Number 5 (09/04/04)
howdy! like your site here! the theme suites it! hehehe! if you have time, come by my site and check out my fanart aight? laters!
~ #5 ~
Usagi&Mamoru (09/03/04)
Hey! Cool site! Come visit mine sometime! I'm adding you as a friend! TTYL!
IAmKagome (08/28/04)
Yay! A Hp fan!!!! I shall add you as a friend!
dark moon fox (08/22/04)
hey there! great site, nice art too. inuyasha fan i see me too!^_^ hey ur sesshie pic thats better than i could do at 10! i still dont have enough guts to draw him!hey, im the same age as u jus noticed that! i must have put in the wroung date! well bybyes 4 now hope to see u again!
HEAVY (08/21/04)
clicked random member and u came up. nice site. i added u as a friend add me too k.
Petie (08/18/04)
Hey! Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook.
Also, thanks for the compliments on my site ^_^ I really like your site too. I've seen you around on a lot of my friends' sites and have been meaning to stop by but it looks like you beat me to it.
Of course you can add me as a friend! I'll do the same ok?
P.S. Thanks, I like your avatar too. By the way, congrats on beating the fourth game! I only have the first but my PS2 doesn't work too well so I haven't gotten much of a chance to play it.
che lee (08/17/04)
kool site
botan32 (08/15/04)
hey! cool site!! ^_^ i just clicked on random member and it landed on your site!! wow, nice art!! hehe... well, added you as a friend hope you don't mind! :) see ya laterz!
0.o Inuyasha o.0 (08/14/04)
hey! neato site, visit mine ne-time, plz sign my gb!!! later!
Jaganshi (08/14/04)
Hi there! Cool site. Love your background! Anyway, you're my random member of the moment, so I'm adding you as a friend ^_^ Can you sign my gb if you get this? Thank you ^_^ OK, later!