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myOtaku.com: Phayt

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Ok. So I have had this place awhile now, and have done nothing with it. So I have changed a few things around, and made something of a post. I am going to post a fanfic sooner or later so watch out for it.

I am going to put my ob family here as well so it will stay.

My Ob family
Brothers: M.Ali, AzureWolf
Sisters: Kitty, Reiku, Frankie, Shinigami~Girl, SolarPrinces, icexfire, mikobabe
Cousin: Symphony
PM me if you want to join!

Monday, December 5, 2005

The shit I live with...
Who here, the people who actually read this stuff I type... mostly not alot off people... anyways who here hates theri family? Wants to get the fuck away from them the first cahnce you get? Well I am like that currently. My mom always insists on trying to help me with my life, when all she does is hurt me. I've told, yeah. She just doesn't seem to get the pint that I don't want her to be in my life, and that I can handle it. I just wish everyone would leave me the hell alone. I just want to live peacfully with my girlfriend, Imani.
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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Teh evilness of my computer
My computer sucks ok. Dont' ever want to work worth a crap. Not even on simple chat rooms at a 45.6KBps speed. Sad isn't it...
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Saturday, July 16, 2005

The strangeness of this world.
Heh... Man this world will pull some weird crap on you when you least expect it.

For example; I never remember being asked to go out with this one girl, or eveing saying I wanted to. (And no, I am only 15, and I don't drink or get high.) Yet strangely, I am. I am not saying that I don't want to, it's just weird the way this all happened.

Anyways, on another note, I am going through some phase of mine that don't happen often so I may be stranger than normal.

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Saturday, June 4, 2005

My ob Family.
I am just posting this here so I can have more space on my signature over on the OB.

Brothers: M.Ali, AzureWolf
Sisters: Kitty, Reiku, Frankie, Shinigami~Girl, SolarPrinces, icexfire, mikobabe
Cousin: Symphony

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