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^-^" Last summer... 2003
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Be the greatest manga artist
Drawing, watching cartoons... drawing....
| Pheonix fire
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Weird dreams...
I walked into this big castle, but instead of a normal castle, there was a huge cafe! When I went to sit down, two other people sat at the table. I was quite shocked when I saw who it was; Count D and one of his animal people. >.>" I couldn't say that I knew who he was, but we got to talking. It was super awkward seein' as anyone who has read the manga knows plenty about Count D. The guy with him musta been some sort of bird or something, it was always pecking at popcorn. :P Anyway, after we chat, he offers to buy me lunch, and my mom wakes me up before it could get good. ;-; Nuts! I wanted t'talk to D some more.
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
My dog...
Last night my dog I've had since I was two passed away... My mom stayed with him until the late hours of the morning, where he finally passed away. I'm glad to say he is in a better place, no longer in pain, and some day we'll meet again... I was crying earlier when I saw my dad digging his grave up, my poor dog... ;-; I'll always miss him, and I hope I never forget him...
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Well... I've always been a procrastinator....
 You are Sloth!
Which Homunculus Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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:3 the cuteness!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
The cuteness! :3 They're adorable, ne?
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Dancin' kitty ^---^
Adorable, ne?
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Monday, March 21, 2005
Just another fan-girl?!?!
I can't believe it.... I finally boarded the band wagon, and bought a shojo manga. X.x' Well, at least now I see what was being raved about; Fruits Basket is entertaining, funny, and very well drawn(I have much respect for the cross-hatching artist's abilities). Ah well... I'm waiting for my Saiyuki book to come via mail order. X.x' I'm not really into girly manga (Smacks Sailor moon with mallet), sorry but I'm not. Shonen is more my thing. I'd rather watch Yusuke blow demons into bloody chunks or Gojyo slicing things appart than love triangles and all aspects of love and what not... Some is good, but I'm not one to get over loads on that stuff. >.O"
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Hard drawings!!!
For the past two days I've been trying to draw the characters in my newest addition to my manga collection: Saiyuki. The manga's really good, I happen to like it alot, and can see why my friend who informed me of it was raving about it.... though I still don't see how she can like Gojyo though. Pervy Kappa...
Anyway, I've been drawing the characters from different pictures in the manga to post here. I have one thing to say: I truly admire anyone who has the ability to draw these characters! They're majorly hard to draw, and I've already been doodling sketches to make sure I know how to do it right before adding onto the final project. X.x' wish me luck! I might actually get a friend to color it for me since I would probably mess it up too.
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
'Tis true. ^-^
 Intellect! Brainy you ^^. You are hight intelligent. You love riddles and to solve them. You think logic and you have a great creativity.
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Today is quiz day apparently! ^---^ Enjoy!
 Your an electric Dragon! Well, Well, Well, Speedy! Electic dragons are just do darn quick, which means you must be quick at something. Whether its running, swimming, or answering questions, you are super speed. But of course, you have a craze for video games or computers. You can play amazingly at any game or at least try to. Go you!
What elemental dragon are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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-^.^- Yay!
 Edward Elric
Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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