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myOtaku.com: Petie

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Time of post: 6:36 PM - Italian Time (12:36 PM EST)
Hey everyone. Today has been going pretty well. We were expecting rain and it didn't come so that was good. It's actually really nice out right now which I didn't think would happen.

Let's see. Today, we went to see the Appian Way, the Roman Forums, and the Coliseum. I didn't get much sleep last night due to the fact that I spent about 10 hours asleep during the day on the bus so I was pretty tired at first. It wore off quickly though.

A real unexpected twist to today though was the almost 6 hours we had as free time we had today. We almost never get free time on these trips. I just walked around Rome for a while with a couple of other people on the trip.

Anwyay, that's about all for today. Have a great day and thanks for the comments yesterday!

Edit: 7:27 PM - Italian Time (1:27 PM EST)
Just to be a little more clear here, now that I know that I can get online, I should be able to post for the rest of the trip. Due to a lack of time though, I most likely will not be able to get to anyone's sites unless it's pretty late at night (here) and I'm not tired for some reason. Sorry about that.

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