Phoenix Blade
An Ancient’s Tale
Twisting hollow hell
The truth can’t hear me
Choking scent of death
I’m cursed by my own mind
Fangs of death approach
There’s nothing you can do
My revenge is nigh
All you can do is die
Hellfire rises up
Everything turns to ash
Shards of icy death
Freeze to oblivion
Corruption is my being
Within the bowels of flame
Nothing will control me
I walk where angels fear to tread
Earth rules over air
Suppressing the rays of sun
Air rules over flame
Cooling the heat within
Flame rules over ice
Drowning all with evil
And ice rules over earth
Sustaining is strength to kill
Blood reigns from the sky
From the victims of my blade
Hell rises to the air
Claiming all in its might
Earth is now my realm
Governed by fear and hate
These worthless fools shall pay
For stealing the planet from mother
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Rune, Part 5 ~ Finale
You've all waited patiently, and, now, the finale of Rune...
Just as Sairga neared the house of Luthien’s parents, the sun was beginning to set. As he was able to see the cottage, he ducked behind a large boulder.
“Here goes the Giantetsu…” Sairga spoke to himself.
Sairga dashed away from the boulder and faced the cottage. In one bursting flap, he sent a flurry of feathers towards it, slicing through it until it collapsed.
“Did you actually think that would kill me?” A voice spoke from above Sairga.
Sairga looked up, to his dismay, and saw Infini floating above him.
“That was just a sample. Do you want the full course?” Sairga asked.
“Sounds good to me.”
Infini grasped the hilt of his sword and swiped at the air. This sent a ring of energy toward Sairga. But just before it hit him, he split into five copies of himself.
“Is that all you got?” All five of them taunted.
“It may be fun to play with such a pathetic human.” Infini spoke.
“I am not a human!
The five Sairgas proceeded to surround Infini. The first used Giantetsu. The second unsheathed the Doom Blade and began swiping wildly. The third used a Zomon Mizrinobu. The fourth used Shadow, which fired an energy ball of pure darkness. And the fifth flew up to punch Infini.
All of Sairga’s attacks missed, except for the Shadow, which was mentally guided, not physically aimed. The Shadow hit its mark, but did nothing other than annoying Infini. Infini dove toward Sairga, but just as he hit him with the hilt of his sword, Sairga disappeared.
“All of my images can hurt you, so be careful with what you do.” The four remaining Sairgas spoke.
“This is beginning to irritate me…” Infini spoke, in a very annoyed voice, “I’ll end all of this now.”
Infini outstretched his hand up in the air. At first, there was just a flicker of light, but soon, there was an energy ball. It grew larger until it was at least three times the size of the house. He threw it into the air, but it didn’t come down. Instead, it began firing hundreds of small energy balls. Soon, there was only one Sairga left, the one that fired the Zomon Mizrinobu. He was weaving in and out of the energy barrage, but to no avail. He was hit, then after that was a chain reaction. For what seemed like an eternity, Sairga was shot repeatedly with the many small energy balls. Once the barrage died down, all that was left was a beaten and bloody warrior. Infini approached him as the dust cleared.
“Didn’t I tell you?” Infini began, “That was amusing… I guess you shall receive a quick death.”
“You…” Sairga began, “will… pay…”
“Ha! What can you do to me?”
“I’ll show you… The last of my strength, poured into my hand! Zomon Mizrinobu!”
Sairga flung his hand upward, with the last bit of his strength, and fired a Zomon Mizrinobu at close range. As the dust from the blast began to clear, Sairga could see that Infini was unharmed. Infini grasped Sairga’s hand and moved it to the side.
“That wasn’t needed,” Infini began, “Now your death will be slow.”
Infini flicked his wrist to the side, breaking Sairga’s. Turning around, he flung Sairga over his shoulder and into the ground, still clutching his broken wrist. Just before he struck the final blow, something crashed into the back of his head, careening him into the ground.
“I’m glad I came,” A voice spoke, “or you wouldn’t be here.”
