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Saturday, January 1, 2005
My Resignation
Written in plain English so anyone can read it, understand it and therefore no longer expect it of me.
I PhuZi also known by many names hereby resign from being a party thrower. I will not be throwing the Caffeine party, I will not throw a week after New Years party, I will not throw a Mardi Gras party and I won’t even be throwing myself any more birthday parties. To make it even clearer if it wasn’t already. I simply won’t be throwing any more parties. Now dearies, this isn’t to say these things won’t happen, I retire from any form of the business in which one must plan such thing and or host such thing. Feel free to throw any form of party yourself and invite me but I will no longer respond to any form of “We should get all our friends together” by offering either of my houses. This will be one of very few non-1337 entries you may have. Please feel free to attempt to change my mind.
(2) |
Saturday, December 25, 2004
5+F|_| 1337 57y|(- b@8y (If you may get in trouble for bad words on the screen I don't suggest you come back to this site for a while)
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(3) |
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
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(2) |
Sunday, October 17, 2004
#/-\|2|)3|2 1337. |)0|\|+ |1||20p|2/-\+(-
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(1) |
Saturday, July 17, 2004
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Pretty Girl
Cute without the E (cut from the team)
My Soldier
Stuck in America
|)@72 4|1 ] #@\/[- |>|-|0|2 |\|0\/\/. ]|>H $0|\/|(- ()|\|[- (0|_|1|) 7311 |\/|3 8y |>|-|!|\|d1n6 4 900|) 4|\|1|\/|3 M|>3 |)()\/\/|\|104|) $]+3 7#!|\|6, 4n|) |)/-\ |_|r1 p#()|2 "You're So Last Summer" ( < [-/-\$y 2 $(-@|2(# |>h()|2|\/|47 > ) 8y "Taking Back Sunday". 4(7|_|@[y @|\|y 5()n9 8y 7#3|\/| \/\/0|_|1|) 8 9|23[-+. 3|2|\/| |>|2(-7+y |\/|u(# /-\|\|y m|_|$!|< ]2 60()|). \/\/3|| 172 2:45@|\/| /-\|\|d 7#[-|23 1s +0|\|z 2 8 |)()|\|3, 50 1m 60|\|n4 8 0fp|-| |\|()\/\/.
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