i mentioned this to Kenny numerous times, I love it when my nose is cold...I don't know why, i just enjoy the feeling. But absolutely hate my feet or hands cold. *sticks feet under doggie that is sleeping under the desk*
I remembered talking to Kenny again. It wasn't much, but i felt happy to hear him again. Seriously THE COOLEST dude ever in the world. So many things to talk about and we have so much time to do it. WOOHOO!!!
School was pretty cool today. Really easy day i guess you can call it. In dance, Me, Seth, Trinity, Brit, Becca and Danielle sat outside the dance hall and goofed around like idiots. This group of Jock guys walked past us and were giving us this "look" of pure hatred. Me and Seth were drawing on the floor and looked at them back with a twitching eye. Right before they were going to turn the corner we both just shouted out "blehleawa". They got scared and walked off fast, kinda. What imbaciles. Our whole group sat outside and just talked about Warped tour, Seth freaking out at Blink 182 concerts....Man it was all a big blur...I remember laughing so hard that my tummy was hurting and I couldn't even laugh right. I was laughing so that you couldn't even here anything come out of my mouth just saw me sitting, or rolling over, with my mouth open, eyes squeezed shut like they always do when i laugh, and i was trying to breathe and everything. Jeezlaweez. Then we started talking about Brittany's party, and how were weren't supposed to freak out any of her other friends because they apparently thought that we were freaks and didn't even want us to come. But we all love Brittany and she said that she didn't care about what that other chick said, she still wanted us to come!! Now i'm definately bringing my DDR pad and stuff. Just becuase she was awesome like that.
Biology was good. I turned in my work and got some good work back. 90's and 100's. I did a 5 step lab where i had to mix Squished up Grapes with a pinch of yeast...Let's see what happens next class period. Some guy kept yelling out YEAST INFECTION!! and he bugs me...i hate him. I got to squish up the grapes!! It was fun though. i did it in front of the only person who really talks to me in that class, Maria. She's cool. *wonders why people don't talk to her and continues to squish grapes and draw yaoi *knows she spelled that wrong*
The rest of the day was pretty boring. I accidently agreed to do Rudy's homework however. I was talking to my other friend and i guess he asked me and i brushed him off by saying "yeah yeah sure". I remember grabbing a piece of paper and then saying "AWW SHIT" when class was over. Oh well, it's not like i haven't done it before. I finished that packet anyway. I was one of the 3 who actually did it in class. YEY!
Guard was Cool. I learned a new toss and a small combination. I bet i could have done it right if i hadn't dropped my flagpole straight down onto my foot. I've got this jimungo bruise on my foot and i can't bend it forward for a while...Yey.
I'm here at home now. Talking to Ben/Joel on AIM, and waiting for Kenny to get online...I had chicken pot pie for dinner and watched George Lopez for the first time in about 6 months. Whoowee that guy is funny. Umm...Anyway. I think that's about it. It's about time i got to posting a lot again. Now that i have an account at, I'm starting to post a lot more often and stuff. I'm thinking about changing my usernae for MyOtaku though...i'm just wondering if i should go through the trouble of Copying and Pasting all my stuff. *curls her upper lip up to feel her cold nose, laughs, snorts and slaps her hand on her thigh*
Love: Zutto aishiteru!!
=^.^= Maki
PurpleThunder07: *looks out the window* eww I just saw my dog pooping!!!
Egyptian Star140: O.O
Egyptian Star140: *Twitches.* O.-
PurpleThunder07: Seth you twitch funny
Egyptian Star140: I know. XD
*giggles and pokes Seth*
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