“Oh, now I hate you, Kasul.” Sairga sputtered, “Why did you waste you lovely time to save me?”
“Well,” Kasul began as he dashed away from Infini with Sairga, “two of the four elite of the Shadow Clan have met their demise by Infini’s demons. I knew that we couldn’t defeat him alone, so I thought the remaining two elite should work together.”
“And what made you thing I’d work with you?”
“It was at least worth trying.”
“Where are you taking me anyway!?”
“I’m taking you to the Healing Clan. You’re a little banged up if you hadn’t noticed.”
“Too late. There it is”
Kasul swiftly rushed Sairga into the gates of the Healing Clan, letting the members do the rest. He didn’t go with Sairga, however. He had other business to do at the moment.
Meanwhile, Rune and Nuphotak arrive with their new, yet familiar companion, Luthien. They were told that a friend of theirs is here, and at once they knew whom it was. They rushed to the infirmary where he was held.
“How could you be so stupid!? I told you not to fight him!” Rune shouted.
“Just shut up…” Sairga sputtered.
“Well, at least you’re still alive.” Nuphotak growled.
“Could all of you leave?” Sairga asked.
“We’ll be outside, you spoiled punk.” Rune stated.
Rune and the others walked outside as Kasul walked in. He threw Sairga’s equipment onto the bed and waited for him to get dressed.
“Why are you doing this?” Sairga asked.
“Didn’t I already tell you?” Kasul replied.
“I know that, but I’m smarter than you think. If something wasn’t about to happen soon, you would’ve let me rest.”
“Alright. I have been informed that he will attack the Healing Clan soon.”
“Great. In my state, I can’t do anything. I only have one shot at this moment.”
“Don’t tell me you’re going to use the Doom Blade.”
“Yeah. I can use the power of the souls vanquished by the blade in unison with my life as an attack. Hence, its name.”
“Just use the power of the souls, but don’t use yours!”
“Too bad. I’ve made my decision.”
An explosion rocked the infirmary. Demons began coming from everywhere. The final battle has now begun.
“Nuphotak, get Luthien out of here!” Rune commanded, “Now!”
“I would like to fight. I will kill them on behalf of my elder.”
“Just do what I say! NOW!”
“I guess knowing that the dragons I’ve summoned are killing them will suffice. Luthien, come with me.”
Nuphotak led Luthien to the back of the Infirmary, where he stood in the doorway with his battle-axe.
“Now, I’ll find Infini.” Rune spoke to himself.
Rune dashed into a room and busted through a window, quickly taking to the air in search for Infini. What he saw was worse than Infini. He saw Infini fighting a man and the injured Sairga.
Sairga hovered just off the roof, as Kasul and Infini battled near the edge. To the eyes, it appeared the two were evenly matched. But, looking closer, you could see that Kasul was using everything he could to not be hit. Tired as he was, he pushed on.
“Kasul, be careful!” Sairga shouted.
“I’ll be fine for a little longer. Just hurry up and gather the energy you need!” Kasul commanded, just as he was dealt a crushing blow to the side of his head.
Kasul flew to the ground, and hit with an amazing force. Slowly, he raised himself, and limped to the wall, where he began to scale to the roof with his bare hands. As he reached the roof, he glanced to the side and saw Infini making his approach to Sairga. Summoning up all his strength, he tackled Infni just before he reached Sairga. He unsheathed his Shadow Sword, and with its ability to boost his speed, used the last bit of his energy attacking Infini. He was soon overpowered and knocked out. He lay there lifeless in Infini’s grasp, high above the ground. Infini tossed away Kasul, and soon began to drift towards Sairga.
“Maybe Kasul wasn’t just a stuck up freak…” Sairga began, “I’ve had it! Infini, you die now! Goodbye everyone…”
The blade of the Doom Blade began to glow a faint dark light. Soon a dark light drifted from Sairga to the Doom Blade. Sairga felt fainter all the while. When he could give no longer, he released it. Sairga swung the Doom Blade at Infini, connecting with his chest. The power surged from the blade to Infini, and they both fell to Forsena.
