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Faryal (said: Fairy-L)
I broke a girls tooth once. LoL. She was swearing at my family and i had to teach her a lesson; though this was years ago. Oh ya tht and ofcourse how i'd persuaded my dad to let me dye my hair at the age of 11!!!!!!^-^.
Anime Fan Since
Ever since my cuzin told me bout it, n whn was tht? i dont remember ^^".
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Shaman King, DNAngel, Beyblade, Card Captors, Inu-yasha, Digimon, Sailor-Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Duel Masters, Pokemon (Advanced),
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| PhoebyJinamanegf
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
ROTTEN DAY!!!!!! >-
Today is such a rotten day!!! Arghhhh!!!
My best friend, Alveera, she acting so...well more then rude!!! C, 1st of all, shez ignoring me. And then today, 2 things happened tht totally shocked me. 1: This girl was making fun of my friend, Anna, n thn my frined started crying. So me n my other friends were trying 2 make her stop crying. Thn my Alveera went up2 Anna and said, "don't cry Anna. Shez just a b****." n thn i said, "Alveera, plzz." n she replied in this disgusted and rude way, "Don't tell me what to do Faryal." And i just walked away. I mean shes been my bestfriend for 2 whole years and now shes this?!?! I thought tht she was just a lil mad @ tht girl and needed a lil break. But no. I was SOO wrong. Bcuz this is wht happened next-> 2: At lunch we were playing truth n dare. But i didn't participate in it. So just 2 make sure Alveera wasn't mad @ me or w/e, wen the bottle landed on her, she chose truth, and so i told 1 of the girls 2 ask Alveera if she was stranded on an island thn which of her friends would she pick? So whn the girl asked her tht she didn't say my name let me tell u. She said another one of my friends name. And wen the girl asked who would ur 2nd pick be she said another one of my friends namez. And wen tht girl asked who would she eliminate from her mind, as in who would she not pick at ALL, thn she said my name. I can tell u this much tht there was a really REALLY weird feeling inside me. No i didn't feel like crying and yes i was totally surprised. But i felt weird.
C, shes not being herself lately. And i'm ignoring her. BUT I DON'T EVEN NO WHT I DID!!! And as far as i can remember, i didn't say anything 2 her. O ya, and she called me a spoilt brat and said i can't understand jokes plus she said tht i'm stubborn. I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. I mean, hello, she was my best friend. OK well she WAS my best friend. She isn't anymore. But a part of me is REALLY sad and another 1 is really angry. *Sigh*. O well. if u ppl can give me sum advice, i'd be REALLY grateful. Bcuz @ this moment i REALLY feel...sad and angry. :(. >-<.
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