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myOtaku.com: PerpetualWolfSage

Friday, January 6, 2006

My day was awesome...
One little detail can always perk up the day, no matter what...XD
Ani-chan: Tell them! TELL THEM!

Hold on!! Let me go get my Pizza Rolls from the microwave, I'm hungry.
*two minutes later Maki arrives witha plate of yummy pizza rolls. Ani-chan is sitting in the chair, legs crossed, hand cradles her chin, looking bored*
...Oops, I burnt them. Image hosted by Photobucket.com
*rolls her eyes*

Well, Ok I'm just going to come out with it.
I had lost my book earlier and went looking for it. To take a shortcut after finding it, I cut across the outdoor covered courtyard thingy. Immediately to the right, two boys were sitting, cuddling and flirting with each other! IT WAS SO KAWAII!!!!
I turned around and looked at them, like this---> O.O....>.<
And gave them the biggest smile I had! They just kinda stopped and gave me a shy smile, both of them. AwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWwWw WwWwWwWwWwWwWWw
To make sure they knew it was safe to expose their precious relationship around me, I said "You guys are so cute! I want to take a picture. aww....
Don't worry, ya'll are safe"
With relieved smiles, they went back to flirting and cuddling faces in necks. AWWWWWWWWWW
I couldn't stop smiling and looking back at them once in a while.
After that, I saw one of them in the hall, and gave a smile, recieving a shy one in return. I sent Seth-chan out to see them too. They actually recocnized me from my Kifu hat....funny.

That just made my whole damn weekend.

So then I got on my bus to get home. After a while of sitting, I hear noise in the backseats (I usually sit towards the middle so I can listen to my music).
Two boys were having a sword fight with styrofoam 2 foot swords and wooden shields! It was so awesome. I wanted to join, but I decided against it and kept combing out Ani-chan's hair

Ani-chan: *smile* Thank you for letting me come with again. Seth talked to me more today! He's such a sweetheart!
Now I also want to come to Latin Class next year. I missed everyone again. I like how Seth-chan cuddles me in class. She's so pretty!!

Maki-san: Yup, the day was good, awesome, wonderful and I love everybody that I saw today.
I can't wait for next Saturday. I get to see more friends and people that I know. Hopefully make some new friends as well.

Maki-san, OUT! *throws victory sign*
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