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Actress/Aspiring Model. But right now I'm in the middle of a move, so I don't have a job.
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Anime Fan Since
just a few months ago
Favorite Anime
I was lucky in that my first exposure to the style was Fruits Basket, because I absolutely love it!
Phedre's Page!
Hello, I'm Phedre. I've only recently become interested in Anime, but I'm gradually becoming a bigger fan.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
It's aaliiiiiiivvvveeeee!!!
Oh man, it's been a while. Two weeks felt like forever when I was back in England. I went to my old school's prom and such, and then I was in the graduation ceremony at Ely Cathedral. It's so pretty there. I don't know if any of you have been there, but if not, you should go. It's breathtaking, it's big and stony and old and very, very impressive. I'll put pictures up as soon as I get them developed. Speaking of that, that reminds me, I really need to hook up my digital camera.
ANIME! ANIME FROM BOYFRIEND! He gave me Diamond Daydreams, Outlaw Star (Woo!), and Gravitation (Double Woo!). I also got to watch Chobits and I loved it. Tenjho Tenge was also started, but not finished. Oh! And I got to see Maburaho!, which was really good except the ending. And now there's a lot more to add to my list of anime that I want to buy...
My cats just about clobbered me as soon as I came in the door. They haven't left my side since I got home last night. I don't think they're going to let me ever leave the house again. Anyway, just a little something to say I'm still alive!! If my connection holds up, I'll try and catch up on your sites. It may have to wait for a more.. reliable... connection though.
Missed you guys!
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Hey, I gotta keep this short because the internet keeps going out. I'm going to be gone for two weeks; headed to England. I'll try and post from there, but if not I'm really sorry.
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Featured Quiz Result:
Visually addicting, eh? Wow, that's quite the ego boost!
Ah, it's so true. I AM a dreamer.
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures)
 People see you as a Dreamer. You always have your head in the clouds and long for a better place. Dreamers are imaginative and creative and often have a very short attention span. My recamendation to all dreamers is to try to make all your dreams come true! Never say Never my dear dreamer! Take this quiz!
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