All the while, Rune has been watching. Finally, he couldn’t take it any more and flew to Sairga, catching him before he hit the ground.
“Good… bye… Ru… ne…” Sairga sputtered.
“Sairga…” Rune murmured.
“Urgh. That kid has a strong attack, but it seems it didn’t work. Ugh…” Infini spoke.
“Infini… You took the Phoenix Clan… the Dragon Clan… the Healing Clan… but most of all, Sairga… For this… I condemn you.”
“You can’t do anything you impudent whelp!”
For the first time in years, Rune unsheathed his sword, the Duel Blade. He flew at Infini with every ounce of energy in him. His blade sliced through Infini’s chest, but at the last moment, Infini stabbed up. Both of them lay on the ground, lifeless.
Through two years of chaos, the evil being Infini Tanuviel was vanquished. The price was steep, however, at the cost of losing the Phoenix Clan, all but one of the Dragon Clan, half of the Healing Clan, the strongest of the Shadow Clan, including two of the elite, Kasul Kalakareh and Sairga Karowind, and Rune Cuthalion.
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
Oh, and, by the way...
As I have stated earlier at the beginning of Rune, I do have these copyrighted. If you try and plagiarize any of these contents, I will kick your ass physically AND legally.
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Just saying hello. I'm planning on posting the rest of Rune sometime, don't really know when though. Haven't felt like going through it and redoing some stuff. But, I'll leave you all with a present. A preview of the sequel...
Darkness… Hatred… Agony… Corruption… Evil. These words are the very essence of the world as it is today. But, as the world becomes ashes of its former self, a flicker of hope still remains. As the population quickly falls into despair, a small band of warriors prepare themselves to end the chaos, and stop the man controlling the land. But to do this, they must destroy the entire government and themselves within it.
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Sleepy... Interesting post, eh?
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Aw, what the hell...
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I lovable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. What was your first impression?
5. Do you still think that way about me now?
6. What do you think my weakness is?
7. Do you think I'll get married? If so, to whom and when?
8. What makes me happy?
9. What makes me sad?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Do you think I could kill someone?
15. Describe me in one word.
16. Do you think our ...friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
18. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
Courtesy of Shinimegami.
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Did you miss me?
Yeah, I stopped posting for a bit. Did you miss me? Starting the day with a bang, and a poem I wrote. This is by far my darkest poem, and probably soon to be my most hated.
My Forsaken One
I heard a faint scream,
A scream, echoed, into the air,
I searched, running, for the source of this scream,
But where it began, no one was there,
A sound of dripping blood rattled my ear,
The scream wasn’t here, no, not here.
Looking more, a puddle of blood at my feet,
I noticed this was where she and I were to meet,
I looked down, and saw her lying, bare,
A gash at her chest, and a knife by her hair,
Even in death, she kept her great beauty,
My lovely orchid, why did she have to die?
I loved her so, yet I can’t even cry.
I touched her pale, cold face,
So beautiful and lifeless, I could never erase,
I longed for one last touch, one last kiss,
I would’ve shown her more love,
If I knew it’d be ending like this.
Grabbing the knife, I knew what to do,
I held it firmly in place at my chest,
I know what I’m doing; I will see her again,
I will soar to the heavens, and be again with my dove,
I have chosen to die for my forsaken one, my love.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
For those of you on the Leviathan server of FFXI...
It's wedding time! Sairga(me)+Aeriss. Don't know when it'll be, but we're in the progress of earning up enough money(me, anyway). Aer, if you read this, love ya. ;)
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Featured Quiz Result:
This is totally like me.
This sound right.
 You're as dark as can get. You like to laugh at people, make fun of them, hurt their feelings. You're in so deep, you'll never get out, and you probably don't want to get out too. You make the world a darker place. Better get my flashlight...
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